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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. stinkenheim

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    What is it you think .63 will have? Why do you think that will bring players back for the long haul? I guarantee the first month of .63 will see dayz being one of the more popular steam games. The problem is, even with a new and polished engine the game will be effectively the same as it has been for the last couple of years. I love this game, it's probably my favourite game ever but there are only so many times you can loot the same town and do the same basic things before it gets dull. Part of the problem is that a lot of players are not interested in interaction which reduces the unique feel of the game in areas, I've not been handcuffed and forcefed disinfectant for a year or So, no I just get shot in the back of the head when drinking from a well or something. As much as I don't want the players diluted I think the only time you'll get a constant upsurge in numbers is when nodding is released, until then there are games like PUBG which offer a similar level of gameplay (in terms of the shooting element) without the Labour intensive looting and sparse map population.
  2. stinkenheim

    New patch!?

    I don't see you can say they are pushing off beta priorities by focusing just on audio and visual patches. You do realise that .60 (the first graphical update) was the implementation of the new renderer allowing for massive fps gains on almost all systems. .61 included the new sound engine and not only changed the way the game sounds but added removed several bugs like gunshots not being heard by players. .62 has now introduced a range of new textures and models to allow the engine to use fewer resources whilst creating a scene as well ass redesigning aspects of.the map to completely change the western border. the renderer and the sound engine were the two easiest parts of the new engine to install (relatively speaking) because they were not intertwined with everything. That's why they were done separately. It's the fact that the remaining modules all depends so heavily on each other that is making .63 such a ball ache. So yeah, on the surface the latest patches are just visual but there's surface of much more that you clearly don't see.
  3. stinkenheim

    Weapon dissipears

    Press g. Chances are something got stuck in your hands and g will throw it out
  4. stinkenheim

    Food & drink Fix

    Look at the stone texture on some floors and you will get a message saying 'search for stones'. Do this until you find a stone, then take the stone into your hands and look at the same texture and it will say 'craft stone knife'. Do this, and you will have a 1 slot knife to open tins, skin and quarter animals/people, cut up rags, cut up bushes for sticks, cut bark off of a tree (combine with 1 stick to make a drill kit that you can use to light fires to cook food) and cut a branch from a tree (used as a melee weapon and also can have meat attached and then 'pose stick towards fire' and wait until it is cooked). Apple trees are pretty common and you can search for apples by walking up to them and selecting the 'search for apples' option. They both hydrate and energise you and are pretty decent food sources. Berries can be poisonous so it's risky imo. Loot the Dean Hall zombies (do a google search) and you will always find a kiwi on them. I seem to be finding a lot of tinned tuna on firemen zombies atm, might be a fluke though. Food frequently spawns in clothes so it's worth looking at them in the inventory screen. Best advice though, move away from the coast. Use an app like isurvive or an online map to help you navigate. Most towns have water pumps to get safe, clean water (just walk up to it with nothing in your hands to drink straight from the pump). A cooking pot, bottle or canteen can be used to hold water by having them in your hands and selecting the same option at the pump. You can drink from any ponds too, although if you are low on health (colours are faded/grey) then you are likely to get cholera which will more than likely kill you. When healthy drinking from them is unlikely to harm you at all. Hope some o those help.
  5. stinkenheim

    DayZ Experimental 0.61

    Have you downloaded experimentall on steam? If not, in your library right click dayz. Select properties and then opt in to the beta through one of those options. You'll download the latest experimental patch and be good to go.
  6. It's Wednesday. They do maintenance every Wednesday and have since the game launched. Wait until lunchtime at the latest and it'll be back up.
  7. stinkenheim

