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Everything posted by VVarhead

  1. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    LMAO that is hilarious
  2. VVarhead

    Status Report - 26 Nov 2015

    I hope the Small Object Interaction wont ruin the fps.. other than that I'm really excited. Food is spawning in too high quantities as of right now in experimental, also soda cans almost spawn exclusively in industrial shacks
  3. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    servers wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen? update wheeen?
  4. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    aww man. Just met a player, then the server had no message, rejoined, the other guy did it a little quicker, waited for me to spawn, gave me a headshot. I didn't even spawn yet, was looking forward to playing with some random dude. Hurr durr testing purposes and everybody is just KOS'ing. I didn't even have equipment, lol, no ammo.
  5. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    What the fuck are you talking about? The focus on DayZ standalone lies on the survival aspect, devs made this clear numerous times. I agree with you, guns are one of the most important parts of DayZ, but currently Devs are actually trying to give us more ways to play the game than just like a military simulator which it definitely isn't.
  6. I hope when a group of people clears out a village the zombies won't instantly respawn once another player enters the bubble and the group left. Would kill a lot of immersion and is kind of a persistence flaw. Once a zombie gets killed in a specific bubble, zombie-respawns should be deactivated in said bubble for at least a few hours, so players can actually encounter zombies killed by others, or a village which has been cleared of zombies.
  7. VVarhead

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    Do not want!!! I don't want a graphic display of the skills, every bit of more HUD, UI or anything totally ruins the game for me and a lot of friends.
  8. VVarhead

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    I have to say I'm a little disappointed, expected some more, but nevermind. I hope the focus lies still on the return of the zeds and fixing sync problems. I'm intruiged by the new gun and use mechanics, though. I sincerely hope environment stuff (woods, night, lightning, rain, thunder) will get worked on after the new renderer is in. Can we expect a reset once 0.59 (I want to believe) hits stable? Duping and loot explosions still aren't fixed, makes persistence obsolete since everyone is hoarding everything anyway.
  9. VVarhead

    Trading Post

    Again, guys. I trade: M4 or AK 101 for SVD (with scope) or a PSO-1 Scope alone on 1pp
  10. VVarhead

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    I love the idea
  11. Sup guys. Just wanted to adress something that I feel is rather important for the atmosphere of and in DayZ. Where'd the dark nights go? I remember in the mod (vanilla) it was so dark you could only see a zombie when he was standing 0,5m in front of you. Now the colours seem to be different, brightness is definitely higher, also it doesn't look as realistic as it used to. What the fuck happened and why did they remove real nighttime? I don't wanna cry casual but it pretty much seems like it. Also, now that we finally got weather back in the game: Where did the fucking roaring and frightening thunder sounds from DayZ-Mod and early Standalone go? You had them in-game, they scared the shit out of me each and every time I heard em'. Please, bring those back!
  12. VVarhead

    Trading Post

    I'd trade an M4 with MP handguard and MP Buttstock for an SVD with worn/pristine PSO-1 Scope I'd trade just about anything for a SVD and a PSO-1 scope, actually. 1pp only
  13. VVarhead

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    That's exactly what I'm saying. But people on these forums seem to think it's realistic to be able to see 1,5-2 kilometres into the distance, in the dark... Like, what the fuck? I can't even look further than 300 metres when it's real dark outside and see anything, you just see the silhouettes of some trees and shit, some slight alterations in color (dark/light) maybe with whom you can try to decipher what you're looking at. Right now in DayZ I can see a tree from 1km distance and I still see every branch of it! That's better realism for you, PongoZ? Also, I agree that the world loses it's colour in the night, but it doesn't end up being gray but rather blueish-black, like it used to be. ArmA 3 did it well, too. If you light a gas lamp on a night-time server - everything stays grey.
  14. VVarhead

    Sounds of movement, near or far?

    There is stealth.. Crouch, press shift, your character will walk very slowly and gently almost causing no sound. It will be fairly loud to you, but a player standing outside of the house you're in wouldn't hear, I tested this. If you're on the second floor and a player is on the first floor, he will definitely hear you no matter what you're doing to conceal your movement and sounds. It will be more important once zombies are back. There was a time where you really needed to evade Z's and being loud in general
  15. VVarhead

    more loot / weapons on private hives

    I'm worried about mods splitting the community even more, to be honest.
  16. VVarhead

    i need help with my Keyboard Run Macro

    I actually just plug in the xbox 360 controller and put it on the table so the running stick points forward = autorun
  17. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    So wasn't 0.59 supposed to hit today on experimental?
  18. VVarhead

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    Seriously? You wanna tell me I can see about 1 to 1,5 kilometers when it's night? And there's a clear sky? Just go on a night server, go up some mountain and tell me how far you're able to look. It's exactly as far as in daytime, so stop talking shit. Yes, the field of view is okay when it's raining, or very cloudy. But when there's a clear sky the field of view is ridiculous! I'm not kidding, you can see up to 2 kilometers far.
  19. VVarhead

    Trading Post

    I have 2 of em, do you play on hardcore?
  20. VVarhead

    Trading Post

    Anyone got AK101 Magazines up for trade? I got a pristine LRS, 4 Protector Cases (Worn, Pristine), I could also expend a sword and some UMP mags playing on hardcore
  21. VVarhead

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    You clearly haven't been out in the countryside, where there are no street lights or light sources near you and it's cloudy, foggy or even crescent moon it's just fucking pitch black. The nights right now are silly.
  22. VVarhead

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    I don't think it sucked at all. If you didn't abuse gamma and brightness like everybody else it was immersive and atmospheric as hell. Of course the current engine really isn't doing well with illumination, like the other guy said - even in the night inside buildings it's much brighter all of a sudden. Also I think thunder should be as loud as it was, loud enough to disguise a shot, definitely.
  23. VVarhead

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    Really? Never noticed. It used to be so fucking loud you literally jumped out of your seat. Is it location specific now? I can't imagine this works properly when gun sounds won't even be heard by everyone in the vicinity (for example: the nearer to the lightning - louder thunder)