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Everything posted by Nick_Hutch

  1. Nick_Hutch

    Your first kill

    I ran to Balota to meet up with my friend, when he started screaming over the mike that he got punched in the back of the head. I found his body in one of the Barracks, and he said to bandage him up. I did, and then I took his M4A1, FNX45, basically his entire kit, telling him that I found the rifle in the ATC Tower on the way over and that the guy who punched you must've stolen his things(I was a real douche back then). I heard footsteps (mah buddy had DC'ed, being the pussy he is), and I raised the gun. I hadn't fired an M4 yet, so I was eager to find out how good I was with it. As I was about to run around the corner, three military guys ran around it with their guns drawn, but not raised. I jumped, slamming my talk button by accident (middle mouse button), shouted :"GAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and fired the full 60-round magazine into those three guys. Don't asked how I killed them all, but all three were on the floor, one unconscious, two dead, all of them bleeding an ocean. I guesstimate that around 10-12 bullets actually hit those guys, but my finger was glued to the left mouse button. I rummaged through their Swiss backpacks, and found a usable magazine, which I used to finished off the unconscious one. I adjusted my mic, made a mental reminder to change my pants, and told my friends shouting WTF man ear rape much, "I... I got them all." Got Dragonball Z'ed by an zombie when I left the airfield, 2-3 hits on a survivor with full TTsKO stuff until death is a tad overpowered.
  2. Nick_Hutch

    Torture in DayZ SA?

    Rape will NEVER NEVER NEVER be in DayZ, it's a fact. No one knows why rape is considered worse than killing, unless you consider how traumatized the person will be after, and how they could hurt other people. But this is a video game, and hopefully no one would jump off a bridge because their virtual survivor got violated by an online player. Even though I see nothing wrong with it, it is wrong, and should and will not be in DayZ and hopefully not in any other game. Torture, I'm all for. It would bring more realism to the game, but I would only use it for revenge, as I play as Chaotic Good and occasionally True Evil. I am in some ways insane, and I am truly sorry if anyone is offended by my post, but if my picture hasn't gotten me executed then this post should give me no worries. Rocket wouldn't like it if his game is banned in 60+ countries because of a scroll-wheel option, so we can all thank the door gods for their mercy and still have our rapeless game.
  3. Nick_Hutch


    I wouldn't mind having to cap children sprinting at me shouting tribe chants, but there's no way this is going to be added into the vanilla game. There's no way Dean would risk having this game banned in any country, no matter how stupid the rule is. The OPTION to kill random people in games like GTA got these games into a little bit of hot water, imagine how many people would actually put down their guns and surrender to a little child just because if you kill them people go apeshit. I think most people would spray the fucker, I know I would. Sorry about that.
  4. Nick_Hutch

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    If only chopping down trees made a large BANG when it fell, as it doesn't seem to. That would attract zombies and make you think twice before axing nature three metres from Cherno. Maybe in a future update spiles will be added and you can tap them into trees to get water.
  5. Nick_Hutch

    Something I'd like to do one day

    Be even more awesome if the 1 guy had a gun with 39 bullets for it while the rest just had hatchets Bum rushing the dude would make my year
  6. Nick_Hutch

    Crazy Encounter

    haha fuckin newspawns
  7. Nick_Hutch

    Crazy Encounter

    brilliant story, loved every bit of it
  8. Nick_Hutch

    Damage Models Stepping Backwards

    I would like to have to get out my tweezers and dig the bullet out, making lots of noise while my character groans in pain. Then bandage, and the bandage stays on your character model until say 3-5 ingame days pass, then a message pops up saying my 'wounds look excellent' and then you have the option to take the bandage off. I know gunshot wounds don't take that amount of time to heal, just it would be annoying to wait weeks before taking off the bandage. If you leave the wound as it is, your player will be forced to move slower due to the pain, screen shakes rapidly, make groans when doing actions that require that part of the body, and have severely low morale (do things slower, maybe even sob occasionally). I know Russians are tough bastards and don't feel pain, but it would be so awesome if while you are in pain, you could have a pained expression, and survivors would see that and would perhaps want to help you more (or they could just put you out of your misery).
  9. Nick_Hutch

    Rocket discusses Smoking and Cigarettes in Day Z

    When I clicked on this thread I instantly imagined Hannibal with a cigar in his mouth, gun on his shoulder and a fuck ton of dead zombies piled around him. Yeah, smoking would be cool, not to say it is cool. Maybe you could have withdrawal effects also? You can take 1 cig to calm yourself after killing someone for example but for a few days after if you don't ease yourself off you start to shake really badly and it affects your aim, etc.
  10. Nick_Hutch

    Base Building Ideas

    I don't think the bases would be that aesthetically pleasing, but it would be cool. I like the trend that people want here as well. If it takes a long time to construct a shelter, it should take a long time to disassemble it. I love the idea of boarding up a house though. I've already gotten a few places picked out where I could live for a good amount of time. If you shall ever visit Chernogorsk, be sure to drop by Nick's Pleasure Palace! All the disinfectant and rotten kiwis you can eat!
  11. Nick_Hutch

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I had to replace my monitor because when I read that they added cows into the wilderness I spat milk all over my fucking screen
  12. Nick_Hutch

    Randomize the map.

    While chopping down trees and crafting bows have been added in Experimental 0.45...... This ain't no Minecraft, kiddo.
  13. Nick_Hutch

    Still Blurry Screen After Thirsty

    Pal, if you threaten a guy who wants to help you then you deserve to die of thirst over and over again. The guy has Medic in his name, for goodness sakes.
  14. Nick_Hutch

    Cannot find certain items for the life of me!

    The first rule of DayZ is "If you're looking for it, you will find everything but it and every variant of it that isn't it". Look for a Mosin and a crossbow will spawn at your feet.
  15. Nick_Hutch

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    Since there is no other way to get around the map, it would be rather annoying if they nerfed the only way to get to places quickly. When vehicles and things get added, sprinting should be faster but also very tiring and make your character breathe very loud, thus attracting zombies, etc. Maybe as your character sprints more they get tired less as their body develops more muscle?
  16. Nick_Hutch

    DayZ is peaceful

    My Steam name is Nick_Hutch, and when I play DayZ I follow a set of rules which have saved my pants more times than I remember; If you carry a long weapon in your hands, I will shoot on sight. If you carry a pistol or melee in your hands, I will kneecap on sight. If you piss me off, attempt punching me, run around me in circles blasting HEYEAYEA at me, etc. I will dissect your character and sing along to your screams. If I run across a gang of military survivors, I will combat log(jk) If I run across a gang of military survivors, I will call my team of super ninjas who will slice you to bits with their hot dog buns. If I run across a geared survivor who's not carrying a weapon, I will pronounce friendly and possibly have a chat, trade stories, sort through ammo, and even sometimes go on an adventure together which usually ends with me screaming "FUCKING STAIRS" into the mic over and over again. You can always count on me to help newspawns, and if you say you remember me from DayZ forums, I'll throw in an extra can of beans for only $9.99!