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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. Not 100% sure but think you may be referring to DayZ Standalone, in which case you'll need to PM a mod to get them to move this across to that subforum- this one is for the DayZ Mod. On the forum homepage look for 'DayZ PC' and that'll be the SA subforums, they even have their own trading post https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172229-trading-post/
  2. stinkenheim

    Is anyone else a human magnet?

    No worries dude, just pulling your leg :D
  3. stinkenheim

    Is anyone else a human magnet?

    Or, like, I don't know, having the items respawn when they fall below a certain number. Kind of like a game that I play at the moment called DayZ... Just because someone picked up an M4 (for example) doesn't mean that that M4 will never respawn on a server. It will, it just takes time. That's why server hopping is so prevalent, people would rather jump to a low/zero pop server until they find what they want than actually wait for it to respawn. Unless characters are bound to a server having them remain in game when you aren't logged in is beyond a terrible idea as the servers will just be filled with the immovable bodies of people who have logged out in random places. The game can't cope with large amounts of loot and zombies let alone having to remember everyone's position/gear when they aren't online.
  4. stinkenheim

    Akm or blaze 95 as primary?

    Exactly this, it's clearly the blaze all day long lol I love the blaze, powerful rounds, quick, accurate shots. Can take the scope to use for sniping. I had a fully decked akm with 4 drum mags but traded it for a naked blaze and 80 rounds of ammo with someone I met in game... Ok, so technically I held him up and took his blaze and ammo but I did leave the ak in a near by shed and told him to wait 5 minutes before picking it up (my friend was over watching from a hill to make sure he waited a little while). I just dislike the akm, recoil is awful, kashtan scope is just bad imo. It's fine if you want to spray and pray but that's not how I play. If I could have any ak it'd be the 101 but I'd still rather the blaze.
  5. stinkenheim

    Questions About The Current State of DayZ

    Patches change the players' opinions of the game. I loved early .55 and played mostly private hives (was lucky that they weren't bugged ones) and clocked so many hours in those early days. In contrast .57 was horrible for me and I rarely played because there was no value to the character or gear. If I did play I played as an ass and just shot people but it was boring for me. As soon as .58 went to exp i swapped and loved it, it was a challenge finding gear and there was a good mix of friendly interaction and shoot outs. Different people want different things, 2 of my friends won't play atm because they got frustrated with dying from bugs. Fair enough. I still enjoy parts of the game but I don't play much due to work commitments. As development moves along you'll see people return to the game and others leave it but right now it's competing with a lot of big games- ark, rust, h1z1, mgs v, mad max, gta v etc and sure some will be a flash in the pan (mad max for example I find dull, played about 4 hours and not fussed playing more tbh) but others like ark are offering things that dayz doesn't yet. In short I've had more enjoyment from this £15 game than from most £40/50 full release games I've played.
  6. It's also been elaborated on that the devs do not want much in the way of essential supplies spawning in high tier regions to discourage camping and continue to encourage player migration. Perhaps I phrased it poorly originally. Tier 1 (Coastal towns)- few firearms but more supplies (food, knives etc.) Tier 4 (mil bases)- few supplies but more high grade weaponry
  7. stinkenheim

    Shock hits?

    Didn't know it caused damage, thought it was just a flinch reaction. Thanks for the info dude
  8. stinkenheim

    Shock hits?

    It is literally when it's next to you though, so like it just misses your head or something.
  9. stinkenheim

    Winchesters....where art thou?

    Found mine in a kiosk in severograd. Found several hunting scopes all in dear stands and hunting stands. Afaik there are only 8 per server which dx plains the rarity.
  10. stinkenheim

    Shock hits?

    When a shot hits near you it causes you to 'flinch' for want if a better term. Your screen will flash as though you'd been hit and your character will begin breathing heavily. It's great for suppressing a sniper.
  11. As I understand it (and I think Hicks mentioned something about it on his Twitter page)- the idea of the tiered loot system means that there will be less essential supplies spawning inland as opposed to the coast. Basically, players will be more likely to find food in region 1 than region 4 so you have to continually migrate according to your survival needs. Start getting hungry- head to a low tier region, start running low on ammo- head to a higher tier area.
  12. stinkenheim

    DayZ Loot Bomb

    Couldn't read the font you used.
  13. stinkenheim


    Not really- the numbering system used is quite arbitrary. Beta should be around .63ish iirc and for all we know every hot fix and update pushed out during beta could increase the version by .05 (.63 becomes .68 for example). Also just because full release is called 1.0 doesn't mean that the numbers will get there. Could e that on .78 devs think the game is bug free enough and content heavy enough to leave beta and will the be considered final release. Updates, dlcs and bug fixes will still happen after release too.
  14. stinkenheim

    How to report a server and admin?

