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Evil Minion

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Everything posted by Evil Minion

  1. Evil Minion

    Can't find any damn batteries

    As people no longer spawn with them batteries are now a limited resource. Their actual spawn rate seems to fluctuate with each patch. I recall that about a year ago when playing at nighttime - and actual darkness - was still a thing I struggled finding batteries so I could see things at night. It added an interesting dimension to resource management where you had to find enough before nightfall in order to get enough vision to work effecively when it is dark. But people cried, glitched and were allowed to set server rules themselves so this facette was lost. Your characters hyper-awareness reagrding all loot items close (vicinity menu) does not help either.
  2. I do this - but mainly because exploring is actually the main thing I do in DayZ regardless of version. When playing with friends I actually prefer stable because it has more servers and is... well, more stable.Now currently many downsides to playing experimental don't really come into play. Overall performance is reasonably bad on stable and frequent wipes don't really do that much when persistence and loot spawning is not working properly. In terms of character wipes it's actually better as stable is run over by overgeared survivors after some time thanks to server hopping and said unfinished loot spawning mechanics. If I find a bug (or questionable design choice) I usually either report it or go to the feedback tracker to vote up the issue. The only thing I often overlook are object placement bugs mainly out of laziness - there are so many and they are easily visible to the dev team as well while reporting them is a little more difficult as you need to report their location as well. Though reporting bugs is not limited to experimental for me.
  3. Evil Minion


    Was there a complete overhaul in the latest experimental? Because in the version last week peeking still worked in most cases (though the new camera gives you less farsight).
  4. Evil Minion


    In general I think DayZ does not need an increase in general loot numbers. If anything the amount of ready to eat food, firearms, ammo and ammo boxes spawning should be reduced. I would rather like to get my ammo mostly from small piles or magazines. Now with upcoming changes like vehicles not being ready to drive, a stamina system and increased zombie numbers the amount of loot spawning be appear more appropiate. Variety is always welcome be it in loot items, buildings, animals or zombies. Special mentions goes to character customization and identification which is absulutely vital for more complex non-PvP gameplay element. More crafting makes the game much more interesting - especially if it helps survival and the resources are not trivial to get. More realistic functions would often improve the game be it in combat situation (...magic zeroing, peeking...), general logistics (... magic weapon slots...) or environment (... weather...) Now the above looks pretty negative but in many cases the base architecture is there or in the works and the mass/quality might come with development. Now I do not thin DayZ needs more towns or cities though some areas in the Northwest lack points of interest at the moment. Again as with loot game development might cause the distances between towns and their size to appear much greater in the future which also means more wilderness in between. But for this the PvE/survival part has to be a thing otherwise its just "running simulator with some deathmatch". Graphics are okay so far save for some minor issues with grass, undergrowth, water and nightvision. Just "better graphics" are not necessary especially when it impacts performance. As a final note I did not vote for more bugfixing because I see fixing bugs as absolutely core - so "more bugfixing" would mean more bugs in the first place.
  5. Evil Minion

    sizes in clothes and equipment

    I actually think that's a good idea even if it is just script based. It allows for clothes to be reasonably common as resources without making them too common as gear. This way "low tier" clothes could see some use without making "high tier" clothes unreasonably rare. It also might put some emphasis on player interaction and trade as it naturally increases the number of items that are of value but cannot be used by a particular player. Though there might be features to make clothes fit if you put in enough effort.
  6. Evil Minion

    Food Priority / Devblog 29th of July

    I hope they will bring back the Ashwood stick. Crafting a bow or fishing rod from every arbitrary branch shouldn't really be possible as most branches would simply break and not flex. So it's reasonable to require higher quality wood for everything that is supposed to withstand some physical force - or at least make items made of weak material break very easily. However, for "cooking" every stick should do. Living from nature is pretty easy right now but this might change with changes to the system - for example fishing could get a visual clue but also take much longer on average. Gathering is pretty annoying right now (the game basically mocks you for getting unlucky) but is a infinite food source - maybe it should be changed to a limited amount of fruits per plant. Horticulture should be much slower (several ingame days) - a feature to secure future food supplies but not one to quickly save people from starvation. And finally hunting should be high risk/effort for high reward - this depends on animal AI though.
  7. Evil Minion

    What are you looking forward to most with 0.58 stable?

