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Everything posted by Riska

  1. Either way it's good to know where two more spawn locations are.
  2. I'll defo try that out, but did the m14 not just spawn under the chopper with some ammo? Ie, you aren't looting the chopper itself?
  3. Riska

    Night time at EU servers?

    Some servers are deliberately set up to be dark during the day and light at night. I know specifically EU 4 and EU 39 are UTC-9, and UK 87 is UTC-5. Some servers have their times gradually desync the longer they stay up.
  4. Riska

    Why do I see no bandits?

    It's interesting, I was actually just thinking about this. My character is a week old and I haven't been shot at or attacked in several days. I've been staying north, and in my experience since the no weapon on spawn change, there are fewer people in general up here. It's hard to verify this, i only frequent a small number of servers, but I have definitely noticed a marked drop in the number of people spotted the further north you go.
  5. Riska

    Most bandits are posers

    I'm going to preface this reply by saying I played Call of Duty. A lot. I still consider Call of Duty 1 and 2 to be some of my favourite online experiences, along with medal of honor before it and Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat. I was also still at school when both of those games came out, so I guess that made me a CoD Kiddie. I'm not ashamed of that at all. I'm also not ashamed that during uni, Modern Warfare 2 was my go to game. It allowed me and my best friend to keep in contact as he was working in London, so I have fond memories of it for that reason as well. I'm 25 now, I work in publishing, and my first day in DayZ was spent trying to be friendly. I died 5 times. It wasn't fun. The game was excellent, but dying wasn't fun. I didn't complain; it's part of the game mechanics. Getting shot doesn't ruin my game, I just try to learn from it to limit getting killed like that again. There will always be people who do things that the game allows you to do. Eve Online is proof of that. I just changed my mindset, and started getting a lot more enjoyment out of the game. I like having a powerful sniper rifle. I like sitting somewhere and working out the correct distances to the key locations around me to quickly zero when a player crosses by. This is how I get my enjoyment in DayZ. I'm sure I would get enjoyment out of other styles of play, I'm sure others won't enjoy this style of play. All of that is fine. What isn't fine is making a thread on a forum telling people how to play. Not only for the fact that it won't change anything, but more for the fact that it's pretty pretentious to tell people how they should be doing something, especially when you don't know how they get their enjoyment.
  6. Riska

    Why fight?

    At some point you are going to have to shoot something, be it a person or a zombie. I would definitely say it's preferable to avoid zombies rather than shoot them, but sometimes you're left with little choice.
  7. That would be cool, slow walking zombies investigating noises until they detect somebody in the same way they do now and charging in. Very Dawn of the Dead.
  8. Riska

    NWAF= Pipe Dream

    Nah it's not stupidity mate, sometimes it really is buried deep in the long grass. As sunnz said, sometimes I've left thinking I've found everything, gone back to make sure and found something great. The best way to look is face down to the ground in a crouch walk with the context menu selected (ie, just move your mouse wheel slightly so that it's selected but don't actually select anything). Then walk around and see if anything flashes up briefly. Btw, there are tents in Berezino as well, similar to Stary. It's between the north and the south on the east side of the town, there's a little road that just stops, heading out of Berezino towards the east. Where that road ends is where the tents are. No different to Stary, just if you want some variety.
  9. Riska

    Best Sniper?

    wxEcho, I to am using an M107 and I can't thank you enough for your post on advanced mil-dotting for the between ranges. Sometimes I have a tendancy to just over or just under-estimate a distance (and I know that it's just over or just under). You're guide really helped me get that under control using the mil-dots. I got a sniper and his two friends today after he missed his first shot. 4 shots, 3 kills. Luckily I knew the area he was shooting me from, so I guestimated the distance.
  10. Last time I saw morphine was in Cherno. 5 days ago. I don't need it, but if I did I'd be pretty worried.
  11. Riska

    NWAF= Pipe Dream

    This isn't true. Every single Heli I have found like that has that animation, and every single one has had some form of loot. It isn't actually in the Heli, it's on the floor around it, and it can be quite difficult to spot. I know people have said they haven't found anything at them, but I genuinely haven't come across one that doesn't at least have something.
  12. Riska

    Northwest Airfield?

    It's that big airfield looking thing that has the label "airfield" in the North West part of the map. No idea why it's called that.
  13. Riska

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Good luck, if that doesn't work, you can get the beta from here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php You will need a program like 7-zip to unzip it but the beta program will install itself once that's done. You need to make sure you run arma 2 in beta mode (there's an .exe in the folder) with the dayz code in the shortcut.
  14. Riska

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    I don't mean killing yourself, I mean the menu before you get into a game at all, when you first fire ArmA2 up, there should be a option labelled "character" where you adjust your face and voice etc. You should be able to create a new character in there and delete the old one.
  15. Riska

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Can't you just delete your character in the main menu and create a new one?
  16. Riska

    Tips please?

    In that case I know I certainly can't judge who will and won't shoot me correctly. The only way I know for sure is if they initiate contact with me after already having me in their sights.
  17. Riska

    Tips please?

    It depends on the situation, but if you are totally against killing someone else and you have some stuff you'd rather not lose then I'd say avoid people the majority of the time. If they are unavoidable (i.e. running directly to your location and you can't move without being spotted) then I would say your only option is to try and communicate that you're friendly. If they go prone, and you still don't want to shoot them, then run. Of course, if you see zeds near them then you could try firing at the guys feet or in the air next to him and see if he tries to fire back (might be best to do this from some sort of cover) and let the zeds take care of him.
  18. Riska

    Am I just incredibly unlucky?

    I wouldn't say this is to do with your luck, Zombies just spawn inside stuff now. Since they move more slowly in buildings you could try (depending on building type) leading them away from where the gun is and then dashing over to get it... just make sure it spawned with ammo.
  19. Riska

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    I read the changelog, must have just missed it. Strange that it isn't affecting the PDW at all.
  20. Riska

    Clips of Ammo Disappearing.

    This is happening to me now. Date/Time: 20/21st June 2012, Various times What happened: Fired a few rounds of my m14 and the DMR ammo went from 4 to 3. Later, I fired 6 of my 10 m107 rounds, logged in, last 4 were gone. Strangely, my PDW ammo remained intact even with just 1 bullet left in the mag. This may only be affecting my primary, in that case. Where you were: Same place, in and around Stary/Navy What you were doing: Firing at zombies/people *Current installed version: (no trouble with this in earlier versions) *Server(s) you were on: UK 7, UK87 EU 4 and EU 39 *Your system specs: AMD x4 955 Phenom Black, ATI 4890, 8gb Ram, Windows 7 64 *Timeline of events before/after error: No issue before, now I never fail to get this issue with slightly used primary mags.
  21. Riska

    guns dont have enough power

    Cheers mate, I thought I was just going crazy, I thought it felt less accurate than the glock. It's weird though, because the MP5 and M4 SD varients feel just as accurate as their none silenced versions, just with reduced range. Does the M9 itself have poor accuracy?
  22. Riska

    guns dont have enough power

    On this topic, I know this is really more of an ArmA2 issue than a DayZ one, but I'm finding it really difficult to get headshots with an M9SD. I don't think it's a power issue, but I'm pretty sure it isn't range as the zed I was trying to take down couldn't have been more than 5-10meters away. I was crouched, holding my breath and taking my time but it took 6 shots before I finally hit it. There are other instances where a similar situation happened but none that severe. I'm fully aware it could be my aim or maybe I'm not used to the sight, but I do know that I have no problem with glocks or pdws. This is twice I've found an M9SD now and twice I've swapped it for something else.