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Everything posted by Jesterarts

  1. Genuinely, you start and post some of the most nonsensical crap. Why on earth would the remove those zombies? It's an alpha, we are testing. Clipping is not the only thing we are testing so any time they are out of the game not being tested is wastes to time. This thread is about on par with your post about how slow the coding is happening which was later followed up by a thread stating you have exactly zero idea about coding. At NO point should any feature be removed just because it's buggy unless there is a critical issue with it that hampers further testing. Hopper zombies will have one documented issue; clipping. And this is FAR from a critical issue. In the mean time they are adding value in terms of allowing testing if server loads, performance, interaction with the player, interaction with the environment, animation, damage and once the new release is out physics, etc. So why would a software team sacrifice all that data gathering just because the bug with that feature will occasionally make a player thing 'stupid crawler!' Before smacking it in the head with something blunt? Makes no sense.
  2. Jesterarts

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    Clearly the definition of 'alpha' has eluded you. In response to the thread, I haven't seen any crash sites in stable since last update so I am assuming for now it's a 'no'.
  3. Jesterarts

    Should zombies fear fire?

    Because the behave like infected people and not the reanimated corpses. I think this has been covered, but I understand that the creatures in DayZ are not zombies. I guess that explains why a body hit can take them down. In regards to the topic, no they should not be afraid of fire. Either way you look at it, be it infected or zombie, there is no fear of fire in zombie pop fiction. If you look at the infected in 28 days later, they were not afraid of fire. They family ran through it. And if you look at traditional zombies, they don't have and self preservation instinct. Take the example if the Zeds in 'Walking Dead', they would walk right into the spike barricades impaling themselves with no signs of serf preservation. I agree that they should be attracted to fire given a fire at night is something of interest, same as a gunshot.
  4. Jesterarts

    Disappearing ammo?

    Just something I noticed today and also potentially yesterday. So I have a myosin and it's full, so 5 rounds loaded. I add a bayonet or a compensator and all is fine but after a few seconds the top right shows some text saying the name of my weapon and when I look at it in the inventory view, the bullets are gone. I try firing and dead mans click, try to load more ammo but it says the myosin is full. remove the compensator, close and open the inventory and boom, ammo is back. Anyone had this? Or mags disappear? Last night I found an aim and then to my delight a drum mag. I was running towards a town when the text appears top right though I didn't really notice it. Later on I go to fire on a zombie and 'click'. I look at the rifle and the drum is gone! I put it down to a hacker doing it long distance but it was weird as nothing else was taken... This was my HC character and I didn't think to try and take bits off it to see what happens but it could be related. Anyone else experience something similar?
  5. Jesterarts

    Disappearing ammo?

    Interesting, good to know. However mine disappeared without me reloading or anything. Just running along, had some food, kept running and GONE! :(
  6. Jesterarts

    Your Personal Base Location Ideas.

    Been there, thought about the location and it's not good. Mainly because it's going to have people blowing by. People like me who went to that location just to see what is at the bottom left of the map. In terms of facilities it's good, but geographically it's a place of interest and if you are attacked by organised force you are cornered.
  7. Today I gave a guy a myosin and ammo for a can of spaghetti, then I traded 2 rolls of bandages for 2 bananas with a guy who sounded like he was about to have a panic attack then I busted standing in a house, I think he was ark to start with. Yesterday I met heaps of people around Novo and didn't die. Helped this group of 3 guys who had a buddy with a broken leg, but the server reset just as he was applying the split so never found out if he was all good. It also sucked as I had another tag along with me so if he was sorted we could have been a group of 5. I also discovered that HC servers seem more friendly. I died once but the guy killed me out of fright in a barracks on a nighttime server. He was very apologetic and tried to bandage me but not fast enough. Later on I saved 2 well geared guys at NEAF leading them to safety as someone was firing on them. They gave me a backpack and gear as thanks. Good times...
  8. Jesterarts


    When you say 'very little programming has been done' how are you gauging that statement? Just curious given there are constant code and functionality updates coming through.
  9. Jesterarts

    In a survival game with severely limited resources, WTF...

