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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. stinkenheim

    Private server bug

    there have been connection issues with the hive since last night. Possibly a DDOS attack. The devs are aware and looking into the issue. For what it's worth, I've been able to play for several hours today with no issues apart form one server (a public one) where my character loads as a freshspawn every time (other public servers load my normal guy) so it could be currently limited to a few GSPs.
  2. stinkenheim

    how do i refuel my truck?

    sheds and outhouses normally, they are really small and look a bit like a pen so you may have ignored them. When you find one, put it with the battery in the V3S 'inventory' section for parts.
  3. stinkenheim


    I have a 32" 4k monitor and dayz supports the full resolution for it.
  4. stinkenheim

    The struggle of ghillie snipers

    Actually he means that the compass will show up in your hotbar and will show the direction that way. No need to open the menu and inspect the compass.
  5. Actually go through the road map and you'll see there are the majority of things implemented from Q1. As for the issues originally watch the interview with Chris Torchia and you'll see that yes there were issues with the team which was mostly based around the quick expansion and confusion over individuals roles. I'm an animator so I know how easy it is for things to get delayed in a project, if someone has rigged the model when they need to or they realise that the original model isn't fit for purpose then it delays everything else. The timeframe isn't too bad to be honest, most triple A games take 3-5 years, DayZ has been going for about 2 with the aim being Beta early next year end of this so that should take it to about 3 years by the end of beta which is quick for a game that is redesigning its engine from scratch (the devs said the renderer is a task which could take 12 months to complete alone), add to that the way that the scope changed when it was released due to popularity and I think you need to realise that whilst things haven't gone smoothly at times they are progressing and the devs are doing quite a good job at keeping us updated about key facts. They don't actually have to do that but they do. They give us access to their own Twitter accounts and Hicks is often in Streams talking about the project so yeah, plenty of information is out there. One last thing, most of the topics you have started, Grimsonfart, are lamenting and bemoaning the dev cycle. If it's such an issue then step back and wait for Beta when everything will be implemented and the bug fixing will begin en mass because it seems like you are getting really fed up with things.
  6. Development of any major piece of programming will never be a linear project. There will always be setbacks where things don't run smoothly or to plan. The devs gave us their timeline and that was only ever a guide, they have managed to get most features on it in to the current build but the engine updates are massive tasks involving multiple teams so there will be problems. Don't expect them to tweet with a daily progress report just expect them to update us when they have something important to say. Anything else will leave you disappointed.
  7. In the Dev Tracker section of this forum you can find out much information regarding the latest updates and workings. I searched 'renderer' in there and here are some of the more important ones regarding the new renderer. Notice the last quote- the renderer was due to be included into an internal build of the game not for public release in Q1 https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220397-new-renderer/ https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220788-status-report-17-feb-15/?hl=renderer https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223247-quarterly-status-report-quarter-1-2015/?hl=renderer https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224295-dayz-dev-questions-answers-eugen-harton-april-20th/?hl=renderer Q. @fear91FIN: New renderer has an ETA set on late may... Does it mean it's going to be ready for stable or experimental branch of the game at that time? A. No, in this time frame, we plan to have the new renderer implemented only in our internal version of the game, not publicly available.
  8. .59 will see multiple modules of the engine begin to be updated although as I understand it they will continue to run in parity with the existing one for sometime. Its not like they can just switch the old renderer off and the new one on, there will be many things tied to the existing one that need to be sorted before they can remove it. I also remember Hicks saying something a while ago about how the new renderer was working in house but there were reluctant to release it until it hit certain benchmarks in performance. I would imagine this is because of posts like yours claiming the devs are unfit for their job, I remember there was a lot of hype for the new renderer and someone on the dev team said it was unlikely to achieve much beyond a 10% increase when first implemented and there was so much complaining on the forums. Things are being worked on, they are being updated/upgraded and they are being replaced. The engine now is not how it will be in the end but they also need lots of the modules integrated and ready to work before you will see all the benefits.
  9. stinkenheim

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    I did a night shift in the care home I used to work in on Boxing Day last year after spending the majority of the Christmas holidays playing dayz and watching the walking dead... All that was going through my head at 4 an whilst ironing was 'if they become zombies what can I use as a weapon?' and 'there's plenty of food in here plus the cars out front are full of fuel and roomy, could easily drive off in those.' Also I drive past radio towers everyday in to work and always think 'wonder if there's a sniper up there?'
  10. stinkenheim

    Does Cooking Still Work?

