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Everything posted by Warhoax

  1. Warhoax

    Recalibrate Check Pulse

    I wish it was possible to check pulse on a body and find out the name of the person, even if it was killed longer that 30 seconds before... Cause "Unknown identity" isn't exactly the most information giving sentence.
  2. Warhoax

    Massive Lags

    How do you mean, goes massive down? Is it freaking high in the main menu or something? If not, there are a thousand topics like this already :rolleyes:
  3. Warhoax

    Public dedicated server that possible?

    I believe the developers didn't want to give out the dedicated server client thingy, to prevent abuse or easy hacking or something like that. So, it's not possible.
  4. I can't seem to recall what the problem is, all I know is that a friend of mine has the exact same problem. When joining a server, his steam client crashes, followed by Dayz freezing up because it doesn't receive the steam ID (or atleast that's what I expect). I always see a message that battleeye kicks him for client not responding afterwards. Sometimes he can join a server, play on it for a while and everything seems fine. But usually when the server has quite a few players on it, it suddenly all crashes.
  5. But is Steam responding in the task manager?
  6. If you join a server, and open task manager, is steam responding? Because I think steam crashes -> Dayz asks for ID -> Dayz Crashes as steam doesn't give anything
  7. Warhoax

    Light Machine Guns and WW2 guns

    I believe there was a discussion to add one light machine gun.... And honestly, I'd prefer it to stay that way - two could do too ofc -. Right now, people are already running around with M4's and AK's with insanely large magazines. Having something like a light machine gun, would be be to creazy. They would naturally have a bipod, low recoil and high fire rate... Don't you think?
  8. Were you guys both using a dayz install on a HDD? If so, my guess is that by reinstalling, your dayz folder got defraged. Thus the moments where your CPU & GPU have to wait for information from your HDD because all files are fragmented doesn't occur anymore. Just a guess.
  9. Warhoax

    Make the ice pick-axe one-handed.

    Don't forget to bring a lot of morphine injectors or splints with you :)
  10. Even better, if persistence is on.... they're invisible haha. Good luck finding crash sites then... (Unless it was fixed in 0.53, but don't think so) Like completely empty, or just some low level stuff?
  11. Warhoax

    Ideas about sprinting

    Yeah, I hate it. The sprinting speed is to high and the turnspeed is to high, those damn freshspawns are fuckin' ninja's like that
  12. Warhoax

    Basic guns are more fun?

    Yeah, I don't really have a problem with third person servers, as I find it really odd to see in 1st person without having anything in hands. But shooting from third person is a bit .... Silly :3
  13. Warhoax

    Can I edit the location of my DAYZ Profile

    Have you changed the documents folder location in Windows? (I'm not saying, copying or something like that, but the actual path windows sees as your documents folder.)
  14. Warhoax

    DayZ running low on memory (Ram) Error

    Exactly what I expected! There is no pagefile (File on the HDD that acts like virtual RAM when the hardware RAM is full.) Either select the top box or select system managed size, that should do the trick as far as I know. As you have an SSD, I suppose you may have followed an online guide to tweak your windows a little bit to ensure a long lifespan. This may have covered disabling the pagefile, as this generates some writes to the SSD, when the RAM is full. There is a limit to the amount of write to each memory cell on the SSD. So lowering the amount of write that happen to the SSD will let it last longer... But these guides often want to max out this idea, even when the result is minimal and the impact on user experience is big. Today's SSD drives are already optimized well enough and can handle these writes. Trim support and other tweaks from the manufacturers make sure that the drive lifespan is as optimized as it can be. So enabling the pagefile isn't a problem. There are enough topic on the internet about it, I myself asked my Computer architecture teacher about this, so credits to him :o
  15. Warhoax

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    That is not true, system requirements are what your system needs to run a program or game. If it states "4GB", your system needs 4GB, not 6Gb. If you run another operating system that the recommended one, it's possible that the OS uses more RAM and thus you do need to count in some extra resources. But that doesn't apply right now.
  16. Warhoax

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    Atleast it's better than saying things like: "It will most likely reduce loading times". Which is pure bullshit, as your RAM memory will not be any bottleneck there. If you want to run other stuff on the background you simply need more than 4Gb, in order to run it smoothly.
  17. Warhoax

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    People don't always notice the chat, even better a lot of them don't even know you can type in chat, thus they won't even search for anything written by you.
  18. Warhoax