    The character wipe - hands down.
  8. Evil Minion


    I think the compensator is one of the few attachment where the dispersion reduction actually makes a little bit of sense. Though it's actual use should be recoil reduction - which it actually does ingame (but so do some scopes*). *It makes a certain amount of sense as scopes increase the mass of your weapon but in DayZ it roughly seems to be linked to zoom factor probably to make it easier to snipe (which I do not consider a good design decision at all). However, scopes reducing dispersion or adjusting to the round fired makes no sense at all.
  9. Evil Minion

    New Player Suggested Servers?

    I would actually recommend medium to high population first person private servers. It's a little harder as there are more players around that might be hostile but in general you get the best first impressions without developing bad habits. Especially you won't come to expect getting tons of loot for little to no effort. If PvE and survival actually become a thing low population servers might work fine but for now it's just too much of a dry run.
  10. Evil Minion

    Don't say friendly!

    Consider you are walking through the woods in real life and suddenly you meet a person yelling "Friendly!" at you. Suspicious, right? Ingame it's similar - people calling "friendly" or staying completely silent (only writing in chat also counts) do not strike others as being interested in friendly player interaction at all.
  11. Evil Minion

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    Let's make it a list of three: Lack of satisfying non-PvP content. Free magic item slots. Everyone is a clone of ~15 people (lack of player identification).Not counting 3rd person wall peeking, server hopping and freshspawn suicide as I consider those to be exploits resulting from unfinished development.
  12. Evil Minion

    Food Priority / Devblog 29th of July

    Same is true when the stamina system goes live and players can no onger sprint all the time. Both result in longer times between "I have found something" events (not related to the gather mechanic that likes to mock you for having to spam a button over and over and finding nothing) adding to the impression that loot is more scarce. Not to mention that a working and nontrivial PvE environment requires you to spend more of the resources you found. On a side not I found food to be overabundant in 0.58 but weaponry was way worse. Guns are a little too common (as if everyone and even the little children were armed before the zombies came), ammo piles are too common and too big on average. And ammo boxes... those things are everywhere! Magazines on the other side seem to be okay at least for civilian guns.
  13. Evil Minion

    UN Helmets and beret spawn fix info ?

    I think those helmets won't be common loot in the future. However, as your clan seems to be quite big you might be able to secure enough supplies. Though you might want to avoid unnecessary deaths as killed clanmembers naturally spawn without their helmets. In a certain sense added logistics needed increase the chance of positive identification and the value of your members life which I believe are good things (though wipes might hit you harder). Also most other players would probably use spraypaint to change the helmet color which might be a reason why rare UN helmets become even rarer.
  14. Evil Minion

    Sidearm Wielding Stance

    I like the idea. In general think the new stance is more beneficial and I would not want to artificially add advantages or disadvantages (there might be some but justified). Though chancing stances could serve as body language and by personal preference also affect your characters general pose. Also stances might work fine with other game mechanics like melee (e.g. knife grips) and bayonets.
  15. Evil Minion

    Why aren't zombies carrying anything?

    That's actually less likely than you might think. Soldiers often do not run around with weapons on person and even those who do might not carry a handgun but rather a rifle that most likely gets dropped when they become a zombie. So most likely you would find bandages, knives, pens and paper on them. And if they did carry a weapon they would probably still have the magazines but not the gun itself.
  16. Evil Minion

    possible solution to server hopping for loot?

    Pretty much - I think it is a good thing to keep connections between servers but do not make them as easy and fast as they are right now as this is easily the aspect that breaks game dynamics the most. Can you elaborate here? In particular do you mean the "skip switchig penalty by giving up your character" option or the "go to the coast to switch severs" part? Because those are vastly different. The first is basically an enabler for several potential nerfs to server hopping. The seond is an approach that tries to nerf server hopping without keeping you from playing as much as waiting times would.
  17. Evil Minion

    possible solution to server hopping for loot?

    Apparently finding one or more reliable public servers is impossible. It seems like players have to switch servers frequently on the public hive and any hindrance makes the game unplayable while it's totally fine to play on a single private shard and/or start a new character when switching to anyother one. Limiting server switches either by limiting their amount in a certain time frame (e.g. 1-2 switches per day) or requiring some waiting time would discourage server hopping - especially if those limits temporarily get harsher when the player is switching more frequently. However, there should always be the option of simply starting as a completely new character (deleting the old one and all gear) when switching to another server without any further penalty. That being said there might be another way I will call "Island hopping". The basic concept is that servers in the same hive are handled as separate islands instead of several "layers" of the same area. So how do you get from island to island? Surely not by teleporting from the middle of one to the middle of another. Instead you have to get to the coast in order to transfer your character to another island. If you were able to do so you can now join another server - where your character with all the gear he is carrying is spawned just like a freshspawn. But what if I cannot make it to the coast because I can't join the server? Well.. then this condition simply not applies. If your old server is down or full or suddenly passworded or you simply did not play for on it for a while (~a few hours) your character can be transferred just as if he was at the coast. How can I stay with my group? The most straightforward way would be to stick to that server you are playing on. Otherwise there might be a feature that allows players at the coast to join a "party" (via some ingame feature) and then spawn in the same area after switching servers. This would basically combine private shard-ish gameplay off-coast and public hive-ish gameplay on the coast (though you won't be able to choose your exact destination). Though a better spawn system that reduces the chances of spawnkilling would be a requirement here.
  18. Evil Minion

