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Posts posted by benedictus

  1. Bringing it up once again as I haven't seen a word about it in a while.

    Cooking the ingredients together would give you more energy and water than eating them separately. Maybe having some type of Tupperware boxes or using already existing containers like jam jars where you can store the food so you wouldn't have to carry full pot of soup in you'r pockets.

    Simple cooking recipe would look something like this:

    Fish soup

    1 cooking pot filled with water

    2 potatoes

    2 tomatoes

    1 fish

    Boil and eat. Bon Appétit.




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  2. On 7/26/2019 at 10:47 PM, drgullen said:

    Yeah and while we're at it, let's put a strip club in Elektro where the female infected can "work the poles" -- oooh, careful there love, mind those teeth!

    Oh and let's add motorhomes filled with chemicals so that people can start making meth if they want.


    It's a survival game dude, it's not Grand Theft Auto.


    Alcohol and drugs will be on a huge demand if when the zombie apocalypse hits us. It would just add to the realism.

    • Thanks 1

  3. On 8/1/2019 at 3:45 AM, emuthreat said:

    But over the course of a few months, random stuff on my feed slowly got to be more interesting and relevant as I followed things that caught my attention. 

    That's how they reel you in. First you do it out of necessity then something semi interesting catches you'r eye and before you know it, you're throwing 240 character long racist slurs posts back and forth with feminists.

    Twitter.. Twitter never changes. 

  4. On 7/31/2019 at 11:42 PM, kopo79 said:

    soon and eventually...just hate those words allready.
    this year?

    Plenty of important stuff is missing from the game. A pen is probably a pretty low priority.


    • Haha 1

  5. On 6/5/2019 at 2:56 PM, philbur said:

    I guess it's because having a hardcore experience is just not what the general public wants out of the game, unfortunately.

    That's the downside of popularity, you can't please all so you have to take the middle road. Not saying DayZ is particularly popular but the player base got tripled after the "1.0".

    I hate to admit but I still got hope for the game, only because there no other game like DayZ.

  6. On 4/17/2019 at 12:07 PM, digitalv0id said:

    Open doors? Unless you watch super zombie movies, this is not a thing....


    Actually in most of the "non-super" zombie movies they tend to break the doors open if not barricaded or at least try.

    Running away from zeds is too easy, them being able to "break" (open) the doors by smashing the door for a while would great!

  7. 11 hours ago, eno said:

    Experimental branch is crickets and locked down for almost a month. People are bored in stable- rarely posting. 



    You fucked it up SO hard at Christmas... what are you doing to fix it?

    What makes you think we are bored? People are still posting and reading the forums. Obviously the post-patch hype isn't there but other than that, it's pretty much down to normal.

    What happened at Christmas? I think I missed that one.

    • Confused 2

  8. 3 hours ago, benets said:

    You should build a one way door to get out of base without need to lock or even with a bolt you can only open from one side.

    Bolting the door should definitely be an option. Doesn't make much sense if the bolt is outside though.

  9. Many things you mentioned are already in the game or supposedly getting added later, like bears, custom controls and spray paints.

    Things like cars and bases are supposed to be part of the end game and something that require group effort. 

    Some of the things are straight up silly, like realistic decay on axes or more durable clothes. Quality axes will last for tens of years in real life with little maintenance while your character lifespan is usually counted in hours.

    Rest can be solved with modding. I suggest you switch to PC.


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  10. On 06/12/2018 at 7:54 PM, ZomboWTF said:

    nobody claims that

    but this version coming as a "finished" product is not a good idea imo

    Nowdays almost every game comes out unfinished, not saying it's an excuse but that's the industry standard. You make a seemingly working product, release it, downsize the crew to cover expenses and fix the bugs along the way.

    There is also the copy/paste genre where you just use the same engine and same gameplay mechanics over and over again when releasing "new" products. Those tend to work properly.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Conrad_The_Comrade said:

    My only issue is we cant hold small objects in our left hand, forcing us to drop our hand held light sources if you need to defend ourselves. If that weren't the case, night wouldn't be an issue for me or most folk I believe.

    We probably gonna get the headtorch back and they mentioned about NV goggles. Also there are flashlights for weapons etc.

    Just hoooooooooold.

    • Haha 1
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  12. 15 hours ago, pilgrim* said:

    Shelters = Yes.  temporary shelters (work like tents) built out of branches, earth,  undergrowth, even planks.. these were mooted a while ago.
    Barricading = Yes. able to barricade windows and strengthen doors on existing buildings .. also mooted a while ago

    but "bases" ? = Duh.  What are the rules, how is their ownership listed, how do they change hands, what is their advantage, how do they work, what are they for?

