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Everything posted by Jesterarts

  1. Jumped on to play a bit today and I decided to go on the public servers rather than the private ones. When I did this, first I discovered I had a long forgotten character on public server that was quite well kitted. Went exploring and ended up just North of NWAF, at the Northen edge of the forrest that is at Bashnya. It is there where I found loot. Pretty sure all of the loot... ever... I just stumbled across a house and a couple sheds, all packed. I was like 'wow' oh yeah. Continued North to the outpost at the top of the mountain and discovered the house was not all that was affected. I've head of loot-splosions but this was a whole new level. It started at the mountain and continued through the military tents at the top of the airfield and at every spawn point until just just North of the ATC tower. House and sheds:
  2. Jesterarts

    High High Loot an some Places

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225052-so-i-found-some-loot-err-all-of-it-actually/ It's a bug, most common on Public servers.
  3. Yet, you don't. Which makes me inclined to assume you need a hobby. My concern with your one-eyed view of the world is you assume that you know better than anyone not agreeing with your opinion and also the DayZ dev team. Given this, I hope you are able to share your credentials and experience in software and game development. Also, best to send in your resume to the DayZ team. Given you know so much more than many others and have much better idea of what is best practice and what isn't in software dev, you single handedly could influence this game to be completed sooner than anyone can imagine. Probably no point in continuing to try and reason with you as you're being unreasonable with your opinion, but the fact of the matter is that if persistence is being turned off, there is a reason for it that may or many not be obvious to the layman.
  4. Persistance, CLE, whatever. Moral is if something is causing significant performance issues and it not performing as expected expected, it makes sense to removed it so testing can focus on the rest. And persistence works fine? Yeah, aside from crashing servers and causing various other performance issues. Works tip top. ;)
  5. Jesterarts

    [CLE/0.57] Loot interaction failure experiment

    I find that it doesn't even take leaving the building. In my experience, leaving the room and getting close enough to another item to interact fixes the issue with the original item I wanted to interact with.
  6. This comment. Much lolz. So in your eyes, they should keep the CLE system on for all stable updates, even though it's the cause of global performance issues that prevent other features being tested properly? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Just to put some perspective on that brain fart. Let say you are developing a project management software, and the login screen is critically bugged preventing access to the rest of the features. Are you suggesting that in your 'experience', it would be bad practice to remove the login screen while it's being worked on so that the testing group is able to test the other features in the mean-time? What they are doing makes absolute sense. At the moment they have identified that the CLE and zombie AI is the cause of the issues everyone is seeing and struggling with. They know that both are not working as they should and need to be fixed. So now they are removing those factors, in order to test the other features and unmask any specific issues with those under ideal circumstances. They may even find that the architecture they designed for the CLE will never work as planned and have to start again. Sometimes it makes more sense to pull the pin on an approach that is not working and start again. The more you 'change' and 'fix' a piece of code, the less optimised it becomes and more issues arise. I can't comment on the actual state of the code with DayZ, but as far as pulling the feature out for now to allow the rest of the features and modules to me tested, makes complete sense as it speeds up the dev process.
  7. Jesterarts

    Trading Post

    I'm in the PIPSI Hive #1 server. I have two AK 75 drum mags, two regular AK mags and a SMERSH backpack I will take a Mosin or some mp5 mags.
  8. Not entirely sure why but I have a bit of an urge to document various locations I have checked out and what I am planning on checking out next. I guess it's part for me to keep a record of my adventures plus I figure I might stumble across a fellow traveller on this forum heading in a similar direction. So today's efforts: I started out where I left of last time; at the police station in Zelenogorsk. I managed to find a SKS which is great as a hacker helped himself to my M4 the other day. From here I wanted to get out of Zelenogorsk asap as I'd heard stories... bad stories. So I left via the barracks and headed into the forest to the North West and then North towards Pustoshka. I was travelling along the tree line and just west of Sosnovka there was a little cabin just on the edge of the forrest. I quickly checked it out and ducked back into the forest as I was feeling a bit uneasy about the location. I found one of those little shack things in the forest that looked out towards the cabin and waited. Sure enough within about 2-3min another player appeared. Heart skipped a beat and I steadied my weapon. 'Had he been tracking me? Was he aware I was out here? DAMN! I left the doors open, he knows I am here!' So I watched him for a while as he was looking around in the cabin, then he disappeared out of my sight. I waited a few minutes and nothing, no idea which way he went of if he logged out. I decided to move in case he has spilled my gaze and was flanking my position. I ran out of the shack and headed North, North East towards Pustoshka. Pustoshka was deserted and I was able to pick up some supplies from the supermarket. No weapons or gear around the army truck so I moved through the down quickly. I was planning on heading to Vybor next but as I was running out of Pustoshka I made a snap decision to head North West towards the construction site just South West of Lopatino. My navigation skills failed me and I ended up just outside Lopatino instead. 'All good I thought, there is another construction site just North of Lopatino anyway so all is well. Nothing interesting in Lopatino so I followed the road out towards the constructions site/bus depo/train station. Got there without incident and without seeing another sole. I was feeling pretty calm as I figured there was nothing out here and no one would bother going this far West when the NWAF was just East of my position. I found one of those office buildings? The one that has 3 floors; Bottom has shelves and food usually, middle has some random crap usually and top has one room that ALWAYS has a weapon. TO THE TOP! I found a pristine scope for my SKS and also a crossbow. I remembered someone in the trade section was looking for one and was thinking about grabbing it and doing a trade, but then I thought better of it and make a move out of there as I didn't want to give up my nerfed Mosin or my SKS. I headed to the construction site and searched all the floors. On the middle floor I stopped to scan my surroundings and all of a sudden my screen goes white... I hit the deck, no bleeding and everything still seems to be in good condition so I am confused what happened. My worst thought was a sniper somewhere in the hills had trained his eye on my. I run out of the site and head for the trees. I find a quiet spot and log out. I am about here: http://dayzdb.com/map#7.016.045 Next planned movements; I am thinking more North. There is a little nameless village NOrth of my position with 3 wells and a few little buildings I can search for food. Then more north towards the area near the edge of the map that looks like it will have something soon as there are foundations etc. There is also a nice sized lake which I wouldn't mind checking out. Try and catch a fish or too. TO BE CONTINUED...
  9. So today I was still hanging around Balota. I ran into two players who I clearly surprised, I had my repeater in my hands while they ran past in front of me. They saw me as we bumped into each other and where about 20m away. I yelled out 'Don't worry, I won't shoot guys...' as they ran behind a building. I stopped and was about to turn around to head the other way when the female came out from behind the building and shot me in the face with a shotgun. Moral of the story; Being friendly gets your face blown off 9 times out of 10.
  10. Jesterarts