    You'll need to add rags or paper to the fireplace kit along with the log (or sticks) as this is then the fuel that it burns. I think you can use the flare, matches and bark/stick to light it. Not sure about the torch because I've never built one. As for the chances of getting ill from cooked meat, it's a bug. Same way that you could avoid getting ill a few patches ago by using 'eat all' on raw meat. They also haven't, at least in my experiences, reduced food spawns at all. I'm almost always able to find enough to survive incredibly quickly when I spawn in. Only exception being if there is another player just in front of me who has taken all the food.
  11. stinkenheim

    Hunting Scope for What Gun?

    I probably meant 74-u or whichever one it is that goes in your bag
  12. stinkenheim

    Hiking Jackets/ Wrong Description or ATM

    Thought it said they were water resistant not water proof. You should still get wet but it should take longer to go through the stages.
  13. stinkenheim

    pre .59 hype

    I would imagine Hicks is trying to preempt the cries from the player base that the first iteration of engine modules doesn't immediately grant 60+ fps in Cherno, no desynch, no bugs and amazing increases in draw distance. The next update will see engine changes but they may not be standing alone from legacy parts for sometime.
  14. stinkenheim

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Old school dayz isn't an rp server. The application is short, literally a short bit about why you want to play hardcore. Only things they do are encourage you to pvp away from the coast which is brilliant IMO. I play on it every now and again but don't have much time atm. Think a big issue atm is how the camera changes have meant in 1pp you can't look up as well (feels like your character is wearing a neck brace all the time lol). Don't know if this has been fixed because I haven't played recently.
  15. stinkenheim

    pre .59 hype

    And? The next update is unlikely to see them returned in force either. It's been said by the dev teams that updates will become slower as more and more tech is worked on and integrated. Maybe there are severe issues with trying to run modules of both new and old engine alongside each other which mean that no current .59 candidate is strong enough to be pushed to exp. Maybe they are tweaking issues prior to exp. update to ensure that we see a high return for the addition of new modules. maybe they'll just skip .59 all together and release .60. There are a myriad different reasons and options as to why there is a delay, the fact that it has been a month since an update isn't enough to complain about to be perfectly honest. Things will change pace at different times during development, there won't be an update until there is something worth updating. No point them being rushed/empty updates just to bump up the version no.
  16. stinkenheim

    pre .59 hype

    Considering they are merging in large chunks of the new engine I think they are entitled to take time over the update. Updates won't be weekly things anymore, they will be slow and spend longer on exp to get to the correct stage before being pushed to stable.
  17. stinkenheim

    Need help.. Morphine or how to fix arm is in pain

    Ah ok, think it changed in this patch because iirc Wobo says you can heal a fracture if you have the healthy status but it takes about an hour.
  18. stinkenheim

    Need help.. Morphine or how to fix arm is in pain

    Since when? Has this always been a feature because I had never heard that before... admittedly I'll normally fix the issue at the earliest opportunity but still, very interesting to find that out.
  19. stinkenheim


    I read that as banana at first... couldn't figure out how big a banana it would have had to be to get 4-6 slots lol.
  20. stinkenheim

    Kicking from Vilayer server IS ALLOWED.

    Not to be pedantic but nothing in those responses even remotely suggested that it was acceptable on their servers. They were clearly template emails to send when receiving certain complaints. Would it have been better for the reply to have said 'hey man just got your email about server x. Just got in touch with the owner and told him to stop being a douche or we'll close his server. David pike, villayer technical support.' The owner will likely have been warned, if he breaks the tos repeatedly then he'll get banned/suspended but they won't fo it because 1 guy made a complaint. It'll take more people to make it happen quicker.
  21. stinkenheim

    Vest with weapon sling attachment.

    Surely an easier option than this would simply be that any item in your hand was automatically placed in the vehicle inventory when entering assuming a) you didn't have room in your own and b ) there was room in the vehicle's
  22. stinkenheim

    Body Despawn

    Bodies de spawn in 10 minutes, gear dropped by you before you die or other players looting will last 30mins apart from any non-improvised backpack which will last 4 hours (not sure on timer for guns)
  23. stinkenheim

    What I think needs to be said about the new renderer.

    Every report would read "We've been working on __the engine____ lately, and __the engine______ is making progress." People have a hard enough time grasping the concept of different departments working of different area let alone understanding specific modules of the engine. Also it's unlikely that only one or two parts are being worked on so would you like them to list every single module that is being altered on some level?
  24. stinkenheim

    Are oil barrels no longer persistent on stable ?

    Was it from before Wednesdays maintenance? If so there was a wipe of persistent data
  25. stinkenheim

    Looking at patch .58 In General, What has changed?!

    Then don't play low pop... Zeds, even when I large numbers were rarely dangerous merely annoying. Best patch for them in terms of challenge was when it took 3 or 4 hits with a fire axe and you were rewarded for aiming at the head. If they combined that (think it was .48 or something) with the stealth and current attack style it would be better. Still not a massive challenge but better.