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Redstar Payne

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Everything posted by Redstar Payne

  1. Redstar Payne

    A new loot location, Rebel Caches

    This is an excellent idea and I fully support it and want to see it. Anything to drive people all over the map instead of the constant loot circle people do is good by me. Maybe later when more vehicles get introduced there could be rebel convoy crashes too.
  2. So i had this idea that tickled my brain a little bit while posting about HAM radios, and it just kinda stuck. Ranger stations or search and rescue towers! We have plenty of dense forested areas that are pretty bare asides the trees so why not place some of these stations here and there, would be a perfect area to find some medical supplies and maybe hunting type gear. Later these would be pretty popular places for base building with the wilderness survivors and could be fun to raid when bases are implemented. They don't take up much room on the map and could be very simple also could come in variety's. Some could be watch towers, or wood style cabins or even solid cement bunkers (I live near one and it reminds me of a old war bunker). Let me know what you think and toss the idea around a bit!
  3. Ok look I'm not against the idea but I believe this should be way later implemented, almost when the Beta opens. I feel this early the Rifle would be too game breaking since the ultimate goal of this weapon is armor piercing and we have no armor to speak of. Now for the people who are over exaggerating just stop, US armed forces have used this rifle on many occasions and we have already seen their presence in this game so its not like it lore breaking if one or two .50 caliber rifles are found as very very rare loot (its not like everyone carried one). So no this is not Call of Duty just because a simple rifle is in it as well and my god saying we should add plasma rifles and Gauss cannons just because the man mentioned .50 Cal is simply getting tiring, you act as if the .50 is part of some fantasy world only found in video games and fan fiction. So Beans for PI007 because frankly i like him more then most of you people right now! Peace.
  4. Redstar Payne

    Player Housing / Storage

    i get what your going after but sadly id have to say no, a player should never control who enters and doesn't enter a building because of "ownership", everything should be open to steal and be destroyed and never impossible to break into.
  5. Redstar Payne

    Locking building doors

    honestly no ... maybe just add the ability to simply lock the door from inside the room or house but others can still unlock it by mouse wheel and of course it would take time to "force door open", this would let people lock up a house say during a battle but the others can still easily get in just by taking time opening themselfs up to being shot in the mean time.
  6. Redstar Payne

    customizable faces

    face and hair would be nice but like Zyryanoff stated the body sliders would mean changing the models of nearly everything in game to fit the body form you've set meaning multiple models in different sizes to prevent clipping (at least thats how I've been told)
  7. my god i want that death animation!
  8. I just nerd gasmed all over my desk lol ... This needs to be done and I'm sure the finished product will be like this but i want it now lol
  9. Redstar Payne

    Brass Knuckles

    honestly once the melee mechanics are fixed i see no problem with this idea
  10. Redstar Payne

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    Would be kinda cool to be able to lay down spike strips or something of the sort, or yeah even cutting down a tree if they give some sort of physics to them so they couldn't just be driven through.
  11. Redstar Payne

    Idle Animations

    Honestly I feel the gun on shoulder should be like the surrender as in you press once and it stays until pressed again also letting you move at a walking pace, would be good for people who carry 2 weapons to show "I'm not being hostile" by shouldering there weapon.
  12. Redstar Payne

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    True in most cases running from town to town is more exciting and in many cases more advised so your not detected from other players while looting but being how they will make fully working cars a rarity it shouldn't ruin the game completely. Now yes you will have the server group or clan who has a stock pile of vehicles and roam around causing havoc but they can't lock them and you can see them coming from a ways away so either wait till they leave the car or set an ambush and their car is yours. It should make game play a little more interesting in my eyes and I personally hate running from east to west all the time but really thats all I'd ever need my vehicle for is accross the map transport and then its on foot from there.
  13. Redstar Payne

    Gun Straps

    Yup this has been posted many times before and once again I support the idea of having something hold your weapon on your back vs it just floating magically.
  14. Redstar Payne

    Dynamic Reloading of Rifles, Shotgun, Pistols etc..

    "R" should never be used on anything other then a magazine or clip but thats just my opinion, to me it makes round clips much more sought out and desirable but if you make "R" a quick key reload even at one round per press then those clips arn't really needed as much.
  15. Redstar Payne

    Motorcycle and equipment needs to be added first.

    cars before bikes? Thats going to be lame lol ... figured motorcycle mechanics would be easier then cars but then again I've never programmed so what would i know :P
  16. Redstar Payne

    Dynamic Reloading of Rifles, Shotgun, Pistols etc..

    True keeping rounds in a pouch is something people normally do but still for a hand loaded weapon (none magazine feed for those who don't know) you'd still have to dig in the pouch, grab a hand full of rounds and load them one by one most likely dropping one or two, this itself is like opening your inventory and dragging them to your weapon minus the dropping aspect. No magazine or round clip = longer reloading time = opening inventory to put rounds in the weapon ... all makes sense besides not being able to feed 3 rounds in a Mosin after 2 were fired which i do feel needs to be fixed.
  17. Give me the ability to look like this and i'll be happy
  18. Redstar Payne

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    Survival would go out the window? You do know that is a basic thing in survival is to gain a form of transportation hence almost every survival apocalypse movie out there has some form of this ... less you'd prefer to walk miles on end all day every day carrying 100 + pounds on your back with worn out soles
  19. Redstar Payne

    New Inventory Items and Objects

    Honestly this has been posted many times before, plenty of ideas posted by yours truly ;)
  20. Redstar Payne

    Mask Overlay

    One word ... Awesome!
  21. Redstar Payne

    Climbing out of larger windows

    I'm down for this idea, basic yet needed :) Beans bro ... beans
  22. Redstar Payne

    Different types of "Helicopter chrashsites"

    I'm not actually against this idea, sounds pretty decent honestly. Campsites, heli crashes and random supply drops do tend to make sense just so long they don't go the direction the mod did in making it a mission deal. Hopefully one day we can occasionally see the crash or drop happen in the moment if we are lucky to be in the right spot as well.
  23. Redstar Payne

    Dynamic Reloading of Rifles, Shotgun, Pistols etc..

    Granted i feel if I shoot 4 out of 5 shots i should just be able to put 4 in from the stack but I don't believe players should have the ability to reload with "R" with out a clip, the whole point of the clip or magazine to be proper is to be the quick reload giving you the ability to simply press "R" other wise you have to dig through your items to find your ammo to load the magazine ... imagine real life if you will ( funny how you have to imagine real life ... kinda weird lol ), I can simply grab a pre loaded mag at any time and quickly get it loaded ( this would represent pressing "R" ) but with out I would have to open my pack or dig through my pocket to find my rounds and load them one by one taking a major increase in load time. DayZ is not much different besides the fact that its a game and the fact that they make you go through your inventory to load as a down side to having no clip .... so as you can gather I feel they shouldn't change this feature because there should always be a down side to not having the items you need to give you something to hunt for, have that feeling of success when you do find it and that dread when you die after because the adventure you took came to an end.
  24. Redstar Payne

    DayZ Standalone Suggestion: Rabbit EVAC

    You got a cool idea for another zombie game but not exactly this one mate ... who knows maybe Dean will use it for a different game ;)
  25. Redstar Payne


    Seriously where them Turtle necks at? Simple shirt idea that I'm shocked hasn't been introduced yet or even mentioned in the suggestions for that matter. Perfect cold weather shirts and pretty much worn in every nation out there besides the ones with warmer climates. Oh and give me my gold chain too I want to look fly with my Turtle Neck and Chain ;) ... (Not actually serious about the chain guys go easy, but who can guess what thats from? lol)