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Everything posted by VVarhead

  1. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    I don't like it. Food is too abundant, still. Apples shouldn't be an infinite resource - keyword: item pool at trees Also it should be much more randomized. You can tell what loot will spawn at what places if you play the game for like 1 hour. However I'm sure the first thing will get adressed, DayZ will turn into a survival game hopefully soon where I have to really think about where to get my next meal.
  2. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Ouch. that kinda hurts. I've started to play like 2 hours ago and got geared up just now when they wiped. lol
  3. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Yes, they are.
  4. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    It really seems to me that a lot of the PVP-oriented players abuse brightness/gamma settings at night. I play with a group of friends and we keep the settings rather atmospheric (night is pretty dark in 0.61) and we get always get spotted almost instantly whereas spotting for us is not easy at all, even though we are very experienced players. Anyone observed this? I don't wanna be forced to play higher brightness and have everything turn to an ugly grey just to be able to survive?
  5. VVarhead

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Correction: I found a full(!) SVD Mag in Tent City yesterday.
  6. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Man fuck, I had this problem like years ago and can't remember the solution! I will post ASAP if I find it and hope it works for u!
  7. VVarhead

    How was your Day(Z)?

    The "new" Barracks spawn them, those with the double-doors and the beds on each side of the room. SVD mags can not be found in the tents, as far as I know (and I've looted quite a few).
  8. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Got a good amount of playtime now. I really like the patch, desync is getting better, however performance is a lot worse for me. I used to get really good fps in 0.60 and now the game stutters like hell. All of my friends seem to have better fps, am I really the only one whose fps have worsened? Also, the biggest problem with this patch imo is still the loot distribution. It needs to be much more random, like it was in previous patches. Food almost exclusively spawns inside clothes, and there's still too much food. Apples shouldn't be an infinite resource, either. Each tree should have an item pool which you can access and a player who is late to the party only gets the rotten apples that are left, simple as that. They should only refresh with server-restart. Also it seems like certain buildings are prone to dropping certain things. For example - Some barrack will only spawn aviator glasses and clothes, while another barrack will EXCLUSIVELY spawn 7,62x39 Rounds, and nothing else. It seems like loot is really really broken. I will do more testing on this subject, however I can't find a way to post in the feedback tracker. There are a lot of bugs tied to the loot - for example if you move some of the loot from a building outside, and drop it right outside, a duplicate of the item will appear inside the building at the exact same spot where it spawned before.
  9. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Very kind, thanks, but I solved the problem. A survivor was nice enough to react to my cries (and gunshots) for help
  10. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    Can somebody rescue me? I'm with broken legs in the military base (the small, hidden one) west of Nagornoe north of severograd. pls help :(
  11. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.136147

    First of all: Fuck everyone that KoS'd me yesterday. :P Secondly: Has anyone else noticed that Zombies-sounds are extremely silent compared to all other sounds? Lightning is also affected I believe. Is this a bug? Can some1 report this? I can't open a thread in the bug tracker forum somehow.
  12. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Me too. All the 1pp servers that are populated are private, that really sucks. I don't wanna play on servers where there are restrictions or I know every player that plays there. Edit: Imo, private servers are splitting the community and public hive ends up with noobs, scriptkiddies and dupers simply because the first thing a new player does is just join a public hive. And now they end up on servers where there are barely any players at all or not many experienced players, plus 90% of the fucking 3pp public servers are "LMAO HIGH LOOT NO KOS KILL ADMIN = KICK" or something like that, which ruins their first-time DayZ experience. I am strongly in favor of declaring some servers "vanilla" if they have no restrictions on the way you have to play and don't kick you because you killed an admin, make it a seperate hive, too. Players will report if the server doesn't follow vanilla "rules" or rather "no rules" or if the admin kicks people. I can't even begin to think of the rage when you get killed by zombies (once they're back) just because the Admin decides to kick you, fuck that, they should be forced to play on a seperate private hive, a lot of fucking clans use their public server exlusively for duping or combat-hopping and kick everyone that joins. I really don't care about the display of exact player counts, I can't really understand the motivation behind not displaying them, seems some people are upset, however I don't really care lol.
  13. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

  14. VVarhead

    Status Report - 11 Oct 2016

    Will be worth the wait, I'm sure. Thanks for the update.
  15. VVarhead

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    @Hicks_206 (DayZ) Any plans on making nights darker again? Not DayZ-Mod unplayable dark (as to not force gamma abuse) but a little bit darker at least? Especially with the new light-tech and stuff. Also hoping the new audio implementation works well so we finally get nice thunder & Firefight sounds again. The thunder used to scare the fuck out of me back in the mod.
  16. VVarhead

    Status Report - 28 Sept 2016

    Thank you for stating this, this honest and clearly. Hope the game gets more difficult (reduced foods, also the mentioned hypothermia) soon! Looking forward to your work, DayZ is the best game I've ever played, period.
  17. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Love these kinda videos, they remind me why I play on 1pp Servers. :P But yes, you are right, you seem to be right on with the sights.
  18. VVarhead

    How do some of you justify this game?!

    There is way too much loot as of right now, This thread is whining at its finest.
  19. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Sucks when you kill the admin and his buddy and he restarts the server so you don't get the loot. To be fair he wanted to talk to me first but he scared the shit out of me so I magdumped into him lol
  20. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    That's not true at all. More infected are confirmed?
  21. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I'm at Myshkino now, too. I won't murder anyone.
  22. VVarhead

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Weird things happening. Had an engagement with 2 people, shot one unconscious and then emptied my mag (about 5-6 bullets) in his body at the ground, saw blood splattering due to my pso-1 scope. Had a firefight with the other guy meanwhile, then the second guy popped up again and killed me. wtf? i was shooting 7,62x39.
  23. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    My man Tatanko what kind of uniform is that? And helmet? Looks awesome!
  24. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Is food and water broken? The status indicators dont update for me whether im bleeding, thirsty, hungry, nothing shows up just yellow hungry since 1 hour
  25. VVarhead

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    If you ever need one we can meet up, I think my char carries two green ones and a white one at the moment. I loot a lot of Helos. :P