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About Dynamic_G

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  1. Dynamic_G

    Where do I find AK mags?

    I have mostly found them in Barracks. They seem rarer than AKM mags for me.
  2. Dynamic_G

    My first experience in 4 months

    DayZ is not for the impatient or the easily bored. :)
  3. Dynamic_G


    If you want to run a server like its your empire buy a private one otherwise its hands off on public servers as an admin apart from kicking hackers.
  4. Dynamic_G

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Character got reset after playing for about six hours in 053. I am have not been able to light a fire in 0.53
  5. Dynamic_G

    Help! I'm too stupid to light a fire...

    All the people swimming back from the Island are getting cold... lol
  6. Dynamic_G

    So yeah, about that new Alcatraz island............

    No they don't. When I got over I did find a MP-133 shotgun, Mp5-k and a AK74 but I got the feeling the server hoppers are going wild . I did a test from one long barracks and jumped servers. Sure enough I didn't find one server that hadn't been looted so good luck. Me, I think I might hang around and wait for the swimmers. They gotta come back at some stage...
  7. Dynamic_G

    How did you last die?

    Shot in the head by a guy I teamed up with for about six hours game play yesterday. He was a self confessed KOS. No he was worst than that. He liked to make friends then kill people but I still ran with him. You certainly meet some strange people playing this game. He tried to pretend it was someone else who shot me but it was him. Lesson to self. Pick your friends more carefully.
  8. Dynamic_G

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    Yep I mean video games. I guess the buzz is either the enjoyment of annoying other players and being a douche bag or some ego trait where they can't be bothered learning to play better so will go to any lengths to enable themselves to dominate other players and think that they are cool or skilled. Noob Cheaters in FPS games are fairly easy to get because they still lack the core skills that make a good player. I guess in this game if you get killed by a hacker you can just head away from the area and leave them to it but I guess the competitive inclination is to head back and try to get the jump on them. Maybe best to leave them alone. Hopefully they get bored and leave for another server. The worst cheaters are skilled players who use subtle cheats. Very hard to detect. Over all I'm not having problems myself with hackers at the moment but its interesting to be awear of whats going on.
  9. Dynamic_G

    Petty Power Tripping Cheater

    Interesting to watch. I will never understand the hacking mindset. I wonder if there has ever been an indepth study into the type of person who hacks. Would make fasinating reading. I just don't understand the enjoyment people get from cheating. Seems to me this would get boring very quickly but what I do know is that there has always been cheaters and hackers in every game made by man. It amazes me that that game developers are never able to truely wipe out cheaters so we just have to learn to live with it.
  10. Dynamic_G

    What is the longest you have survived?

    53 hours on this toon. Travelling around the map, Feeling a bit nervous now as I'm heading to Novo for my first look.
  11. Yep My game crashes every time I leave a server. Luckily I don't lose my Toon when I next log in.
  12. Dynamic_G

    yay saw people at nwaf (fresh meat)

    Where did you you take them? I hope it wasn't McD's for the first date...
  13. Dynamic_G

    Mosin + Bipod?

    Hmm, so my Mosin with a Bipod could become a rarity. Just another reason for someone to try to kill me for it I expect.
  14. Dynamic_G

    Not a hero or bandit, but sometimes merely an observer?

    Yep, I do this a lot. Just observe and move on. With so many many people playing in pairs or greater, the Lone Wolf has to be very careful. 75hours in and still yet to shoot anyone but my Mosin is calling me.....soon.....very soon......
  15. Dynamic_G

    Anyone Find the Engraved 1911 HandGuns?

    I was at NWAF recently in search of a replacement pistol I somehow lost. I think it got stripped by another player. Found an Engraved 1911 and 5 minutes later happened to luck finding a 7 round mag. This is the second one I've found. By the way NWAF was looted bare before I got there. Didn't find anythink else of value. Haven't come across a Mosin for ages, just SKS.