    The OP enjoys a good sliding groin strike... Melee is in the game as a way to take care of Zed. So it's function just needs to satisfy that purpose. It's clunky now and basic left or right options, plus block will to what is needed.
  10. Went to benzino, some crazy with an axe got me but I ran away. Bleeding everywhere and my rags were ruined. Some other guy comes over and says 'YOU know you can tear up your shirt?' I said I already have, then he shots me in the face. Well....
  11. So today I picked up the journey and headed North, but not before popping into the clock tower one more time and picking up a mosin, LRS and Ammo. Then, as intended I first went North to the saw mill? And then set of East. I got about to here: http://dayzdb.com/map#7.122.003 When my legs hurt and I died... FRESH SPAWN TIME!
  12. I think the thing I like the most about these sorts if threads is when people give opinions about things that their opinions suggest they know nothing about. For example 'putting vehicles in is easy'. Much lolz. In term if this thread, I don't get the issue. With any other game you only get vehicles, or anything fir that matter, once the game is finished. Also, why would they waste time investing in something that is such a small part of the game, when there is still a significant amount of work needed on core features? I for one am GLAD they are not working in them until now as it means they are focused on the important stuff. Plus it means that we still have some time before people are whinging about buggy vehicles all over the forum.
  13. I would agree with most of what you said aside for the comment that DayZ is a zombie game. It's not about zombies. Just the same as The Walking Dead is not about zombies. In terms of the zombies, I like that they are just standing around in fields or random areas looking dumb. They are zombies, that's generally what zombies do. I already don't like how fast the are and feel that the 'jog' they do when you have outrun them fir a while should be the top speed. There does need to be more if them. In the country seeing one in a field here and there works but cities should be quite populated with Zeds. Also, once they sort out the zombie issues with walls, I would expect to find more if them IN houses then OUT. Realistically in the event if a zombie apocalypse people would dig in at their homes, and then the unfortunate ones would become sick or die and lay waste to the rest of the occupants.
  14. Jesterarts

    to the friendly guy i shot

    Or he could have had his Mic muted. Had a similar situation a while ago, I was talking without realising I had flicked my Mic off. Only realised the issue after I surrendered and was handcuffed. Then the saga if finding something to get be out if the handcuffs started...
  15. Yeah, I've been there. That's where this thread started! No pictures but it was good picking as between the construction site and building at the end of the line there is good loot.
  16. So we pick up the journey from Devils Castle and my goal is Krastnostav via Gvozdno. I start running East and are excited being healthy, energised and hydrated! Along the way I meet some friends: Genuinely, they followed me for a bit, not sure if pure coincidence or not but I looked back after another 3-4min of running and they were about 300m from me. After running for an alarmingly long time I arrive at my destination; Groka! Wait... what? Yeah, SO it seems my compass is a bit more damaged than I thought and it put me slightly put me off course. I went through Groka and got some supplies along with re-hydrating. Now I set off towards Krasnostav this time using roads as my guide rather then my compass. I passed Dubrovka and kept on North(ish). About half way between Dubrovka and Krasnostav I needed a pee pee break. So I found a bush next to the road and squatted. I waited for 2-3min to ensure I wasn't followed and there wasn't zombies before making the dash to the bathroom. I returned to being attacked my a military Zed, by the time I arrived I was bleeding all over the shop, my leg 'hurt' and everything was REAALLY fuzzy. I managed to put the bastard down, as well as the zombie that spawned IMMEDIATELY after. This was my state: Rain coat; Ruined Magnum; Ruined Can of peaches; Ruined FX-whateverthechopitscalled-45 ruined. I was also barely able to see so I did have to use the 'open visual options' glitch so I could see something. I know, I cheater but I was feeling faint and I knew I HAD to get to Krasnostav to get food so I could start healing. The rest of the journey was uneventful and I breezed Krasnostav. I arrived in Novo just as dusk was setting in. I started in the West and moved East through the city hitting the Police station, supermarket and random apartment here and there. Didn't see anyone but I did hear gunshots. I decided to check out the hospital which paid off in the form of bandages. I then proceeded a bit further North and noticed the clock town. I'd heard stories about the clock tower, snipers, campers, bandits on the upper floors and then the worst..... the STAIRS! I headed up holding shift the whole way up, as I understand it most stair deaths are collision glitch related so I figured this would help the situation. On the upper floors I found food, a new magnum (YAY!), a crossbow (BOO), a mosin (no ammo) and a piece of paper on which I tried but couldn't write a note. I carried on higher... and higher. The last stairwell was STUPID narrow, I was SURE I was going to stair die but I held my nerve and.... TADA! Ok... so now what? NORTH ofcourse! I headed down the stairs and half way down I heard another player. I fumbled around in my pack for my magnum dropping the mosin which I was carrying in my hands. The voice got closer, louder... 'Heheheheh... I hears you little man...' it taunted. 'I know you're up there and I'm coming, tehehehehe' he continued... I was crapping myself that I was just about to meet a sadistic player who would end me but instead new spawn in a hard hat and holding a wrench appeared. I was much more geared than him and he seem to change his tune upon seeing me. 'I'm friendly, friendly... but... sigh... you'll kill me anyway' I told him I wouldn't and moved past him while all the time training stella (My Magnum) at him. Had a quick chat and he told me he had just respawned after dying on the stairs at NWAF, ironic that he was not tackling some considerable stairs. I told him I would not kill him provided he didn't follow me, and that he could have the mosin since I didn't have ammo for it. I them got to the bottom floor, happened to find a police jacket and continued to the VERY steep hill just tot he east(ish) of the tower. From here, I think the next location of interest is going to be the cluster of 'stuff' just North of Novo, then East to Karmanovka and Dobroe. Stay tuned...
  17. Jesterarts