    Authentication timeouts

    I had the same issue. Closed Dayz and Steam, restarted and everything worked fine.
  11. The next installment.
  12. The next installment, using spoilers as requested by the mods.
  13. Just to fill in a few visual blanks. These are the last things I saw atop the factory outside Vybor.
  14. Today, was the first day I diet of starvation. My character from the post above was bludgeon to death in the factory building outside Vbory, as I was watching a player kill others at the military base. I died to the sound of my attacker saying 'sorry bro'. To accomplish this, I sprinted along the South coast from the spawn point to the East of Electro, all the way to the West edge of the map. I was curious how far a player could last sprinting and not looking for food. I did stay hydrated by drinking from wells that I happen to come across. To all those players who complain about dying from starvation, you are clearly doing it wrong. I did the stupidest thing I could think of, sprinting along the coast, and got that far. That same distance inland and you can easily reach about any point on about half the map. If I ran, could have made it even further. Fun adventure, time to start a new one.
  15. Jesterarts

    So I found some loot... err... all of it actually

    Ah k. I'd heard of them but never had someone show how big they are.
  16. Jesterarts

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yep, it was in the status notes. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F225029-status-report-14-may-15%2F They have identified that a lot of the server performance issues are stemming from the infected AI. I understand they have pulled them out in EXP and .56. This is allowing them time to test and try and identify what is causing the issue specifically.
  17. Jesterarts

    Land Mine Kills and Other Funny Moments Compilation

    The laughing was hysterical. I cannot believe people didn't think that a trail of apples would be a trap. Brilliant!
  18. After the above happened, I continued NNW. During this journey, I had a few zombie encounters and this resulted in my pants, jacket and ammo box being ruined! As well as my boots. Luck for me, while the ammo box was ruined, the ammo inside was fine. So for the time I just kept it all in there. It was pretty barron in the area I was exploring, so I had to go East and find some towns to try and get gear. I ended up just north of the NWAF, at the Northern edge of the forrest that surrounds the outcomes on top of the Bashnya mountain. This is where this happened: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225052-so-i-found-some-loot-err-all-of-it-actually/ The whole are from the edge of the forrest to half way down the airfield was overloaded with loot. I grabbed what I could carry, found a mountaining pack so I could carry more and moved through the airfield. There were 3 military tents in the middle of the air strip. I KNEW it was a trap but the temptation was too much! First, I moved to the tower to the West of the tents near the two warehouses and one military building. After sitting there for 10min observing the area with my LRS, I made the suicide run: The entire run to the tents I was waiting, expecting, dreading the sound of a mosin firing and the crack bullets raining around me but nothing. Not a soul. Unfortunately, the same could be said for the contents of the tents. Completely empty. I then tried to close the door, failed. Tried to close the window, failed. Couldn't work out how to collapse it down. Decided to more on and keep looting instead. Hoping that I get a few more adventures with this character before the reset happens.
  19. So today, because my characters on private servers all died, I decided to jump onto a random, well populated public server. I discovered a long forgotten, well geared character! So the adventure started. I headed West along the coast. Coming through a little town, I found a spot I suspect someone died No good stuff really, so I continued West. Didn't meet any players but I did have a few encounters with infected. Since I had 5 MK5 mags and I know a character wipe is coming up, I was practicing my shooting with the MP5 and my mosin as I went. All of a sudden, something in the distance on a hill caught my eye. A CAMP! There was an orange truck with the troop carrier platform, and two military tents. Lots of loot in the tents, but I only took what I needed. Swapped my mosin for a M4 with a few bits on it, left all my mosin ammo and 3 of my MP5 mags. Then I grabbed the truck and set of. Literally about 20 seconds later, this: Seems these trucks roll a bit easier than the ones with nothing on the back. And are SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
  20. Jesterarts

