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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. stinkenheim

    super bug or what?

    Ahh ok, I didn't realise it wasn't the same for every player. I usually play with either one or maybe two people and when they have said it I've asked how I am posed on the screen and they'll respond 'standing' so I just put 2+2 together and got DayZ'd lol
  2. stinkenheim

    super bug or what?

    The whole standing up one your screen but not on theirs was likely to do with him gun glitching. It's when you are continually putting your weapon away and pulling it out, you don't make any footsteps and your character appears to be standing everyone else's screen but yours. It's got me killed but also helped me to shoot and kill some snipers. Best advice if you roll with a group is to tell them if you see it. Make sure you out these on the bug tracker too, it'll help the devs to prioritise certain bugs
  3. stinkenheim

    Awaiting .57

    In fairness the last few months have seen a patch which split opinion and was borked initially, alongside this there have been high profile releases like gta v and the witches. It's unsurprising that as the game had stalked whilst waiting for some of the 'behind the scenes' work to make an appearance (engine/renderer reworks) that people would jump on these fun and polished games. There's also the YouTube situation, with poor server performance and gun fights more often than no decided by desynch rather than skill, content creation has taken a huge hit which leads to less advertising therefore fewer players coming in. In teens of attracting new players, recent issues flood forums as well which will scare the unsure and inexperienced away. These things come in cycles, as the game progresses and servers become more stable the 'big personalities' will produce more content and more will be drawn back.
  4. stinkenheim

    Going bandit hunting before wipe tonight

    patch won't be this week guys, it'll be next week at the earliest.
  5. stinkenheim

    PSA: Game development takes a while, but...

    if the Early Access release of the SA hadn't been so successful then yes, we could say that the development was slow. However, due to the success it meant that rather than polishing the mod they were able to create an entirely new beast. In essence the goalposts were moved because so many people bought into the concept allowing them to redesign a dated engine and expand on their initial ideas. As such, the process isn't slow, it's standard. Nothing too special, but the development of the game is progressing nicely it just needs the 'heavy lifting' of the rebuilt engine to be finished to really give an idea as to how much progress the game has made, at the moment so much time and expense has been spent developing the engine alongside everything else that the major improvements won't be readily noticed until these changes are in game.
  6. stinkenheim

    Proffesional Alpha/beta tester

    He explained that a) English isn't his first language, b ) that he is dyslexic and c) he didn't know the correct term for 'experienced' and used the closest one he knew of which was 'professional'. So yeah, before you start insulting people about their lack of punctuation and spelling errors ensure that you have read all the information presented to you.
  7. stinkenheim

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    Last I had heard ()from Hicks in a stream a few weeks ago) was that suppressors only worked on players not on the AI, so they would make your shots less likely to be heard by someone else but the zeds wouldn't tell the difference between a suppressed and an unsuppressed gun
  8. stinkenheim


    Two things- this subforum deals with DayZ SA only, the video is for one of the mods so expect it to be moved by a mod. Secondly, in the SA sounds are messed up due to a legacy issue with the engine apparently, likelihood is it is an issue present in several Arma games.
  9. stinkenheim

    Here's a glitch I can get behind

    lol, i know that feeling dude. Been tricked many times by random necros
  10. stinkenheim

    Here's a glitch I can get behind

    Really?? Really??? You resurrect a nearly 6 month old thread for that amazingly insightful, thought out and constructive response... Wow
  11. stinkenheim

    Final Thoughts from an Early MOD player....

    This isn't the first time I've seen comments like this from different posters, but what exactly is everyone saying has been watered down? What are people saying that BI has dumbed down to cater to apparently console based players or people who want a more mainstream game? I'm not advocating either stance, I want this game to be hard even though I can't play it a lot because I enjoy the struggle... I'm just curious as to what exactly these issues are, if people could expand or explain I'd be grateful.
  12. stinkenheim

    Final Thoughts from an Early MOD player....

    I think we can stop complaining about the ui at the moment because it's going to be changed (there's a test version image on these forums somewhere), so critiquing something that will be changed is a waste if effort IMO. @nexventor how exactly are BI 'selling out' and 'catering to the new players'?
  13. Since when does your body de spawn but not the gear without having another player strip it off of you? Never seen it happen like this in standalone, was this in a dev log or change notes, or are you possibly mistaking when players load up random backpacks with junk in lootsplosion areas??
  14. if it took more than ten minutes for you to get back there then your body would have despawned. The gear, if it was stripped off, may have lasted longer (backpack certainly) but if you're on your own you need to get back within 10 minutes to salvage anything.
  15. stinkenheim

    Private Shard Servers

    Private shards store character information differently to Public Shard servers so you can rock as many characters as you can find private servers and none of them will delete a public shard character. I currently have about 3 privates that I regularly play on as well as 3PP and 1PP public characters
  16. stinkenheim

    "My stomach grumbled violently"

    loot spawns on private shards were messed up with the first iteration of .55 loot system, they have the ability to turn the persistence off allowing loot to spawn on server restarts so if the server you play on is private they may not have done this. Otherwise I am really struggling to believe that you can';t find anything at all. For a start water is easy to get, simply go to a well, drink and hey presto- water. As for food, the first house in this list http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Residential_Buildings?cookieSetup=trueis superb for food. The brown house normally serves me well too, failing that- apple tree or even farming
  17. stinkenheim

    Graphical Settings

    Wow. So a finished game (arma3) runs better than a game that's still being made and is awaiting massive changes to its core engine. Who woulda thunk it...
  18. stinkenheim

    Lootsplosions Still A Thing?

    Loot is a big issue at the moment but will be changed massively over the next few patches. Usual reasons apply (alpha stage, WIP, awaiting central economy iteration etc.). Have a look on this site at other threads pertaining to loot to get a full idea of what has been happening recently.
  19. stinkenheim

    Survivor Gamez VI Discussion Thread [SPOILERS]

    I enjoyed it but turned it off towards the end due to the constant crashes and server restarts.
  20. stinkenheim

    Player running speed. Dev response appreciated.

    Water purification tablets and ponds then? Usually a good bet, heck with the loot how it is atm you probably can get by just on cans of pipsi without having to carry any bottles...
  21. stinkenheim

    Complete Fail

    Does not matter about the quality or condition of the silencers they still don't work on the AI, only useful to hide the noise of the shot from another player.
  22. Wow, if only the devs knew how easy it was. You sir have me utterly convinced that there is nothing more to it than that. Please, please, please get in touch with BI (or indeed any games company) with your amazing knowledge of coding/programming and surely they will not only give you a job but likely start you at the very top of the dev team (if you're lucky maybe even CEO) because I'm sure no one there has thought that items should spawn in specific areas a certain percentage of the time... +edit+ for those that were unsure, al of that *points at what I've written above* is PURE sarcasm.
  23. stinkenheim

    Any info on the 24 hour cycle bug?

    perhaps by contacting them and informing that they are not supplying you with the option to set something that is supposed to be one of the features entitled to a server owner then you could get them to cancel the agreement you have with them and refund any outstanding rent
  24. stinkenheim

    Any info on the 24 hour cycle bug?

    could you not find out if other server hosts offer it the system (as from what Hicks has said it is something you should be able to set) so maybe changing provider would be a good solution (I realise that for the time being you are still paying for a server that you are not happy with)
  25. stinkenheim

    Any info on the 24 hour cycle bug?

    ah ok, yeah it sucks. I like the changing time and the twilight in the game is so beautiful.