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Everything posted by stinkenheim

  1. stinkenheim

    MP5 Buttstock

    Answers can be found in this post which was on the front page of the forum http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/226341-mp5-k-buttstockwhere/#entry2279499
  2. stinkenheim

    Lack of zombies?

    That was fixed several patches ago, as for this patch zeds don't respawn once killed so it's a moot point at the moment.
  3. There was one by lapotino, vybor and stary sobor
  4. yep, the same as last patch.
  5. stinkenheim

    smersh backpack

    check the little gatehouses that spawn all the vests and attachments. The ones with the bars on the windows that you can now enter.
  6. stinkenheim

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Yeah I found a Winchester and scope in one on skalitsky island but I've played maybe 4 hours since this patch dropped so I'm sure with aks being so easy to come by that I'll be able to grab one soon when uni is out. Cheers for the advice though dude, I'll make sure to check it out.
  7. stinkenheim

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    didn't think the fire mode toggle was working at the moment... can't remember where I heard that, might have been on these forums I love the blaze, just haven't found one at the moment because I haven't been able to play for long due to commitments, it's the one I want though because it's sexy as heck
  8. stinkenheim

    Problems with accuracy on Winchester?

    The only reason zeds stay upright at range, even when hit, is because they are completely frozen in place until someone gets it him 500m and 'activates' their animations. Then they'll fall to the ground. You can use it to tell if players are in an area because the zeds will be frozen in place if no one is within that range.
  9. stinkenheim

    Problems with accuracy on Winchester?

    It's probably a bug with the zombies, likelihood is that they were very, very dead but until someone get's within 500m and triggers their animations it won't fall down. It's happened to me around Novo when I was trying to clear an area and zombies were hit (saw blood) but didn't fall until I got closer
  10. stinkenheim

    Mega desync and lags on all testet servers!

    I can't say what could be causing this for you, I generally play on Grumpy Old Ganers, UKA and Gents of Novo servers which are popular and often full or close to it and haven't experienced this. I'd be interested to hear from other people what could cause this as if it happens to me I'd like to know how to solve it.
  11. stinkenheim

    Mega desync and lags on all testet servers!

    This happened to me and two friends Thursday night, we got teleported around a bit and then I started just spinning on the spot. Logged out and no servers were showing, turned out steam went down.
  12. stinkenheim


    My bad, on exp they were in the nwaf, I assumed they'd remained there as I haven't made it up that far in stable yet due to work.
  13. stinkenheim


    There were only ever three heli crashes per server, last patch they were bugged and remained static around stary, vmc and lapatino. This patch they are still bugged and only spawn in the nwaf. It'll get fixed eventually until then feel free to camp for server hoppers lol
  14. stinkenheim

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    With regards to the 'healing' status, You need to regen the blood you have lost before you will begin regen any health. All the while the screen is grey it won't show healing. ninjad lol
  15. stinkenheim

    High High Loot an some Places

    If you find barren servers file a bug report with the server ip and other info in it, that way the devs can look into it.
  16. stinkenheim

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Even with the new renderer beginning to be put in, it won't be a magic band aid that fixes all performance issues with the game. It will take time for things to be tweaked and optimized and the majority of those alterations will happen during the beta phase. Judging a game as broken during it's alpha stage is just ridiculous because things aren't functioning as intended due to it still being built. As Hicks has said on numerous occasions the game will break, sometimes hard. Every update to the game changes the way it plays, sometimes for the better and often negatively but when it is all together and optimization starts then you can accurately judge the quality and potential of the game Also, the 'it's june' part... yeah, by about 3 hours my time... Next update is probably Wednesday, what's to say the first renderer update isn't in that which would mean it has been delayed by about 2 weeks. Not bad considering they missed the .56 patch completely.
  17. stinkenheim

    My problem with DayZ Standalone

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225547-dayz-slowly-dying/ Very similar topic started today so could be worth joining that discussion if only to avoid have multiple threads all speaking about the same thing
  18. stinkenheim

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Out of curiosity, what have the Devs destroyed? What to you is the 'single most important aspect' or the game? In my opinion the game was meant to be a survival game, that's why I got it and that is how I see it progressing. The PVP side of the game was always secondary in my mind so I am not massively disappointed with the game's progress. I'm not ecstatic about it but I can handle a lot of the issues because I don't play a huge amount (few hours a week). The saddest thing to me is the current issues with desynch in the game but I know it will get better as the engine and performance issues are worked on in time. I've seen a few things said on streams and in these forums relating to the way that the player base is decreasing since .55 but don't forget that GTAV and The Witcher 3 were released which will naturally take players away from the game, along with issues to do with loot in the initial implementation of the current patch will have driven people away whilst waiting for the next update or for things like base building to progress.
  19. stinkenheim

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    You mean earth's yellow sun doesn't allow grant you supervision like it does to us normal folk?? Maybe it's a side effect of the survivor's immunity to the virus lol It is what it is, it makes scopes and binoculars far more important now and also explains why a lot of effort went in to making scopes usable in your hand as a spy glass...
  20. stinkenheim

