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Everything posted by gearjammer

  1. gearjammer

    DayZ mod better then Standalone?

    I gave feedback; for days actually. I was all over the feedback thread prior to this past weekend. You explained the limitations that you're dealing with and the issues that you're working on very well. I understand, and appreciate the hard work that you and the other devs are doing. You and I even agreed on many things, but that did not stop the exodus. This is not a good single-player game, and I did not enjoy playing alone last evening. The super-zeds go from frustrating, to novel, to boring very quickly. Sneaking past them is mind-numbing, engaging them is too costly, and the reward for either is just loot to kill zeds with. The other players are the point.
  2. gearjammer

    DayZ mod better then Standalone?

    I was starting to enjoy the mod before this latest 1.8.1 version. I had a decent group of friends playing and one by one the chorus of "f*ck this" grew louder and louder. I've spent the last two hours playing by myself so I just started the process of rolling back to an earlier version. Seems like it's going to be a hassle too.
  3. gearjammer

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    I enjoy punching zombies in the face, very much. I have died a few times to them on experimental though, I am not sure what is different. If you time your punch just right, when they are charging, you can one-shot them. Aside from the fists, I also enjoy the hammer and the bayonet poke. You can creep up on them and stab them in the head before they even react.
  4. gearjammer

    Board? Waste Of Money

    This thread is a zed... lol $24...Are you talking about standalone? The everything you need to run the mod was just on sale for like $8 on steam... I think it was only $12 regular price. That's a bargain that can't be beat!
  5. gearjammer

    CR75 Worthless and Equip Weapons a Hindrance.

    I am a big fan of the .45 and even the .40 to a certain extent. The 9x19 is an accountants round... It probably looks great on paper and may even be well suited to bare against reasonable soldiers or frightened conscripts that would show concern over being shot. As far as the game goes I don't think it is that far off. I am not sure that wad-cutters would just be laying around for the .45 ACP either though, but the .357 magnum seems perfectly reasonable with the stopping power that it has in game.
  6. gearjammer

    CR75 Worthless and Equip Weapons a Hindrance.

    Seems to me that they're simulating 9x19 ball ammo pretty damned accurately. LOL
  7. gearjammer

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Thank you for clearing that up. I have a better understanding of the mechanics now which will help me make better choices.
  8. gearjammer

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Can crawl right past them too. Even turning a corner and laying down worked-out for me. I crept into a double shed last night and was crouched down eating, and one struck me through the closed door, though. I can see how the closed door thing happened, as the zed may have opened the door and it didn't render. I am not sure how he noticed me though, or if they just open doors randomly. Does eating have an aggro range?
  9. gearjammer

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Oh, I gotcha. There are ambulatory restrictions that create a need for their extended attack range; that's understandable. Is there any way to reduce their attack range situationally, for instance, when they are running? I rogue-tanked a bunch of them in eleckro last night and got pegged a few times, but it got the job done. I agree with you on their speed though... I don't think they are too fast as they're not that agile, you can out-turn them and they are somewhat easy to ditch. You can collect quite a large crowd of them and pare them down to a manageable number. This doesn't work well for the lone wolf players though. I don't mean to come across as argumentative or trying to give you guys a hard time, but I am concerned that the player base will be reduced and the point that this being an MMO will be lost.
  10. gearjammer

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Which is about 42% of your health. Plus you're now bleeding, and must run away and need to find a large building that you can get in the center of before you dare allow yourself to be caught in the long bandage animation that cannot be canceled. One hit can very well be the end of you. Your zombies are modeled as humans but have many of the combat attributes of grizzly bears. It would be very rare for a human to land a blow so devastating, and no normal human being has a 3.5 meter attack range. There are a few boxers that have a 90" reach, but that is very rare. I don't know if any of that even matters though... The player also has super-human power and honestly the player still has the upper hand. In the end I stand by my comment in that I find the game-play somewhat frustrating and I am afraid that the majority of players will feel the same way. If the game is tuned for just you and a few of your friends, then so be it. I just don't see how this works out mathematically. The Steam stats show an average of 2k players and if you lose a sizable chunk of them due to this perceived imbalance, then divide that across the number of servers, it is going to be a mighty lonely virtual world.
  11. gearjammer

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Yeah, I think I made a mistake. This is a huge upgrade to the game, but I can't see this holding players. The mod already has a pretty small player base, and this is hard enough to make people rage quit like crazy. As much as I enjoy a challenge, I also enjoy playing with a few people that I've met on the game, as well as a few friends that I've brought to the game. The zed's are just too powerful for being as buggy as they are. Having them be a legitimate threat to end you with one shot is cool and all, but when they hit you through a wall, it's hard to accept.
  12. gearjammer

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    I'd love to know that. Being a fairly new player, I don't really know what the original mod experience was. I've tried numerous vanilla servers, and they all have differences. I'd like to experience the game as it was before all the additions.
  13. I bought it a few weeks back during the sale. I've been playing, mod to the mod, epoch a little each night. I've yet to be killed by another player and I'm more willing to do things that I hesitate to do on SA. I think long and hard before shooting a zed on SA, but I just go on wild zombie killing sprees on the mod.
  14. gearjammer

    Shotgun most worthless weapon the game?

