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Everything posted by blaeZ

  1. blaeZ

    Nighttime in this game is horrible

    Can I report TheMachine's avatar for almost making me puke? Don't look at it!
  2. blaeZ

    Everything, gone.

    You're seriously daft if you believe product testers dont get paid. http://www.consumerworldwide.com/paid-product-testing.html http://www.productreviewmom.com/2013/06/how-can-i-get-paid-to-test-products.html http://consumerproducttesting.org/ https://www.facebook.com/getpaidtotestproducts Just about every industry has paid product testers for their products. That was just the first 4 links on google, but you're probably right. And then there's this: de·vel·op·erdiˈveləpər/nounnoun: developer; plural noun: developers a person or thing that develops something. "a property developer" a person who grows or matures at a specified time or rate. "I was a slow developer" a chemical agent used for treating photographic film to make a visible image. Duhhhh... nothing about money in there... do developers get paid?
  3. blaeZ

    Everything, gone.

    Its fine, think of yourself as a tester. Hope that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Here's a picture of some actual testers:
  4. blaeZ

    stuck in schoolhouse @ krasnostov

    Nice, glad I could help.
  5. blaeZ

    Everything, gone.

    Cool. I've got a new homemade jetpack invention I need testers for. Just pay me $30 and you can be tester #1.
  6. blaeZ

    stuck in schoolhouse @ krasnostov

    Whenever im stuck like that, I just fire my weapon to lure zombies and they push me out of the structure. No need to log out, but it may be safer since you're not alerting survivors to your position.
  7. blaeZ

    Was I killed by a hacker

    Please dont attack someone's english. You probably wouldn't type with perfect grammar if english was your second language.
  8. blaeZ

    Everything, gone.

    My point being, testers usually get paid or compensated in some way. You are under no such obligation to report anything at all. It obviously helps if people do, but I dont agree that by purchasing the game we are all testers. I'll be glad to hire anybody that wants to pay me for their work. Any takers? You can indeed call yourself testers if you want. ;)
  9. blaeZ

    Was I killed by a hacker

    Edit: Grimey Rick beat me to it.
  10. blaeZ

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    You should search for similar suggestion posts before making one of your own. Help keep the clutter down, ya know?
  11. blaeZ

    Everything, gone.

    In soviet russia, tester pay YOU! You are a consumer, not a tester. Nonsense.
  12. blaeZ

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    Just thought someone would put a little more effort in than that. How hard would it have been to record that over actual gameplay footage instead of a screenshot? A little extra effort = bigger impact. Though since im not doing it myself, I guess i'll shut it now.
  13. blaeZ

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    How about real evidence? You know, something thats not just audio recorded over a screenshot from the game.
  14. Yes, but please search for similar suggestions before you post. You would have found many existing posts about vehicles, specifically trains. I read somewhere they were going to add bikes before cars... hope that is soon. Sniping someone off a bike sounds like fun.
  15. There really should be a post minimum in order to post a suggestion here. <_<
  16. Looks like it, but its actually leaves from the tree on the right.
  17. I agree, I visited the new city and toured the new town hall, not much lag for me. Im running i5 quad/7870hd. I underlined the reason for the lag you experience. Sorry, but playing on that old laptop, you're always going to have a bad time. Even the newer gaming laptops won't run this game smoothly the way a well-equipped desktop can.
  18. blaeZ

    Actual Super Market

    Poor dead horse. We know a mall is out of the question at this point.
  19. blaeZ

    Actual Super Market

    exactly. not sure why you re-phrased the same point, but thanks.
  20. blaeZ

    Actual Super Market

    The idea for a shopping mall or walmart type store was dismissed on the second post of this topic. No need to further beat that dead horse. Something slightly bigger than the current store model would be a nice touch and add some variety. Is it really outside the realm of reality to think there's a store that contains more than 4 aisles in all of Chernarus?
  21. No longer do you run slower when carrying a rifle. Not sure if its going to stay that way or not. Dropping the weapon to deal with zombies and eating/drinking/bandaging is a real pain in the ass though. Still I think it should stay like it is.
  22. blaeZ

    farmer dude sry ( kos )

    This belongs in craigslist's 'missed connections' section.
  23. blaeZ

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I did some sniping of zombies from the balota overwatch apartment buildings. It seems that the bipod had no effect whatosever on my PSO scoped AKM. Can anyone else confirm that? I was laying there for several minutes, zoomed in, then deployed bipod and zoomed again. No change in stability/accuracy from what I could tell.
  24. You can carry two primary guns now, one on your back, one in your hands. I think allowing 2 primary weapons to be slung is a bad idea.