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    It won't ever be 'farmville with zombies' all the while there are weapons in it so have no fear on that. It shouldn't be just a straight up deathmatch game though. It's a survival game so things should be hard to find, make etc. Farming should be a good option to aid survival and will likely be the most reliable source of food for most people. Doesn't mean everyone is going to go all Rick Grimes and become pacifist farmers though. Beta will likely be around .70 (can't remember the exact number but it was +/-5 i think) so there is still plenty of time. Also don't forget that the implementation of things like CLE will happen in Alpha but a lot of the fine tuning, tweaking and bug fixing will be done during the Beta stages so even though they are in it doesn't mean that that is how it will stay until release.
  21. Brought a tear to my eye there Rick... beautiful story dude.
  22. stinkenheim

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    Dude I am not 'stifling your voice' because I disagree with you, merely explaining that you are mistaken in your assumptions regarding there being no loot on servers and other features of the game not being implemented. As for patronizing you, no, more gently mocking. I merely followed the tone that you laid down in your post regarding how players like me are destroying the game (which is inflammatory and rude.) I have at least refrained from insisting that the way that you play is destroying the game, because it isn't, no more than anyone else's playstyle is damaging to a game still being created and which has not had several key features fully implemented. Rest assured there will be advances in horticulture, cooking, crafting, base building etc. Check out some of the threads in the dev section which speak about the hermit lifestyle and how they are introducing and developing more ways for people to live off the land and survive without the need for high level military loot. The game will always feature bandits and KOSers in the same way that it will always feature players who like to troll people, fresh spawns running through Elektro with Belgian Electro-funk blaring through their speakers, hoarders and those who simply want to live in the woods and just survive as best they can. It's a sandbox game, every way of 'life' is acceptable and allowed it's just some will be more successful than others. If you are struggling with the game (many people are) then take another break. Check up on the status reports, maybe browse the forums a bit and see what's happening, but please don't just complain that people are destroying the game and because on one server you didn't find that AKM you so desperately wanted that everything in the game is now rubbish and that it is broken etc. etc. I don't mean to sound patronizing, I'm also not being sarcastic now because I don't want a flame war that will serve no purpose in this thread. I think there may be some interesting points that you raise but by me not agreeing with you in no way am I trying to silence you. It just means that we don't have the same opinion and being the internet it will always be difficult to judge how others read your posts.
  23. stinkenheim

    High High Loot an some Places

    Yep, it's an issue with the loot spawning mechanism. Unfortunately some devious players have also learnt how to exploit it to their nefarious ends... I have yet to discover their technique meaning that I cannot duplicate masses of peaches so that I can roll about on the floor surrounded by cans whilst playing this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYbc2AmgLmw
  24. stinkenheim

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    Seriously? 'People like you... have destroyed it' is massively inflammatory to other forums users and considering you don't know the person in question (I'm assuming it was either myself or Whyherro you were referring to as being responsible for the game as it stands) is just down right rude. If you are talking about a lack of loot on .57 Experimental servers then that is an issue with the servers that the devs have been working to fix (there is also an exp thread in which to post comments). If you are referring to .55 stable servers then I would suggest you are massively unlucky and possible over exaggerating the situation because Vybor Military Complex is usually the center of a lootsplosion meaning a ridiculously high amount of loot spawning in that one area. NWAF often has these issues too, although in my limited experience (I avoid military areas generally) it is normally confined to the northern most jail. Prison Island will usually have a very high chance of spawning several MP5s, AK74s and Raks if you can survive the 5 minutes swimming. So yeah, I do not see there ever being a stable server where you do laps around the map and find no weapon of any kind. I spawned in with one character a week ago (hadn't played on the server since before the Blaze changed ammunition typed) and did a run across the northern towns of the map and by the time I had reached Novo (I headed from Mishinko) I had a fully decked Mosin, large amounts of ammo, Makarov with 3 mags and a sawn off shotgun. Hardly lacking in loot. That also didn't involve me server hopping military locations to find the gear, it simply involved me looking through buildings and towns, including overlooked areas like the tops of the newspaper stands. +Edit+ Removed sarcastic comment to avoid potential flame war. Apologies if it was taken in the wrong tone my friends.
  25. stinkenheim

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    The reason people were complaining is due to a bug causing some servers (mostly private) to spawn thousands of items fewer than they were supposed to. With the alteration of the loot system and the re-implementation of the legacy loot spawning system meant that the majority of servers were again spawning the correct amount of loot. This issue was rectified over a month ago hence why this thread had died off. As for your idea that by adding in farming (something which is already in the game FYI) and bartering (again something which you can already do simply by speaking to a player) you will see a reduction in bandits and KOS players is a fallacy. It won't happen like that because of farming, the only thing that will make KOS players think twice is rarity of ammunition and increased threat from zombies. These are things which will happen in time but not for a while until things are balanced (server performance and loot spawns/CLE). I personally don't see a problem with bandits in game, it makes things more interesting and exciting knowing that at any time there may be someone watching you... heck, I've spent the last week on a private server being a KOS player because it's not something I ever do and with the wipe coming I wanted to get into some action. Managed to kill several players with my shotgun and mosin in this time. Would I have played differently if farming, hunting, base building etc. had been fully implemented and in depth? No, because it makes no difference to my situation and even if I did start to starve I would simply cut up the players I had killed (I had to twice to be able to leave rooms they were trapping me in with their corpses).