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Everything posted by Jesterarts

  1. Jesterarts

    Server TS settings

    So, would yo guys say that being on TS increases or decreases chances of having a BAD time? :) Do people act more friendly as you've had a while to chat with them before running into them, or do people generally use it to set up ambushes and lure people in?
  2. Jesterarts

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    Rule 1: Shoot or avoid anyone more geared than you. Rule 2: Follow, don't lead a group. Rule 3: Allies become 'decoys' in a fire fight. Rule 4: Can openers are the most valuable thing. Rule 5: Peaches are the second most valuable thing.
  3. Jesterarts

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    If there was going to be helicopters, it would be good if they were basic, private ones. Like basic ones like you would occasionally expect on a farm or the like. Same goes for ultralight aircraft. Fairly basic to maintain in real world terms and more than often designed to fold away and be put in a barn. Having full blown commercial or military aircraft is a bit unrealistic as running them would not be plausible. Then you could have a few on the map. They would be great for recon fir either planning attacks or locating threats to a base. And the controls for those are plausibly simple enough for an average person to operate. The hardest thing would be knowing how to start the thing in the case of a chopper if they made the cockpit interactive. And then the next hardest thing would be not crashing once in the air.
  4. Not really zombies?!? But, but, that's the only reason I got into the game. :( But fair enough. Is there a official back story? Or is it bit undefined so at to that realism of surviviors who are unsure if what these things are?
  5. Personally, I don't like the way the zombies act at all, but that's because I am a bit of a genre purist. This means that as far as I am concerned, Zombies are the walking dead, so they simply cannot be faster than a living person given the mechanics they rely on to move are inferior to ours due to decay. That and the act of running is simply too complex for what is left in their functional brain to perform. The most accurate modern day depiction of Zombies is in "The Walking Dead". Other references are Dawn of the Dead (2004), Shaun of the Dead, etc. Movies such as Zombie Land, Quarantine, 28 Days later and the recent World War Z have polluted the zombie genre as far as I am concerned. What is more frustrating is the book that the movie "World War Z" was based actually described zombies in the traditional sense. This modernization of the concept has changed the zombie genre from being suspense/horror to action/horror. That aside, the way the zombies currently interact with players is wrong. At the moment zombies attack to inflict damage. They strike the player causing injuries. Again, given zombies are actual supposed to be acting on the base instinct to feed they should be trying to grab and munch. This is where zombie herd dynamics would work well. Imagine that you come across a zombie and it grabs onto you. As you try to battle it off the noise attracts another zombie that grabs your, etc. A single zombie should be dangerous as it could prevent you from getting away while other zombies arrive. Thought I suspect this is since the game is still ALPHA so I can deal with it. Herd mechanics would also be great once we are able to barrackade things. Literally the prison situation in The Walking Dead. One zombie on the fence is no issue, a handful, still no isse, but over time more and more zombies are drawn to the fence and this is a problem. Basically, I think I'm just after a "The Walking Dead" simulator. lol.
  6. Jesterarts

    Now I am getting angry...

    I've lost countless characters now due to glitches and the like. Invisible zombies, random character wipes, weapons doing weight things, falling off cliff due to rubber banding, are just some of the deaths I have experienced due to "glitches". But then what I did was I built a bridge... It's an alpha, you can't have game ruining glitches in an alpha because it's not yet the final game. If you can't deal with the current glitches, then wait until it's actually a finished game and then play. Simples
  7. Jesterarts

    Purple pack crew!

    So I finally have my first story of finding survivors that didn't end in immediate death. Spawned this morning after being executed the other day with a gun I tried to trade with another survivor, or bandit as I discovered. Spawned just outside Karmanovka and soon stumbled across another freshy, who seemed like he wasn't a dick and decided we'd help each other out. This guys will be known as "Orange dude" the rest of this story as he found the BRIGHTEST jacket in the universe. We moved South to that big arse city/town that is just North of Ceranya Polana. The mission was the super market. On the way to the supermarket we found another survivor, this time armed with cross bow and it turned out he was actually a friendly too. Call him Mr.T for the purpose of this story as he was the best armed of us all. We were about to part ways when he asked if we could help find his mate, who was running somewhere along the coast. I had look at the map and worked out he was just South of the Rify wreck and the best meeting point for us would be Svetlojarsk. We quickly had a look in the supermarket as Mr.T mentioned that there was a purple pack there... he was already wearing a purple one and you know probably are seeing why I came up with the thread title. So we grabbed that and some misc items and headed to Svetlojarsk. Somewhere along the way, Orange dude also found a purple pack. Much lolz where had discussing the homo-levels of our little group based solely on matching purple packs. Anyway, upon reaching Svetlojarsk we found the fourth member of our little crew, "Cowboy"... he was wearing a cowboy hat... and yes, I am not being very original with the names. We did contemplate killing Cowboy as his pack was blue... and therefore he was different, but decided to save that option for later. Soon after getting together, we were fired upon. "Friendly" server my ass! I suggested we get the hell out of the port town as it would be a fairly high traffic area and head to Olsha. We did decided to hit up the well first as we were all thirsty. That is about the time when we were attacked by a Z and someone fired from the apartment killing the zombie. Though we were not sure if that was intended or not. That and just past the wall he were covering behind we found a body. Fairly well kitted, Mosin, army vest and some other goodies. I grabbed the Mosin and whatever other goodies I could carry, though I had no ammo and none of the crew did either. That was about the time we were fired at again. Same to said not a friendly then. We headed to Olsha and where I found some ammo for the mosin... as well as discovering that Mr.T did have some ammo for it. So locked and loaded, I decided to break my number #1 rule; Go to NE airport on a server with more than 2 people on it. We got as far as the tower that overlooks the airfield from the NE, where we were ambushed by an unknown number of bandits. I heard 2 other weapons aside from my Mosin and Orange dudes Mr.T's .22 Orange dude went out first and as the bandits where looking at his body I took one out. Mr.T regrouped on me and told me Cowbody was down. I knew there was a bandit in the trees ahead of me as he dived in there after I took is buddy out. Waiting for any sign of movement, the screen went black in a hail of bolt action fire and that was it. Anyway, this was probably the most enjoyable play of the game for me so far. AND if my any chance you are one of that group and reading this. Shoot me a PM and we'll meet up again. I will just ask a simple question to check it's someone from the group. :) Much more fun with other players.