    any point in having a sidearm?

    Magnum is my trusty fall back and inside gun. Low capacity but the way I see it, if I engage in a fire fight in a building with someone and it goes longer then 6 rounds worth, we're BOTH doing something wrong.
  18. I fear no stairs! I conquered the stairs of the Novo clock tower and lived to tell the tale. Pictures and story coming, watch this space...
  19. Jesterarts

    Apparently I've NEVER eaten rotten fruit before...

    I just survived food poisoning by throwing up a couple timed to cure the 'sick' status and then got hydrated and energized. I was healthy writhing about 20 min of getting rid of the 'sick' status. Good luck and if all else fails, there is a medic thread.
  20. Jesterarts

    Lets talk about sniping.

    I hear BF4 is a pretty good spot to camp and we sensesly snipe people.
  21. Jesterarts

    Why Dayz is the most tense game there is

    Completely agree. DayZ is the only game that is able to genuinely give me an adrenaline fix. Good times.
  22. Jesterarts

    I really dont get the point of bambi killing.

    I met someone who was very fresh today in the tower at Novo. I heard him in my way down as he was ranting like a lunatic. "I hear you little man, I know where you are .... Tehehehehe..." Almost blew his head off until I saw he was barely geared and only had a wrench. He did change his ranty Tyne when he saw my magnum aimed at his skull from the staircase able him. All if a sudden "I'm friendly, friendly... But your going to kill me anyway. I move past him, asked his story and gave him the misin I had as I didn't need it. I could have killed him, and his behaviour and ranting almost lead to this, but once I saw him there was really no point to it. It's a fine line with fresh spawns. They could be an innocent bambi or they could be a bandit who died and will try do punch you out. Space defused the situation but even in close quarters there is the opportunity to spare the player.
  23. So today was rather successful. Started out in Vybor and proceeded straight to the well. Took 3 rounds of making myself vomit but my sickness was gone! However, there was a cost as I was getting some baaaaad messages; 'I feel faint', 'I feel worn out', 'I feel tired', etc. So my mission was to find FOOD to get energized and hydrated. Obviously hydrated was easy. Then I started to experience a glitch where ever time I tried to eat I received an error saying; 'Error placing item in hand' A server swap resolved this but it was a bit scary given I REALLY needed to eat. Once I was feeling up to it, I decided to go North as planned, but I would go Kabanion > Grishino > Devils Castle and then onward towards Novo. Very uneventful journey really, I found a Orang raincoat in Kabanion and not much more. There was a police station in Grishino but there wasn't anything useful there. I have yet to even SEE an MP5. So I left Grishino looking VERY obvious Decided to have a snack on my run towards Devils Castle and this happened: But the time I was close to the castle I was healthy so I have beated the illness!! Only took about 30min of game time. So onward to the castle with a grin on my face and feeling good. And the view was lovely: Next, heading to Gvozdno and then keeping on the NE path towards Novo. Haven't yet decided if I want to go via Krasnostav so let me know your thoughts...
  24. Jesterarts

    AKM vs SKS

    A part of a gun cannot function properly unless it's separate from the gun? WTF are you talking about?