    Massivly unplayable

    I must make a correction to my previous post, I said I have only played under 200 hours, I've actually played 217. Either way, significantly less than the OP, yet not facing the same issues. The trend that I am noticing, is these threads are generally started by players who firstly talk about how experienced they are by stating hours of play, and then talk about the game being crap or unplayable 'now'. And it's finally clicked! Aside from the standard arguing about 'it's a survival game' and 'alpha' comments that these threads hold, the authors seem to lack adaptability. I have to admit, my play style changed SIGNIFICANTLY when .55 rolled out and will adapt further with .56 I went from a player who sprinted along the coast or into a town looking for a supermarket or police station, then checking houses for clothing and food to a player who immediately started looking for rocks, and running not sprinting. So far the course of action that hasn't failed me is crafting a knife, finding ANY melee weapon or even crafting a 'sharp stick' and then finding animals on my path inland. One cow provides enough to make several water pouches, feel and hydrate me and set me up to go hunting for gear. While the game isn't final, I believe that the 'struggle' being experienced it reflective of the end vision for the game. As with reality and all other aspects of life, when things change you can either adapt or fail..... and post threads about it. All aspects of the DayZ experience need to contribute to the overall experience. Before .55 the game was basically a PvP shooter that allowed some people to have a 'survival' play style, but it was more a choice of game style. Now you can still play PvP is you want, but there is a journey you need to take before you are able to do so. It's now became a whole game, rather than two separate games that happen to be in the same environment. A step in the right direction. The same will happen once base building is introduced, at first it will be something people want to do, but it's not critical to the game. After a while it will become more and more critical otherwise you will freeze, starve or get robbed and have to start again in a environment where loot and food is even less plentiful. For a really long time, we've effectively been testing the 'shoot stuff and people' feature of the game. And there was a loot of testing on this as it's rather complex. Now we've arrived at a point where the shooting people part has been THOROUGHLY tested and we are needed to test the 'survival' feature of the game. We're part of the early release not to play how we want, but to test the functionality the dev team's need us to test. If everyone is running around gearing up in 10min and then shooting each other, dying, gearing in 10min and repeating, the survival aspects and crafting aspects of the game are not being tested by the early access group making the point of early access redundant. Not everything is about how YOU want to play the game at the moment.
  21. Jesterarts

    Massivly unplayable

    Another of these threads? I thought this was covered a month or so ago. Anyway, the only people for whom this game is unplayable, are those who don't know how to play it. I think I has sub-200 hours playing and I am yet to die from thirst or hunger. I mostly travel hydrated, energized and healthy. Only challenge is ammo and guns, but that's a matter of time and patience.
  22. Actually, that is bordering on the definition of experience. Experience; practical contact with and observation of facts or events. So learning which weapons do what through using them is experience, just like in everything else, player with more experience will have an advantage. Why on earth would a system where a player who has played the game a lot and learnt how it works not have an advantage to a new player make sense?
  23. Bah! Don't TRY to find a longhorn. They are a pile of ineffective rubbish. Massive sway, single short, long reload and accuracy is questionable. I ditch them the first change I get to grab a different side arm... or even find more food... lol
  24. Yeah, I am thinking that once I die again, I might try and go full sustainable. The challenge being that until persistence is 100%, stuff will go 'bye-bye' eventually. In terms of the leather water pouches, they are EASY to make. Since I discovered them it's one of my first objectives. It also means I have a whole bunch so can give other players spare ones. Anyway, to make it you need the following 1. A knife. Steak, Hunting, or craft a stone knife it doesn't matter, just a knife. 2. A leather sewing kit. These are common enough that within 1-2 hours playing you should come across one easy 3. Some lime. I usually don't bother carrying this with me as it takes a lot of space and is common enough to find once you have they hide 4. A cow, deer or boar. Long story short, kill one of the above critters. Skin and quarter. East the steaks raw. When you are pretty healthy I have YET to fall ill from eating them raw and right there and then. This will usually get you to hydrated and energized. When you skin and quarter the animal, you will get meat, bones, fat, guts and... hide! Once you have the hide (skin), you need to find some lime. You apply the lime to the hide it you will 'tan' it into leather. Then you need the leather sewing kit. You use this to sure leather into things like a cap, pants, shirt (I think) and water pouch. Out of one deer, you can make 4 pouches. And in terms of your respawn/loot question. Depends on the server you are playing. The server I play only resets loot weekly I think. So this means that once I go through a town and pick it clean, I know there is no point going back there again for a while. Hope that answers your questions and helps!