    I don't really understand the concept bases either. If I had to pick between "bases" and shelters, I would pick shelters and camps in general just because it just makes more sense. You could still have things like traps, water collectors etc.

    I don't mind it though, since it's totally optional.



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  13. 2 hours ago, SpartTacos said:

    Been trying to get into base building, but running into a problem.  I want to build in a secluded spot for defense but carrying these large items back to base is kind of rough. 

    That's the whole idea. Base building is part of the "end game" that requires team effort and the use of vehicles. That is if you want to build into a secluded spot.

    • Like 1

  14. 8 hours ago, Poolofdeath1337 said:

    . 43 was a far better state then this broken mess.

    Yeah things like trying to apply a bandage multiple times because it would work or dropping item to the ground just to make it dissapear. Zombies running trough walls. etc.

    Man those were the dayzz.

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  15. So you totally ignored my suggestion of looking at the game from different perspective I'm gonna tackle you here.

    1 hour ago, Mantasisg said:

     And I am more than certain that DayZ core gameplay IS INTERACTING WITH OTHER PLAYERS and with environment at the same time, it is not only PVP and PVE, it is also and even more P&P and P&E game

    Unless avoiding player interaction is considered as player interaction, in your words the people who play lone wolf or only groups are missing the core gameplay? People wanna go out and create a certain character, like full adidas gopnik killer who shoots everyone in their sights. ?

    It's a sandbox game where you and the other players create the game. It doesn't require interaction with other players. You can play the game in a way you want to play it. If you don't believe me, try it.

    It's also rare to find a person that you hit it off so well that it becomes memorable moment / session. Usually the conversation revolves around finding a place/player or asking for items.

    • Beans 2

  16. On 25.10.2018 at 2:51 PM, Mantasisg said:

    You miss one thing, which is that majority of peaople doesn't like or can spend multiple hours in a game and achieve absolutely nothing, and have no challenge. 


    They might be playing the wrong game then. Let me tell you a very short story about a friend of mine who complained that Fallout 4 is too easy. Looked at him for two seconds and asked him if he could use he's own set of rules instead of playing with the best end game loot available. He Said no and we changed the subject.

    If the featureless, incomplete version of a sandbox game doesn't offer you any challenge maybe you are playing the wrong game or just playing it wrong?



  17. 13 hours ago, alphadoh said:

    It will also prevent unlucky spawns like I've seen at the very least a dozen of time since I'm playing Dayz where you get yourself killed upon reconnecting even in the deepest unpopular area of the map where you expect to cross nobody. There is no such place in Chernarus. Also, spawning next to another player like this is an immersion breaker, and too much lookalike an arcade game.

    Honestly can't remember it happening. Except when playing in a group of course.

    Just don't logout in populated areas or in towns even. Find a remote bush and log out there.

    • Beans 2

  18. 3 hours ago, razor6014 said:

    And your logic is what , people want to come back to dayz to find everything as it was 2 years before in regards to content ? come on now :D 

    Khm , have you been paying attention to tarkov ? Or Star Citizen for that matter also , the more stuff you put in the game the more people eat it up and come in hordes.
    Even POE figured this out XD 

    1) Everything is not as it was 2 years ago. Also I don't think clothes can be addressed as content. Although I don't mind seeing more fashion further along the road.

    2) What do you mean? Tarkov haven't really added anything significant in ages and technically neither have SC, although it has the potential to be the most massive in-depth space mmo ever.

    That being said, all 3 are great games and all of them are very different from each other so comparing them isn't going to lead anywhere and adding game objects into the world doesn't really count as content. Unless it's something like.. the greatest car ever made. Yes, I'm talking about Lada Niva.


  19. 15 hours ago, rickyriot said:

    Tell you what would improve my combat, and that's having far more visible differences in bullets. Single cell black spheres with the numbers is great for telling you how many of them you have, but in no way helps work out what fucking ammo it actually is. If I'm in the heat of battle and need to reload a clip, I find it an absolute nightmare with the UI as it is.


    I think Escape form Tarkov did an excellent job when it comes to inventory management, especially reloading your guns. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that in DayZ, having clips on your vests/pockets to reload your gun with one button.

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  20. On 22.7.2018 at 4:43 AM, BeefBacon said:

    However, reducing the viability of hip shooting by, say, removing the aiming reticule would be nice.

    Every night I go to sleep I tell to my self that it's just a placeholder and it will be gone. I don't want to be playing on a modded server in future just because of this.

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