    Feedback on guns and ammo in 0.61

    Don't use experimental as a basis for how the game will be on stable. Experimental has a handful of servers available all of which are full 90+% of the time. the amount of through traffic in all towns is ridiculously high. Compare that to a stable release where a good 40% or more of the servers are less than half full the majority of the time and you'll find that the rarity of loot won't continue. I agree though, a stack of 20 rounds should be a really rare spawn. If you find 5 in one go you should be happy.
  8. And the majority of other posters in that thread say they are meeting more people in land on the routes between those tents. You obviously don't think it's a good idea but until it's on stable and been live for a few weeks no one will be able to say for sure how it's impacting the game
  9. Let's not forget the CLE is to be regionalised meaning high tier weapons and such won't he found on the coast. chances are, once fully implemented, you'll get backpacks, boots, helmets and clothes near the coast. further inland you'll start getting vests and ammo. At the main military locations you'll get standard military weapons and gear and in ttisy the rarest military items.
  10. stinkenheim

    [REVIEW] Debug Monitor

    I was under the impression it's only in experimental as a way of assisting with bug reports and tracking issues in game. as such I really don't see the point in this thread, no offence intended.
  11. stinkenheim

    Hypothermia(Stable) Bug?

    Apologies, I assumed as you said hyperthermia in the post that the headline was a typo. Light three or four fires and sit in the middle of them. iirc a single fire doesn't warn you up quickly enough. if you can get a raincoat, firefighter or m65 jacket as they have good thermal properties.
  12. stinkenheim

    Hypothermia(Stable) Bug?

    Hyper= too hot Hypo= too cold. Sit in a pond until soaking and don't worry about it. it'll cause you too dehydrate quicker but nothing else.
  13. stinkenheim

    RP map additions

    I thought all buildings had 'useable' fireplaces in them since a few patches ago... Plus there are plenty of small groups of houses around the map both in land and nearer to the edge of the map. Don't see the issue personally.
  14. stinkenheim

    Simple question.

    Nope. Despawns on restart.
  15. stinkenheim

    Tents Stay Persistent for How Long?

    Last i heard it ws 45 days because of an issue with resetting the timer when moving gear inside a tent
  16. stinkenheim

    The Frequency of Updates

    Why should it take them less than three years? And yes, they are going to be qualified workers and the project leads will likely feel they have enough staff for the development of this title. If they don't then you outsource or hire additional people for the bits you need. I think it's more than a little unfair to slate the competency of the development team because it isn't moving as fast as you want. In recent months the devs have been far more vocal in the reasons behind delays and issues. It's great seeing that increase in transparency. Check out some of the old videos, Chris torchia in particular spike about the difficulty of hiring a large number of new staff to work on the title. Just because the game made money doesn't mean that it should be done quickly, that's not how the real world works.
  17. stinkenheim

    The Frequency of Updates

    Tbh I don't think the devs can win with regards to updates. If they take their time with an update people complain that the game is dying or the devs are lazy. If they pump out updates containing different clothes or new textures for buildings people will jump all over them in exactly the same way that they whinge when weapons or items are shown on trello, 'why aren't the devs fixing bugs, we don't need a million different t shirts.' Hats off to Hicks, I appreciate him taking the time to explain things to people. It's great to see the devs taking more of an active stance on the forums.
  18. stinkenheim

    1st person perspective only (Message to devs)

    Ok, I phrased that poorly. What I meant by 'gaining greater information about the surroundings' was in reference to things like the sound being clearer in 1pp and things like showing your hunger status etc. I should have said the player's status or something but I was tired lol. Either way, both camera angles should represent the character being played. Regardless of individual preferences, if I play a character in 3pp then I should be able to see the statuses of that character in the exact same way that a player using 1pp can because that character is supposed to be me in the game. No one should have to switch between camera modes simply to see if their character is hungry or tired or whatever. In regards to the out of breath thing, I've run marathons in the past and I can still hear things pretty well when I run. Obviously as you run about the noise you make will drown out some of the background noises but when you stop your breathing isn't loud enough to drown out everything in your immediate vicinity. That's how it feels in 1pp, the sound of the characters breathing is ridiculously over the top, even when stationary and there is no way to slow or control the breathing effectively which you would do in a real life situation. As for someone who 'carefully plans movements' I think that argument is flawed when a character with completely steady breath can be wheezing like an asthmatic geriatric after a 5 meter run. It's not about planning your movements or movement speed it is about the fact that even a short sprint will leave the charter loudly panting for a long while and unable to hear anything at all. Considering you already have over the top sway when you are out of breath I don't think also effectively being deafened is a good move if it is deliberate. I agree that wall peeking is an issue with 3pp and think there are still steps that can be taken to either make it more difficult or to limit what can be seen but they have been mentioned many times before. I like 1pp but to be honest the performance issues previously made the game uncomfortable to play for long periods imo, the constant micro stuttering and general fps issues were not pleasant in 1pp but far more tolerable in 3pp. If 1pp fov didn't feel as artificially 'narrow', and as we both said if issues like being able to see out of windows were resolved it would be a better experience on the whole. I honestly think 1pp will be improved by all the new engine changes and performance tweaks and I think it will pick up in popularity as a result. 3pp will likely always be the default option though because it is the one that most people are introduced to via streams and youtube videos.
  19. stinkenheim