    Sawn-off works very well, at short range. I was looting a hospital and some guy in a clown mask shouted "Remember the Alamo" and attacked me with a crowbar. One shot to the chest and he was back at the beach.
  15. gearjammer

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    I had that happen over the weekend. I was on that little perch Northeast of Cherno and I picked off two zeds, at range... I think I took about 5 shots. A few minutes later I see a dude running around right out in the open like he was searching for something. My paranoia led me to believe that he was trying to get me to shoot at him.
  16. gearjammer

    My first time playing dayz

    Cool story, Bro. Your "first day" seems to be quite a departure from the common experience.
  17. gearjammer

    Did you ever went full psycho?

    Watched all of that. In my office, with the door closed, and the volume up. LOL. Expecting an inquiry from HR at any moment.
  18. gearjammer

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    I think that I've only been killed by one sniper, but I've killed more with my mosin than every other weapon. I don't think the mosin does the kind of damage that it should at range. I shot someone directly through the back at about 100 meters. Him and his buddy had someone handcuffed and were shoving a zucchini up this guys ass. (Seriously, what is it with bandits anyways?) It seemed easier to hit center mass rather than the head-shot so I put it through his back and nothing went well from there. I survived the encounter but it wasn't the heroic moment that I had hoped for. Now, I always try head shots and miss a lot.
  19. I'd like to see your "fuck no" and raise you a 'hell fucking no' Stats have ruined every game that I've ever played! Recount ruined WoW, as your well geared players ignore the game mechanics because "omg, the meters!". K/D ratio has contributed heavily to the ruin that the arcade type FPS shooters have found themselves in as well. Too many children trying to boost their K/D instead of playing the damned game.
  20. gearjammer

    Dayz Mod's essence is dead.

    A lot of truth to that. I started on SA about 3 weeks ago and have been playing the mod (vanilla) the last two nights. Other players have not been a problem at all so far, it's been the massive number of zombies. It's completely opposite to SA as those zombies are real window-lickers. The mod zombies are plentiful, persistent, and will jack you up in large numbers. They're quite athletic too... Even that pudgy one with the beret can run like an Olympian! I fully expected to have to hide from people and scavenge until I learned the ropes again, and it's just not been the case. Other players have not been very helpful, but they certainly aren't hostile either.
  21. gearjammer

    You hear someone say, "Hello?"

    4. Immediately log out.
  22. gearjammer

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    I have just two hours of game-play on the mod (last night actually), but I can't see how that could ever be turned into a salable product. I don't think there is even any comparison to be made. From my perspective about all they have in common is the basic premise and the name. I'm going to give it more time, and I am the type to retract what I've said when I am wrong, but to me, at first glance, this seems like a certain part of the dayz community is simply adverse to their favorite game becoming mainstream.
  23. gearjammer

    My dayZ experience so far

    Once you've done this a few times you will learn which buildings are your sweet spots and you'll be able to get to loot to that level in about 10-15 minutes. You always have to be weary of other players though; never believe the servers advertising. I fell for that crap too when I first started and got my head split open with an axe for it.
  24. gearjammer

    Can I run Dayz Standalone well?

    This game is brutal to run on high settings. I just spent a nice chunk of change to upgrade to an FX8350, 990 MB, Crossfire 2 R9 290's and add liquid cooling and more fans. I can keep it above 40 FPS, but eventually it starts to sound like I am in an enclosed room with a hovercraft. It looks amazing, but I don't think it's worth burning my machine to the ground to play that way. Beyond that, most of the action is up North now, and Berezino doesn't seem to be that taxing. I looted Balota last night and ran right up through the apartments into Cherno and continued up to Elecktro and only saw two players way off in the distance.
  25. gearjammer

    Your first kill

    That's completely understandable. I would have also assumed the guy was coming to kill me so that his freshie pal could loot me... He might not have even gotten close enough to open direct chat, as I have become increasingly paranoid.