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Everything posted by mio.rogvall@gmail.com

  1. would be cool if they modified it to be enterable buildings and stuff. Urban maps are what i wait for.
  2. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Kinda scared of this game

    Play Arma2 and you wll have a huge advantage over most other people who did not take time to learn how the crosshairs work in 3rd-person view.
  3. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Main Q&A for DayZ SA? (As well, personal concerns)

    Most of the point you brought up have been explained dozens of times. Then you bring up other things. You hope you can take a shit in the standalone, hope for landmines and that there is bullet drop. Why the fuck would they remove bullet drop to begin with. Most of the points you make end up being uneducated unrealistic drivel.
  4. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Main Q&A for DayZ SA? (As well, personal concerns)

    Can't tell if trolling...
  5. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    no feature list?
  6. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Sniper 80-lvl [How shoot with M107] :D

  7. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Basic help for new player

    1. you need to reload the hatchet (it is a remoddeled gun). 2. Only a few buildings are entrable. most of them are in the bigger cities and some half-sized ones. This is because arma 2 wasn't made for indoor environments. Both of those things are adressed in the standalone.
  8. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ Xmas Songs

    dont feel like sharing it.
  9. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ Xmas Songs

    thought it was lame. oh well.
  10. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    A Night In Taviana

    explain the reasoning behind the annoying music.
  11. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Celle G36c

    As good (or bad) as the person shooting is is.
  12. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    The man with the hacked in gun

    Song: The man with the golden gun. he's has a powerful weapon never played a game with bullet drop a scripter, without a sense of fun just a kid with a hacked in gun all the other players decide he is gay but in the end he always gets his way he's on a mission to ruin your fun the kid with the hacked in gun battleeye bans, they don't stand a chance nothing can stand in his way faked GUID's and a mission to be a bonafide super douche when that thermal sights are on you you can be sure he will pwn you you rage to him, is most enjoyed in real life he's unemployed and in his parents basement he dwells quietly then he logs on... battleeye bans, they don't stand a chance nothing can stand in his way faked GUID's and a mission to be a bonafide super douche all the other players decide he is gay but in the end he always gets his way here he is, come to to ruin your fun the kid with the hacked in gun he will kill you he will own you make you rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  13. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Randomly Generated Maps

    I hope they never release the map maker tool. Everyone knows this ends with someone making the Simpson house.
  14. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Do you remember your first time playing DayZ?

    I spawned at Kamenka and met another player who had a shotgun, which impressed me greatly. Zombies started to pour at us and we both retreated into a metal shed with the stairs and back room in it. We both went into the upstairs backroom and i started to shoot the zombies. More kept coming and the other guy didnt seem keen on helping me in the slightest. I started wondering why he didn't shoot - at all. As i was downing zombies with my makarov i convinced myself that i should kill him for not helping. When the zombies stopped coming i turned to him, aimed and shot him in the head. He was out of bullets.
  15. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    2 man squad looking to expand

    cant find you. Pm me the teamspeak or something.
  16. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    2 man squad looking to expand

    im down. i got another "squad" at the moment but they strayed away from dayz until standalone but im still hooked. Could do with some old school Chernarus.
  17. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    dayZ standalone

    I bought skyrim: elder scrolls do i have to pay for elder scrolls online? lol
  18. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ framerate issue on a very high-end PC?

    I have the same setup as you have with CPU and GPU. i get slightly higher framerates as a whole. have you looked into parameter tweaks and the nvidia control panel? Overclocking your cpu really makes a difference. Even if its just rom 3.4 to 3.8 or 4.0. My experience is that arma needs at about 4k to run comfortably at high graphics
  19. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    I Sniped a Helicopter Pilot Out of a Helicopter (VIDEO)

    Zeroing: 800. lol.
  20. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Better Mechanics And Better Gui

    nice troll.
  21. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ Songs by zSc0pe

    No... I will post where i can and feel like. Watch me go at it again. Fine. I think you should make songs about other things that are not related to this game. Some of the recording are off and guitar & you is out of tune, i usually let people know that, and now you too have been brought into the light. Work harder and maybe you'll get to play "Frank n' Beans" infront of a packed Hyde Park or something. Good luck.
  22. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    DayZ Songs by zSc0pe

    I think you should stop making all your songs about a computer game. It gets old and makes you seem like a one trick pony, which i think you are.
  23. Oh my god... Rocket makes a series of fixes to game-breaking issues and you keep whining about the ability to eat inside of a car. Get a fucking grip.
  24. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    "waai cant see the debug to see how many defenseless survivors i slaughtered today" "i cant eat beans in my car, gamebreaker man."