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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. stinkenheim

    UN Helmets and beret spawn fix info ?

    Not really the point of this topic is it? Surely if you have an issue with them then you could start your own thread? I've not had any run ins with the UN clan as far as I know but I've met loads and loads of people who fit your description of 'being a dickhead' because a large majority of the player base will ahoot anyone they see regardless of their affiliation to any particular clan. As for the OP, haven't seen any this patch come to think of it. If I do I'll be sure to pass on the info and I can trade it if you want?
  2. stinkenheim

    DayZ Stream Content

    The majority of streams I've watched have been rolling around the coast/slightly inland and getting into fights because that is the mindset of the majority of players (not necessarily the streamers). I've watched a few of Jamjar's streams where he has been around NWAF/Vybor etc and there frankly aren't enough encounters of any kind to make it enjoyable for either party (streamer and viewers), don't get me wrong it's great if you have a community and want time to interact with them but as a new streamer you are unlikely to have the viewer count to keep it interesting. So yeah, I'd say not Berezinho on the whole because most streams seem to gravitate there if there isn't any action. Bandit hunting is always good to watch, M1ndr does quite well out of that but to be honest one that I rarely see is someone being a true bandit. Not just camping triple yellow and sniping people but making them do crazy things, robbing them, dressing them up etc. It should be entertaining to the viewers as it shows interactions and possibly gunfights, it'll be more entertaining to you hopefully than just pvp and its not the go to setting for stream content. What mode are you playing, 1pp or 3pp? In my experience good 1pp servers are few and far between (by which i mean underpopulated) but the action seems to be spread out across the map a lot more. I wish you luck dude.
  3. stinkenheim

    Can i use the M4

    There is going to be a wipe with the next update, that's already been confirmed. I'm also more likely to believe Hicks saying an item spawns than a random person on the internet with no affiliation to the game, that's no offence to you but I'm sure you can understand why the lead producer would be a more reliable source of information. You seem very upset about the m4 situation but the game will go through numerous issues with the availability of items before release. Some items will be removed from loot tables for months at a time others will go from extemely rare to far too common, it's the nature of the game. If people are duping or hacking then I say 'superb' it means the devs can tighten up the loopholes to stop those exploits from making it to the final release.
  4. stinkenheim

    cr 75 18 round magazine

    There are always going to be weapons which are better than others. The izh rifle will never outperform an sks likewise a cr pistol will never outperform an fnx
  5. stinkenheim

    Hold Up At Cherno Flats

    Makes a change for a Youtube video to be something other than shooting another player at the moment. Well played to the OP for actually being a bandit rather than a murderer, it is far more exciting for all the players involved to be in a hold up- the bandits don't know for sure what the other guy has so there is a risk for them and the victim has the fear/threat of being killed all the while they are rooting through his gear before the elation of getting out alive at the end. I'm 100% sure the guy will remember this far more than if he had simply been shot without knowing anyone was there.
  6. stinkenheim

    svd or winchester 70 or blaze

    Only one who can say which is best is you. I personally love the blaze but I know many people absolutely hate it. Personal preference at the end of the day, try them out and see which works best for you.
  7. stinkenheim

    It's Snowing! (On .58 EPX)

    It's a glitch, it's been confirmed as such by the devs afaik.
  8. stinkenheim

    Status Report - 15 Jul 2015

    The main issue I have with your 'stop adding content and get it optimised' mini rant is that only a portion of the team will be able to effectively work on the bug fixing/optimisation side of the process. The other departments like art, animation, sound etc would be going what exactly? 6 month holiday?? As an animator myself, I know the programmes I use and can do most things I want in there. Sit me in front of a computer and tell me to recode section x of the engine to increase frame rate and I would likely look confused at you for several minutes before having to ask one of the programmers exactly what I'm meant to be doing or looking for. I'd much rather be working on the animations or textures, the things that I know, than making a hamfisted attempt to 'improve' the games playability by typing in random lines of code that I don't understand.
  9. stinkenheim

    Skalisty Island Spawn?

    yeah came in last patch i think.
  10. stinkenheim

    Is the ridiculous amount of loot due to the CLE?

    I really enjoyed the early days of .55, the struggle made me care about my character and I remember getting up by Devils Castle before I found an unlooted town. With .57 I don't care anymore about my guy because I know a little run through the apartments at cherno or somewhere and I'll be armed again. I've also found fewer friendly players this patch than previously because it's just die, spawn repeat at the moment in most of the main towns :(
  11. stinkenheim

    Is the ridiculous amount of loot due to the CLE?

