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About Kaboki

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  1. Kaboki

    Advice to new players to find food

    Offcourse you are allowed, and i got the answer to my curiosity, so thanks. Yeah and im a fanboiii that enjoy food and water searching:)
  2. Kaboki

    Advice to new players to find food

    If you hate this game so much, why even waste time in its forum? Im just curious..
  3. Kaboki

    we need a new update, right now.

    Why dont you change your subject too "I need an update right now". Do you speak on the behalf of the whole communety?
  4. Kaboki


    Eat a player if desperate... You can safely eat mushrooms as long as they are not rotten.. Would be cool if the liberty cap had an "effect"..
  5. Kaboki

    Best survival game

    You better find a private vanilla server with admins because the speed hackers aint going away. Even if they patch one of these exploit these hackers will always find 10 new ones. And if bohemia dont hire admins for official servers its a lost cause...
  6. Kaboki


    Need proof,? Just log on a public server and try to play, its a bloody mess and infested with scriptkiddies. I find the game hardly playable at the moment and is thinking of putting this game on the shelf unless I can find a good communety server with admins. Its not fun too play with these teleporters all over... :(. I can live with hackers in Gta because there not much too loose, but this game where you can spend a week gathering stuff and build base and risk loosing it all in a split second its really destruktive having these scriptkiddies around....
  7. Kaboki


    Yeah, its really a mess out there now. Im not scared of fully geared players anymore, but Im really scared of the scriptkiddies. If i cant find a communety vanilla server soon im afraid i will quit playing.. I was happy to start playing again after many years break and even planned on buying livonia until i discovered how infested with hackers the game had become:(
  8. Anyone know a communety server with vanilla setup, no magic lamp, decent amount of people, persistence and active admins that you can reccomend? Also it need to be an EU server... Just so tired of teleporting scriptkiddies ruin it for me on public servers......
  9. Kaboki

    What's the point?

    Come on, what you expect? Its a game with guns in it, and it can be used on other players, so offcourse some people will do just that. And to be frankly, the enviroment is not a threat in this game, so we are lucky that players can fill that role, if not it would be very boring to have nothing to fear... Im a so called older player, I get killed too, though more rarely and mostly to hackers, because i learned and adapted to a very coucious stealthy playstyle. Stay away from people, thats just it. Most people dont want to sit by the camp fire and sing combaya with you. I only aproach other players if i have too, like the other day i accidently got cholera and couldnt find tetrapills so went to the Coast and looked for someone that could help me. I came across a group of 3 people and they actually helped me and it gave me a little believe in humanety again, but only slightly, so I went back inland to my hermit life again. Now im a Bambi again thanks to a teleporter with a shovel coming out of no where. Im more scared of scriptkiddies than military geared players nowadays, now those are really on top of the foodchain
  10. Kaboki

    No point in starting as a new player.

    Play stealthy too survive, scout a town before entering and look for suspicious activity, stay away from the big cities, go inland, conserve water consumtion by walking until your stocked up with food and water. Kill infected to find food, look under fruit trees and haybales. Avoid crossing open fields if possible, if not run zig zag to cross. Its not only newbies that gets killed, every one get killed from time to time, learn from your mistake adapt and go forward. Your lucky that you got killed at first stage of survival(food and water stage) , image when you have survived 1 week, geared up with cool stuff and then get killed, that one hurts alot more....
  11. God I hate this immersion killing feature. Why even spawn with light flare, when not even needing it? People complained that they couldnt see at night, why didnt they just use the flare or flashlight? One thing i loved about night was the thrill off sneaking at night and flash my light when looting as little as possible to not get spotted and it felt really scary not knowing if someone saw my use of light.. Now its fucking boring with this magic light we have, feel like I been radiated by Tsjernobyl glowing like a got damn walking radioaktive lamp, god!!! Now night is the safest time because you can loot without anyone spotting you, feels like cheating..
  12. Kaboki

    General direction and bitter thoughts

    When i started too play dayz mod back in the dayz those nerds and dorks or whatever some called them in this thread used to make the coolest moments i had in any game. Suddenly the game started to become popular and with it came hordes of 'COD' Kids and ruined the athmospere with their FPS shooter mentality, roleplay was gone. If anything, hope they make it so simulator like that the COD Kids leave and shut the door behind them and we get back the original concept that made us dorks and sim nerds get into this into this in the first place....
  13. Kaboki

    State of the game?

    I like fire:D
  14. LMAO, been playing now for 2 hours looking for them, haven't seen any. OP are you sure your not seing things that is not really there?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Been waiting 4 f*ucking years for zombies to be added into this game, 4 fucking long years!!, please tell me your kidding..?
  15. Kaboki

    State of the game?

    Sorry for that last statement:p. Has jsut been worn out lately on alphas that takes forever:p. Im now playing and the performance sure has skyrocketed, run with 80-120 FPS, impressive. Seems like it was the right time to get back into Dayz(im and old fan of the mod, that has been a little bit grumpy about this standalone). With that amount of performance boost im sure they can manage to fill the world with more zombies, my confidence in bohemia has been restored(The latest ARMA 3 patches also gave some hope)... So thanks for the reply, you made me retry the game:) EDIT: Been playing now for 2 hours, not seen even 1 zombie, WHERE ARE THEY???!!! Was maybe abit too entusiatic an hour ago, but im starting too suspect why there is such great performance:p, zombies are non existant..... OMG, why did I do this to myself, why do I have to make myself suffer. Going too bed, I'll give it one more shot tommorow before I hit uninstall......... Also I take back my statement about the alpha and fraud,,,,I bought into this about 4 years ago!!! expecting a zombie game, 4 years later, still not a got damn zombie to be seen!!!! Bohemia Inactive be wayo!!