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    Spawn suicide is a tricky thing to fix. Unlike the other "teleport glitch" - server hopping - players have much less control here as they often don't choose when to die. So while server hopping can be fixed just fine by attaching a significant cost (waiting times, having to start a new character etc.) doing the same for spawn suiciding would greatly reduce the amount players are able to play. Now I do like the idea of spawn locks as it makes spawn suicide completely useless but first 24 hours are way overkill and second spawning in the same place comes with its own set of issues (like berserk freshspawns, rapid regear PvP close to spawnpoints or imply spawnkilling). I would propose a fuzzy apprach to spawning: Instead of picking a random spawn point the spawn algorithm picks a random point in the spawn area (in a place where survivors can spawn and are not stuck), generates a random number and then compares it to the points "weight". If the random number is bigger the player is allowed to spawn there otherwise a new point is chosen. Effects on weight: players in a certain radius reduce weight based on distancestashes, bases etc. in a certain radius reduce weight based on distance and maybe the number of items insidecorpses in a certain radius reduce weight based on distance and the number of items on themyour own corpse affects weight in different ways based on distance:if you died after a short life weight is increased based on lifetime (the shorter the life the higher the weight)items on your corpse greatly reduce weightplayers in a relatively small radius reduce weight to 0zombies/animals that would instantly aggro reduce weight greatlyThis way freshspawn suicide, spawn killing and looting your own corpse/stash all become much harder to pull off and players are naturally spread across the spawn area.
  19. Evil Minion

    Huge Cargo plane and big airport

    There are still gamplay elements you need to get used to when firing a military rifle ingame: sway (most people who hate on sway do it because it prevents them from becoming Simo Häyhä without much trouble)recoil and dexteritybullet drop (somehat simplified by magic scope zeroing)bullet travel timefree aim when hip firing, wind and weather (hopefully at some point)Flying a plane could be somewhat similar but on a higher level: provide the controls but do not make them overly simplied. So most survivors would not be able to fly the plane anywhere but maybe the next building wall. That's fine. And if the player figures out how to fly a plane and gets her hands on one (both should be quite difficult "end game" tasks) why shouldn't she be able to use it? This also gives some value to specific players. You KoSed the pilot? Good luck trying to get some value out of this plane!
  20. Evil Minion

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    Or... you could just fix/nerf the server hopping and maybe adjust loot spawns according to server population. Why would you limit gameplay options because there is some exploit over actually fixing said exploit?
  21. Evil Minion

    Suicide repercussions...

    And kills your character.
  22. Evil Minion

    Can i use the M4

    If you look at it from this perspective there is also no evidence that contradicts pink elephants running around in Chernarus. Now on the other side the tweet merely says "they should be spawning". It's entirely possible that a rare item actually can spawn but simply did not - of course thats very unlikely. Maybe both are right and M4s do spawn but only in extremely low numbers and most of the ones you will find are actually duped ones.
  23. Can people finally get this out of their minds? There is nothing "regular" about having a camera floating behind you back that is usable as an invisible persicope. And there is nothing "hardcore" about first person only servers - in fact they might even be easier as real world rules apply to vision. Is one of your characters a freshspawn and respawns every time you get him/her? In this case the server is probably not connected to the main hive (and should also not respawn loot). Did you change your character/user name before you got the second character and changed back before you got your old one?
  24. Evil Minion

    Huge Cargo plane and big airport

    Why shouldn't it be repairable? It would be interesting to have one on a few servers (not all of them more like 1 in 10 or even less) and requiring an immense amount of labor to get going again but ultimately (in theory given the size of the task) working. Might make for a pretty good "end game" feature - a huge project that has a very specified purpose (traveling and transporting between airstrips) and is not permanent (planes can crash or be destroyed).