    1st person perspective only (Message to devs)

    If I could see out of windows in first person I would gladly play it more but it feels like my character is a child when I can barely see over the window ledge. Additionally, tone the volume of the character's breathing down... Can't hear anything after you've been running about. I would be happy with 3pp being more 'over the shoulder' but dislike the idea of being better at hearing or otherwise gaining greater information about your surroundings from the game purely by being in one camera mode over the other.
  20. stinkenheim

    "Bumblebee" PLANE: Specs & Discussion

    Meh. I can see some people being pleased that there are more planes/helis coming in but I'm personally fine without any of them. On a purely aesthetic note, the art team continue to make some gorgeous pieces. Hats off to those guys.
  21. This hasn't been a constant bug for that long, there may have been similar issues previously but in recent patches it has worked ok. I think the main issue was the tone that you conveyed in your post was one of demand and entitlement rather than being an informative post highlighting a potential issue. Besides, bugs should be filed on the bug tracker. It's where they are listed so the devs can ensure that they are added to the fix list to be looked at at a suitable time deending on the severity of the bug.
  22. Or desynch.... The guy dropped dead shortly after as all 30 rounds registered once the server worked out exactly where he was.
  23. You may well find it annoying but it isnt game breaking in any way and as such should not require an immediate fix from the devs. According to the status report released today this issue (which has been prevalent through this patch in particular) is being addressed for .61. As for actual in game impacts on your player- it just makeseems you lose hydration quicker. I have found that removing hats, gloves and face coverings from my character and sitting in a pond fully dressed for some time is the easiest way of cooling down. Clothing plays a big part too, m65 jackets for example have a higher insulation value than shirts so will cause you to warm up more. Out of curiosity what is your character wearing?
  24. stinkenheim

    All Time Low Population

    When games aren't just re-skinned sequels like the CoD franchise or Fifa they take more than 1-3 years. The more you can borrow from preexisting games the quicker the development speed. Fallout 4 likely began around 2010, Skyrim took about 4 years, No Mansfield Skype started in 2012. A lot of games take more than 3 years to develop. Originally Standalone was to be a refined and polished version of the mod. It's not surprising that initially the development timeliness was much shorter.
  25. stinkenheim

    All Time Low Population

    I'm old so maybe my memory is fuzzy but I certainly remember the years spent eagerly waiting for new games to come out and the constant slipping of deadlines that came with it. I remember preordering Legend of Zelda- Twilight Princess when it was first announced for the gamecube. I was pumped for that game. Never happened though, about a year, 18 months later it got pushed onto the wii instead and I still had to wait ages for it to come out on that platform. Games are an odd product because so many things can, and often do, go wrong with the development of them. Sometimes bug fixing isn't a linear process or something that works brilliantly in internal testing doesn't work properly on a larger scale. I'm not defending or insulting the development speed of this game, I do though remember waiting years for games with only the occasional screenshot to keep my interest. It's unusualv (or rather, was) to have such a wide open access to a game this early in development. Lots of lessons have been learned from it by both sides and many still need to be learned. It's not smooth sailing, it's not always enjoyable, often it can be tedious waiting for something to be put in that you hope will change the way the whole game is played but hey. We signed up for this despite being told by the devs that we shouldn't. I'm just happy I can play a game which mostly works while I wait for the standard 4-5 year development until it's finished.