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Everything posted by mio.rogvall@gmail.com

  1. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    Vilayer is out of line here. They are effectivly ruining all the good Arma2 maps by porting them to DayZ and adding crowd pleaser vehicles like Osprey that does not have a place in dayz. I am from now on boycotting all vilayer servers on any given map because of their money grabbing scheme server hosting by latching onto dayz success and stealing code & not crediting map makers. Shameful. TL;DR: Fuck vilayer for being greedy sons of bitches.
  2. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    How not to approach Devil's Castle.

    You shot a hero on sight. Noobs - destroying the game since June.
  3. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Suicide option durring Hourglass Screen

    go play warz instead.
  4. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Think my CD Key was Stolen

  5. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    A better way to monetize the standalone?

    Dayz will never be pay2win. You should look into warz for if you want shit like that.
  6. mio.rogvall@gmail.com


    Stop with the Chernobyl suggestions already. You are ignorant for not searching and regurgitating shitty ideas.
  7. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    More fun with skiddies

    I thought the funniest part was that you weren't talking in direct chat the whole time.
  8. So we are left to guess the password?
  9. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Map sucks anyway. and vilayer is doing it's best to ruining the DayZ community.
  10. Its a star clear night and its pitch black. The night is one big camper tent as everyone waits for the others to pull out a chemlight or flashlight. Server laggy as fuck atm.
  11. I hope beans will rain down on your angelic soul.
  12. Just wondering if you are going to put in some more weapons to replace the ones taken out. For example the sa-58 fits the settings of dayz well and is on the same damage table as the ak's. Also switch the bizon SD for the non-SD version?
  13. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    i need a L85A2 AWS

    Yes.... im dyin to GIVE the best gun in the game to some kiddie bandit.
  14. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    [Newbie Guides] Essential Elektro and Cherno loot tutorials!

    I felt like this was a troll video. Firstly slow walking in the field beside the barn - death by snipers. Urging people to yell friendly when meeting people - sure death
  15. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    How to 'force' new items to respawn?

    You don't have to pick up and drop the loot when cycling. just shove the items in a full bag and it will be destroyed.
  16. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    NEW DayZ SONG - 'Cauze I got High

    I don't have to prove a thing to you. I am content with my work and that's enough.
  17. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    NEW DayZ SONG - 'Cauze I got High

    Yeah man, that a crock of shit of a song too. Let me ask you this. Why do you post things online if you get so worked up when people tell you what they think? If you can't deal with other people's opinions then why bother posting this at all? Do you want us all to think you are the new Elvis or something? Want everyone to tell you you are amazing? Not gonna happen.
  18. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Yeah.. There is a map with swiss mountains and nothing else. Sounds right up Vilayers alley.
  19. This is what i read on the message boards and reddit "Rocket made Chernarus map" "Standalone will look awesome with Arma 3 engine" "Takistan is a community map". "Why do you not need do install anything for the Utes map?" No, no and no. They are all wrong. It seems Dayz community is infested with a virus of its own. Ignorance. It spreads like wildfire. First of all people dont seem to realie that there is another game called Arma 2 that is a lot of fun on your computer. and if you even bothered to look in the menus in Arma and not go straight for the DayZ Servers you would find that there are about 6 maps for Arma and Chernarus Takistan, Utes are some of them. If you even touched Arma 2 you would realize this. Also it is ignorant to not play Arma 2 once or twice because you are now part of the arma community as of playing the game. Whether you like it or not. Another thing that irks me is the constant complaintabout bugs and clunky UI. I played Arma 2 extensivy over the last month or so and i have NEVER and EVER had issues with bugs, UI or anything of that sort. Why? Because the UI works for Arma 2. What is an issue in DayZ is not an issue in arma 2. That's because BI made the engine to fir their OWN game. Weird idea, right? So go play some Arma, then come back and see if you have a broader perspective of the bugs in the engine. Then try to make a post about how "Rocket should fix duping" and how "Rocket made a shitty UI" and not try to look completely rediculous. You can't. Most of the threads in this forum is a biproduct of ignorance, lack of understanding and miseducation about what Arma2 is and how is works. This is a rant but it doesn't mean im hating, do not hate back. Look, DayZ is limited as it stands. Arma2 has a lot of fun mods and game modes such as Insurgency and Warfare. Go try them if you are bored with DayZ, which i know everyone is. Even if you didn't like it, You will have a lot more suvivability now that you understand how the engine works, and got a better aim from all the PVP. There are no downsides. Sincerely. DayZ and Arma2 player.
  20. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    Your favourite thing in the world has gone away and you'll never get it back.
  21. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Trains In DayZ

    And then there's THIS fucking suggestion. Search. For gods sake.
  22. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    new chernobyl map idea

    Horrible suggestion.
  23. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    Do you need both Arma 2's installed to play DayZ?

    So basically what you are asking is if you can play DayZ without Arma2? ...
  24. mio.rogvall@gmail.com

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Map is terrible. vehicles with mounted weapons all over the place, serious lack of lootable buildings and poor setting that doesn't match DayZ at all. Vilayer failed again in porting DayZ. Everyone's thinking it would be epic with a urban map but the truth is the map doesn't fit dayZ at all and has some serious drawbacks. Only good thing about it is the performance was much better then expected. I wish Vilayer got their head straight and actually worked on porting maps to DayZ that fit the setting and are balanced and not Arma 2 with zombies as a side dish. If i want to ride a HMMWV with a machinegun on top of it i go to play regular arma, not dayZ. Stop the madness. Bring back survival.