    I'm not taking the piss out of DanicaHamlin with this comment, it's more of a sweeping statement. Last patch people moaned that they couldn't find loot anywhere and that the game was too hard, now there are loads of people complaining that there's too much loot and its too easy to gear up. Makes me chuckle is all.... Loot will take a long time to get to a good state/balance. The devs are looking at making areas spawn only a set level of gear- coast for instance would spawn only basic thing whereas inland you could get ak's and the rest. They are also looking at putting in a limit to the number of items a building will spawn to ensure that these lootbombs don't keep happening. In .58 the gatehouses aren't even in the spawn files so nothing will be there, same with humvees.
  12. stinkenheim

    Third person

    Meh. I play on both and enjoy both for different reasons- 1pp feels more tense to me but in 3pp I can actually see out of the windows in buildings without feeling like a child that needs to stand on tip toes to see over the window ledge. A lot of the assets in game feel wrongly sized in 1pp, something which is mitigated to an extent in 3pp. I also know people who feel sick when playing solely in 1pp, especially during long runs so they prefer 3pp. I personally don't like how the camera moves when you are running and looking around in 1pp (I have head bob and all that jazz turned off) and have only noticed this change over the last few patches.
  13. stinkenheim

    Will anything of arma engine remain in final game?

    By 'arma engine' I'm assuming you mean the RV engine... In which case no, it won't be that but the Enfusion engine instead. It'll share similar properties as the RV engine as it was derived from that but will include different scripting language, sound modules and renderer along with anything else they decide to change- at least that's how I understand it.
  14. stinkenheim


    When persistence is re-enabled... Probably next patch.
  15. stinkenheim

    Will DayZ ever look this good?

    Why couldn't this have been part of your 'is dayz 58% complete' thread?? This in and of itself doesn't really constitute a whole thread does it? Things to consider- cost of the engine. When originally planned could they have afforded to use this engine and train any programmers up in its use? Would the engine be able to create the world the developers wanted in terms of object detail, numbers and scale? By altering the engine the developers are already familiar with could they produce a similar outcome without the need to use a different engine? There's more to games development that just saying 'why don't they use engine X?' I'm fairly certain the devs had long discussions regarding the core engine of the game and which would be best for the project.
  16. stinkenheim


    Firstly I don't understand why this wasn't posted in the thread already going about optimization... secondly the game is in a transition period between engines at the moment so they aren't going to spend resources tweaking and optimizing the current engine when they plan on replacing the majority of it before the end of the alpha phase. Also turn your graphics up, your processor isn't the best (and DayZ runs shit on AMD ones anyway) so by increasing the load on the GPU you'll shift some of the work away from the CPU which should help a bit.
  17. stinkenheim

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    I want to see weapons spawning in different states. In an ideal world weapons would spawn with a random condition (except ruined), with a chance of having ammo (either chambered or in a mag/clip), with varying attachments (more for AK/M4/MP5 style weapons than winchester etc.). I would also like to see mags/clips containing a random amount of bullets. Imagine finding a semi-kitted gun that was worn with a magazine with 12 rounds in it... has someone dropped it or is it a normal spawn?? Makes the game more interesting imo
  18. stinkenheim

    New Script(hack) Being Used?

    As per Forum Rules.... Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Please do not make topics or post videos. They will be locked or removed.
  19. stinkenheim

    Where do I find those stuff? (.57 stable)

    Military convoy on Northern edge of the map by severograd military base, neaf, vybor, myshinko tents, zelenogorsk and probably a few other places but not 100%. Gatehouses probably spawn them too but at a low rate not certain of that
  20. stinkenheim

    Where do I find those stuff? (.57 stable)

    SVD is chopper crash mostly and I think very low chance of humvee spawn Hunting scope is found in hunting stands and the sheds with the little ladder in front of them- I call them feed shacks but I don't know what they are. AKM is around tanks but ti's a lower spawn rate than most other AK weapons. Drum mags are by the guard houses.
  21. stinkenheim

    whats the plan for optimization?

    Last thing I remember seeing was 10-15% increase improving as the software around it is altered/optimized. The first iteration of the new renderer really won't be amazing and will work in parity with the current renderer
  22. stinkenheim

    Where is everyone?

    Berezinho normally, however that place is more of a deathmatch clusterfuck than ever right now. Myself and a friend went from Novod through NWAF, Vybor, Zele, Balota and Cherno and saw 2 players- 1 in the distance running across a field near Stary Sobor and 1 bambi looting trucks in the apartments of Cherno.
  23. stinkenheim

    batteries batteries. Where art thou batteries?

    Or keep them and expect batteries to be reintroduced next update...
  24. stinkenheim

    batteries batteries. Where art thou batteries?

    ?? You do know that people don't spawn with batteries now don't you? Starting gear is now a chemlight and a rag...
  25. stinkenheim

    A valuable loot (0.57)

    New school buildings and bus depots are the places for cargo/hunter pants. Loot spawns are bugged atm and will be altered as central loot economiy is worked on.