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Everything posted by Jesterarts

  1. Jesterarts

    New Spawnpoints

    Nope. I respawned in the far NW next to a police car.
  2. Jesterarts

    Has DayZ ever gotten you in real world trouble?

    Yes, with the wife. Couple weekends ago I think I put in a solid 8 to 9 hours and she was far from impressed. I would go as far as saying she was 'unimpressed', even moreso when I started sharing stories about my in game adventures over dinner. I think I need help...
  3. Jesterarts

    New Spawnpoints

    Can't comment on the location, but when I was playing the other day I lost my characters gear, spawned in the spot I left off but I was energised, hydrated and healthy. No clothes naturally.
  4. Jesterarts

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    I would like to send a message to all the cows on DayZ. Consider this a formal declaration of war upon your delicious kind. Contact me to discuss the terms of your surrender, and prefered level of cooking; medium rare. Let me warn you, I have struck an alliance with the boars and sexy lady zombies. Heed this warning or face carvation...
  5. Jesterarts

    Spawned and my character is sitting next to me.

  6. Jesterarts

    Burlap bonehead

    Easy to name call when someone can't do anything about it. The OP and his buddy seem too chicken shit to reveal their game to the victim before they have killed their victim. If they had any balls, the situation would play out the same aside from the end, where they would hold up the victim and give then a choice; drop everything or die. I would respect that play style. What these two do makes them lower then the 'loser' they killed. Each to their own I guess, the game does need losers like these two to keep everyone on their toes.
  7. Jesterarts

    Sniper issues and ideas

    The only 'bi-pod' available for the mosin should be a burlap sack with sand/dirt in it. Get to s sniping spot, take out the sack, fill with earth/sand, take out the mosin and rest it on the sack. Once you are done, empty the sack, pop it in your pack and move on. Duct-taping a altas one to the mosin should be an option, but it should require you to have to 'fix' it every 2nd shot or something. If you've taped it on it's going to come off from the kick of the shots.
  8. Jesterarts

    Stuck off map....

    This comment is definitely bound to get a response. If you just want to try and die and respawn you can try changing your character default in the game. I remember one time I was just fiddling around with the default character and when I joined a server I ended up as a fresh spawn.
  9. Hey all, So last session playing I accidentally ate some raw meat and then followed it up by deliberately eating burnt meat. Long story, thought the burnt meat would have charcoal on it. Not the case. So I am sick and the icon is olive in colour. I know that charcoal tablets are the cure, but haven't been able to find any in Vybor or the military base. At thus point I suspect on more long distance trek will end me so I wanted to know if there is something else I can try? I am 'hydrated' and 'energised' at thus point. I have also had some vitamins. I was reading that drinking water to the point of throwing up can help with chemical poisoning, does it work for food poisoning? Thanks in advance.
  10. Jesterarts

    HELP; Sick with food poisoning

    Thanks for the feedback guys. There is a well in Vybor I have a date with it seems. I have should have enough food. while I have no peaches I do have various other cans of things. I will try and sort this out tonight or die trying... Hopefully someone doesn't decide to KoS me while I am at it. :)
  11. Jesterarts

    HELP; Sick with food poisoning

    Thanks for the info. What's the course that the sickness runs? Like is it a case of it stops getting worse or how long before the status changes? I just wan to know what to look for so I don't end up losing the character due to something silly I overlook. Cheers,
  12. Yeah, I will try that if this happens again...
  13. So, I figured since I was not a freshy I had nothing to lose and headed South to NWAF. I ran into some players and this happened: The guy handcuffed me and when we had a chat and realised I was no threat, the saga of trying to get out of the handcuffs started as he didn't have the key. Eventually one of the guys found a hacksaw and we were off! We headed to the military base South of NWAF and along the way found a deer and we carved it up. We cooked those up at the base but I managed to accidentally eat a raw steak! While at the base, another player popped up and there was a tense stand off, and he wasn't playing by the rules so a couple warning shots got him running away. Next we all went to Vybor to try and get some charcoal tablets for me, no luck and I logged out while 'energized', 'hydrated' and 'sick' just outside Vybor.
  14. So I logged back into a server and as it was loading I got the message that it cannot connect somewhere and has loaded a default character. Then it advises I should log out immediately. Did so, no luck. I am in the same spot I logged out last time, but in nothing but underwear... And I'm stuck on the 100sec screen... Bit frustrating, I don't mind losing y gear to another player... but to a glitch like this is 'meh'
  15. Jesterarts

    Any ideas?

    So you're going from areas that are low traffic where you were killed after spawning and now you are going to a very high traffic area to spawn instead? You do realise that if you do carry out our cunning plan, you will be sitting in a police station for 100sec while you wait for the spawn delay. For that 100sec and one who happens to be in the station will kill you. Either because they are just like that OR because they will know your server hopping and kill you on principal. Genius plan...
  16. Logged in today and first thing I noticed, my pants were ruined... as was the yellow hard case in them and the PSO scope in the case. My boots were also ruined so much happiness all round. AWESOME FUN TIME! I thought I would look around the bus depo for some shoes. And indeed I did find some: Unfortunately for me, it was not to be, my character was not inspired enough to reach up and grab them, so I had to settle for some wellies I found outside instead. I also found another Mosin, and for a moment I contemplated the my fantasy of caressing the Mosin twins, but logic prevailed and I set off. I headed North to check out the missing town... it was indeed missing. Time for a new approach; so I headed East. The next nearest point of interest was the NWAF, BAHAHA-yeah-fark-no-mofo, so I headed to the outpost at the top of Bashnya mountain. Nothing interesting there although it didn't seem like it had been looted. Found a compass and a AK mag. Don't have an AK but at least that's another 30 rounds for the SKS. Next move is most likely further East to Devils Castle and then North East, passing above Novo and checking out the little cluster of things up there. In related news, my character...
  17. Yeah, been to devils castle once... as a pretty fresh spawn so didn't get a chance to admire the ruin as there was a zombie chick trying to give be a hiccy...
  18. Jesterarts

    Trading Post

    I have a PSO scope which I don't need. I want either an ammo box or a yellow box for it. PM me if you have something...
  19. Jesterarts

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    SON-OF-A-BIATCH! Just had my M4 disappear right out of my hands! Damn hackers!
  20. Jesterarts

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    Damn it... I don't play for a while and both my weapons become ineffective. Mosin and M4 being dumped next time I play.
  21. Jesterarts

    Afraid to go on

    You really need to stop hording Ammo... If you don't have a gun, the only ammo worth keeping is .357 as they seems to be common and don't require a clip. So chances of having everything needed to be effective are high. Also the ammo that goes in the SKS and AMK, since it fits two guns but if you have neither, just 2 boxes is enough. Med supplies, food, can opener, compass and peaches. They are the things you want, especially the peaches! They are by far the best food as far as I am concerned since you hydrate and enegrise from them! And if you still have that mosin ammo by this weekend, shoot me a PM. Given a few people have successfully met up in this thread without death I will be keep on a trade.
  22. Jesterarts

    clean the screen

    Wow... Someone need to take a big ol' chill pill. I barely notice those messages and they are hardly that invasive to distract from the gameplay.
  23. Jesterarts

    Afraid to go on

    Close, but no cigar; I trust no one but that does not mean I KOS. All this means is if I meet someone, I will ensure the encounter is on my term. If I team up with someone I will always ensure they are in my line of sight. And if someone is being too friendly I remove myself from the situation. I think I am actually yet to kill anyone in the game who didn't attack and put me in a situation were my only option out was lethal force and I've only been in that situation once. So you were WAY of in that assumption poppet. ;)
  24. Jesterarts

    Afraid to go on
