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Everything posted by karlkurtz32

  1. Not sure if this is a bug or if it has something more to do with my computer, but ever since .60 I constantly get the Nvidia display driver crash/recover message. I can only get about a minute of gameplay in before it crashes/freezes. This never happened on .59 and below. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you. PS: the driver I'm using is the most current (368.39) I had the previous driver but I still crashed/froze all the time, which is why I installed 368.39
  2. I took about a 6 month break. Came back recently and am pretty disappointed. No players to engage, not many zombies to evade, loot seemed very boring and repetitious. Not a whole lot seems to be changed at all. Honestly though, I haven't been following the development process so I'm sure I am unaware of a lot of small changes. I guess after half a year I just expected more. Whats the general consensus? Are people giving up on this game or is there still reason to believe it will soon be something worth playing?
  3. karlkurtz32

    What is your honest opinion on the future of DayZ

    It is interesting reading everyone's opinions. Initially, I pretty much gave up on the game. But after reading through the thread I guess I still have a glimmer of hope left in me. If they don't start making serious progress soon though people are going to forget about DayZ. Especially with games like Escape from Tarkov just around the corner.
  4. karlkurtz32

    Where has the military loot gone?

    I took it all. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvas0be7slymiuv/2015-09-02_00002.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qzjgfeuyiw1m71o/2015-09-02_00004.jpg?dl=0
  5. So much stuff I started getting confused and had to leave. Several AUGs, UMPs, M4s, MP5Ks, a slew of different optics, every kind of ammo and gun furniture available. Felt like Christmas. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jvas0be7slymiuv/2015-09-02_00002.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qzjgfeuyiw1m71o/2015-09-02_00004.jpg?dl=0
  6. karlkurtz32

    Interesting day at the air field

    Hey all, I don't have social media so I can't report it via Twitter. But here are the server details if anyone wants to relay this to the devs. Thanks. lastMPServer="";lastMPServerName="UK/EU/US/RU"; And yes, it was tent city at NWAF.
  7. karlkurtz32

    Worth playing again yet?

    I'm not saying progress hasn't been made. I am absolutely saying the game hasn't changed much in the last several months. The game is boring for people and that's why many shoot on sight. I recently changed my style of play so that I could interact with others and see it from a different perspective...rather than running through the woods alone for weeks. Unarmed I could barely get out the word "hello" before I was shot in the head haha. I love the game and will continue to play. But don't come back from a hiatus expecting a bunch of change because there isn't any.
  8. karlkurtz32

    Worth playing again yet?

    Nope, don't play. I took a 3 month break. Came back about a 2 weeks ago. It is still the same. I ran around the map on full servers seeing absolutely no one for hours. And when I did finally see someone it was instant KoS. No interaction at all. The game is still too boring for most people so they just shoot anything that moves.
  9. karlkurtz32

    Where are the new hotspots?

    I haven't played DayZ in several months. A couple days ago I started playing again and one thing I noticed is that I don't see any other players. Typically, I play the lonewolf/survivor role, completely avoiding people and zombies, hiding in secluded areas. But, this time I decided to just look for people to interact with and not care about survival. On almost full servers I have walked though (F2) the middle of Kamyshovo, Elektro, Cherno, Balota, and Chapaevsk. Haven't seen a single player. Are people actually playing for survival now? Or are they all going other places?
  10. karlkurtz32

    Trap? Or good deed?

    Came out the front door and saw this. Thought it was pretty funny. Only stuck around long enough to take a screen shot and then ran away. Is this the work of anyone on here? https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ve610tw3h6m9eb/trap.jpg?dl=0
  11. karlkurtz32


    This does happen in real life. That's why they make flash suppressors/flash hiders.
  12. karlkurtz32

    To all the "Is Dayz dying?" threads.

    I haven't touched DayZ since GTA V was released for PC. Looking forward to when DayZ is much more stable. Can't wait.
  13. karlkurtz32

    How to Approach other players?

    That's why I said you must approach with the upper-hand. If not then expect to die.
  14. karlkurtz32

    Have you ever run into the only other guy on the server?

    This happened to me twice, and both in completely isolated/uninteresting locations not near anything useful. I was shocked because I always play with my guard up, and both of these times I remember thinking just beforehand, "Relax, you're fine. There's only one other guy on this server." Good lesson to be learned there.
  15. karlkurtz32

    Nutrition/Hydration is Ridiculous

    Did someone say they were eaten in rapid succession? Because I sure didn't... Stop being so...smarmy.
  16. karlkurtz32

    3D model extraction

    Is there a way to do this and open them in 3DS Max?
  17. karlkurtz32

    3D model extraction

    I want to extract the character models and bone rig them.
  18. karlkurtz32

    Nutrition/Hydration is Ridiculous

    I'm not sure what got you so worked up. All I did was post what happened to me last night. Take it down a notch.
  19. karlkurtz32

    Nutrition/Hydration is Ridiculous

    I played last night. I was getting messages saying my character's stomach was growling. Ate 2 cans. Stuffed.
  20. Just like the subject says.
  21. karlkurtz32

    Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?

  22. karlkurtz32

    More Bullpups

    Being a Tavor owner I'd love to see it in-game.
  23. karlkurtz32

    Question about draw distance

    I posted up today in the hills directly to the north of the new prison island. I wanted to watch all the KoS from a long distance (approx. 1500 meters) with binoculars. The server was full. After 5 minutes I didn't see any sign of life. So I jumped to another full server, same thing. I repeated this 4 or 5 times and never saw any players. Was it just chance that on 5 full servers I never saw a single player on this new island? Or is that distance too far to see other people? I just assumed that If I could clearly see the prison that I'd also be able to see other players.
  24. karlkurtz32

    What to expect from Prison Island?

    ^This I made a trip there recently thinking I didn't need to prep before the journey, knowing that there was tons of loot. This one time however the place was bled dry. I was on the verge of hypothermia, starving, and dehydrated. No food or water in sight. Barely made it out alive.