    There are already many official servers. BI endured that every server provider also maintains it's own official so servers to endure that there will always be a vanilla version of the game. Often they are labeled something like DayzUk52 for example.
  15. stinkenheim

    DayZ Avg Players Monthly

    Or they knew exactly what they were buying and purchased a game for a third of its final piece and then left it in the steam library ready to download mid beta or on full release...
  16. stinkenheim

    Where has the military loot gone?

    I remember the times when they spawned in the officers huts at the airfield... Oh wait, that's this patch. Far better that loot spawns are restricted, stops every player from running around with aks like last patch. Was so incredibly boring to play.
  17. stinkenheim

    number of zombies

    With regards to zeds, don't forget hicks saying they hoped to add in dynamic hordes of zeds much like the heli crashes. Whilst the initial 2k zeds may seem low to some, adding in additional hordes would bump it up and be awesome. They will return, the issue I think was to do with the new tech used for zed ai and how it interacted with the older tech for players (or otherwsy round can't remember exactly) basically as well as there being issues with the resource usage of zeds I'm sure there was an issue with the compatibility of old and new tech
  18. stinkenheim

    Where is everyone?

    You are pjs ting the same patch that was released on exp so there's nothing to download. There are animals but they move around a lot, been startled by animals in strange places thinking they were players creeping nearby. Zeds are in, very few in number but they are there. Mostly I've seen them around novo. I've seen loads more players north than anywhere else. Spawned as a freshie in Cherno, decided to climb trip yellow (first time up there) and looked around- nothing. Swapped servers a few times before eventually seeing people running about. Awesome!
  19. stinkenheim

    Looking at patch .58 In General, What has changed?!

    Fixing animation glitches was a huge step IMO, the weapon switch glitch where you were shown standing up on players screens was horrible. No ghost sounds also great, finally you can trust what you hear. New vehicle repair will lead to getting working vehicles as a goal rather than going to one of the stationary spawn points and knowing it'll work. Persistence means there is camp building available. Not every patch will be filled with loads of new features but this will provide the framework for many big improvements (CLE being the main one) whilst also improving the game massively over the ridiculously tiresome .57.
  20. stinkenheim

    The mod was so much better.

    I have a similar setup to yours (albeit with a 980ti and 4ghz i7) and I generally get around 30fps in Novo, Severograd and Elektro whilst recording with most settings on high/v. high. I think there may be an under riding issue with your performance- check out online guides to increase your fps and make some changes to the config file. As for server owners allowing you to spawn with gear and increasing loot drops- not going to happen until modding. It's not something the devs want and if it is to happen, chances are it'll be in the form of a Battle Royal mod.
  21. Well I've driven with two broken fingers (sure it hurt changing gear but it was certainly doable), as for not being able to use a gun or something I wouldn't know but I figure it'd be possible just painful. I could understand there being delays in doing things that require dexterity like reloading and such but I don't see how it would cause sway/shaking whilst holding a weapon. Don't get me wrong, I think the idea is cool and fits but I don't think most of the suggestions here about implications of it are that plausible. Maybe have it reduce damage of punching when hands are hurt or slowing certain actions but not prevent you from driving, shooting etc.
  22. What would having a fractured hand do to your character? Would there be negatives to having it like there are with fractured arms and legs? If northen this is pointless because no one would care if their hands got hurt as it doesn't impact the game at all. Not trying to sound rude, I think it makes sense (although knuckle dusters are still meant to hurt your hand when you punch someone with them aren't they?)
  23. stinkenheim

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    It's just because of other things being added or tweaked, it can cause knock on effects with code that you wouldn't expect. It's one of the main reasons why bug fixing all the issues between patches is redundant because often new content will cause older bugs to reappear or alter in someway. It may also have something to do with the new inventory/player ui in much the same way that med kits dripped down to 4 slot containers and protector cases/ammo cases started taking up the same amount of space as they could hold.
  24. stinkenheim

    Regional loot?

    I killed someone I had tracked from berezikhi through belaya Polana, dobroe and finally novo who was ahead of me the whole time (I'd spawned in svet and took that root). He had a mosin with some ammo and a few good bits of clothing and I had managed to get a longhorn and two rounds. The guy was trying to camp the tower in novo and didn't like a 308 round in his face. Basically it's likely that several players have already looted those areas over a period of time and stripped them of the best gear
  25. stinkenheim

    Hunting Scope for What Gun?

    Hunting scope is for the Winchester, blaze, sporter, trumpet and cr carbine iirc. Mosin and sks take the pu and no other. Kashtan and pso are for the svd and most aks except 74