    DayZ running low on memory (Ram) Error

    It's funny how a few topics about the same thing pop up right now, they have something in common or something :p But anyway, if you get a warning it must mean you haven't got the pagefile enabled or it's to small. To do so - or to check if it's on - : Click the start Orb Right click Computer -> Select properties Click advanced system settings at the left Advanced tab -> Performance box -> Settings Advanced tab -> Virtual memory box -> Change Check "Size is controlled by system" or let windows control everything automatically. Press okay a trizillion times and you should be fine.PS: If you don't want to enable it on an SSD due to the durability loss, my answer to that is that the durability loss is minimal compared to the use you have from it. You can also put the pagefile on an HDD if you have one. (But again, that's also slower)
  19. Warhoax

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    Updating your ram will make that your PC is able to run more programs at once. Every program asks to put information in the RAM memory, if it's full, windows will create a pagefile on the HDD and store the information there. The RAM speed is significantly better than the speed of the HDD, thus a switch to a pagefile hurts performance badly. Athough, you only notice the moment the ram gets full, as windows will swap files from the RAM and the pagefile, to create free ram and have active files in the RAM instead of the pagefile. The recommended amount of RAM in the system requirements of Dayz is 4GB. This means that you need a system with 4GB of ram and not that Dayz will use all 4GB. If your OS matches the requirement - thus windows 7 SP1 - there should be enough RAM for Dayz. Typically, the greater the version of windows, the more RAM memory it will take, because it's newer, better... I'm pretty sure that windows 8 is also fine tho'. You have to keep in mind though, if you want to run a lot programs besides Dayz, more ram would come in handy. I run the regular and a bit more - skype, steam, origin, chrome, malewarebytes, music player, etc... - while playing games, these all need RAM memory. If I turn off the option to use windows pagefile - thus eliminating the possibility of using the HDD as memory - I often get the message that I need to shut down Dayz or Photoshop to get more free memory. If there is none, programs will crash. (This is with 8GB RAM) In the end, the answer: *Is it needed? No. *Would it hurt? Definitely Not. Besides, if you build a new PC later on, the speed of the RAM & the connector type may still be OKAY at that point in time to use it in a new build.
  20. Warhoax

    dead bodies should not dissapper

    You sir have no idea how many people die in Dayz.... That said, the combination of the current state & what you're saying should be cool though. How about something that no bodies would disappear untill the next server restart? Also, I heard that the despawn timer is 10 minutes. This seems to be correct whenever I'm in the mood of running towards my own corpse. Although, this seems to be completely wrong when I stay next to a killed survivor (30+ minutes). Basically I have a strong feeling that bodies killed before your own spawn, will disappear after 10 minutes and others stay around for a while longer.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but battleeye is currently not giving out global bans? A friend of mine got server banned by battleeye with the reason "Game Hack". A memory editor was running on the background, atleast, that's what he stated. And ofcourse, asking battleye is the best option. But honestly, I do not think they'll reply with: "It'll be just fine." but rather something along the lines of "It's your own responsibility to use third party software like that."
  22. Sweet FX is not a hack. It's like you're saying steam overlay is a hack, but it also works right? I doesn't mean because you inject something or whatever that it automatically gets detected as a hack. If you make a good Anti cheat, it knows what is good and what is bad. Compare it to your antivirus, it doesn't pop up for every program, right? I suppose you can message battleeye with this question, but I suppose that the same thing counts as the teamspeak overlay etc., it's your own risk in using it. But honestly, I don't think it's dangerous. If you'd get banned, it'll only be on one server. As I beleive that is what batteleye does. You won't get VAC banned.
  23. Warhoax

    0.53 Tent Persistence.

    I placed a bag in my tent yesterday, as I didn't have enough space inside for all my loot. It seemed to have survived 12 hours just fine.
  24. Warhoax

    0.53 Tent Persistence.

    I've got my tent set-up on a friends server (just to be sure the server will stick around for a certain amount of time), it survives restarts very well and I'm just hoping the maintenance won't harm it :3. By the way - if I may I'll ask another question - Does a backpack for fill the same use when dropped on the ground? Or is the difference here, that this item will disappear after a maintenance?
  25. Warhoax

    Hipfire and Ironsight Stances

    If this can be done without adding 30 controls prior to be able to shoot your weapon, I would like to see this ingame ;).