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About sea

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. sea

    Using Zombies and Matrix Skills 1v2

    Great job!
  2. sea

    "Zombie Horde" LOL

    Never a worry; I hope you enjoyed the mayhem!
  3. sea

    "Zombie Horde" LOL

    bensound.com has royalty-free, no-cost music to use in videos and such, as long as you give him credit for the music. I gave credit at the end :)
  4. sea

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    You appear to lack the ability to think logically. First off, while an apocalypse is happening, the survivors would go for weapons right away, and they would start dying in firefights over food, zombies, etc... That would bring some reality to the current loot spawns: Anywhere and everywhere except the obvious places! Also, it did not take any "skill" to go to a military base and get loot. You always knew where the loot was, every server restart. That's not "skill". That's exploiting known drops. Now that the loot is all over the map, the real skill lies in surviving and finding what you need through trial and error! As for your numbers, my 99+% figure is the population a few years after a major event. Perhaps only 60% of the population died at first, and the other 39+% died from starvation, or fighting each other, or zombie bites, whatever? Alas, the 39% could easily loot every major building, especially considering grocery stores, for example, only have enough food to feed the surrounding community for a few days at any given time.
  5. sea

    How To Survive!

    But the game is based on survival. If you want to PvP, best of luck! Personally, I have more fun surviving, hunting, growing veggies, etc to survive instead of spending 8 hours looting just to die in 5 minutes of gunfight :) If I want to PvP, there are games I play for that, where I respawn fully armed. For basic survival, DayZ is finally challenging!
  6. sea

    How To Survive!

    ...as for PvP, set up camp somewhere; maybe you will find someone coming to raid your stash! Much more realistic, in my honest opinion. In an apocalyptic situation, who would actively go out looking for people to kill? Pretty sick folks; that's who! You are now forced to use your brain, not just wait for a server restart to loot a military, gear up, and PvP. Now, you actually have to scavenge and fight to survive!
  7. sea

    How To Survive!

    You should have read the details before purchasing the game. And yes, we still have some PvP; just not as much; this is, once again, a SURVIVAL-based game! Read the actual information on the game before you buy it! Also, being in alpha stages of development, it IS a work in progress. It was far too easy to survive. Now, survival is #1 and PvP is somewhere in the background; no one wants to get in gunfights because they are still figuring out how to stay alive :)
  8. sea

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    Consider this: A couple years after mass hysteria and 99+% of the population dying or becoming zombies, people would initially run to military bases and police stations for weapons. What happens after those are looted? S*** falls where people end up dying, right? That could be *anywhere*. Realize, the vehicles are rusted-out wrecks. Cities are overgrown with vegetation. DayZ is not based on the day an apocalypse happens; it's based a few years AFTER said apocalypse. So yeah, loot can be anywhere. It's more realistic than being organized by genre, years after whatever apocalyptic event occurred. I'm lovin' it.
  9. sea

    How To Survive!

    DayZ was never intended to be PvP. If you like PvP, hit up ArmA or something ... DayZ has *ALWAYS* been intended to be hardcore SURVIVAL. Now, we actually have to work at survival before anything else! That's what I expected when I first bought SA, and was relatively disappointed to see rampant PvP going on but survival being stupid simple. The game is now becoming what it promised; hardcore SURVIVAL.
  10. sea

    How To Survive!

    OK guys, I see tons of posts about there being no loot, canned food is hard to find, etc. I was also frustrated at first, until I got to playing and seeing what it took to survive. First off, APPLES! Find an apple tree and work your butt off gathering apples! I spent 1.5 hours picking apples at one point, but was fully energized/hydrated and my pockets were full, so I was able to run around finding loot. OUTHOUSES! You would not BELIEVE what spawns in those little places. Barred window structures near guardhouses; the ones with a covered small porch that you cannot enter. Amazing loot! Just get energized/hydrated and head inland, guys. If you get hungry, find berries or apples until you have the materials to make a garden or the supplies to kill an animal(or player?), skin and quarter, cook, and eat. It's not all that bad, guys. If you have Zeds running after you, just keep running; they get tired. Or just melee them with fists; hit them in the face! Seems to work better than even swinging a fire axe at this point. This game was *never* meant to be pvp-oriented. It is SURVIVAL oriented, and survival is TOUGH. Suck it up and explore; find what you need to survive. Throw all your loot information out the window; times have changed! Devs: Please, PLEASE fix these friggen tents! :P
  11. sea

    My issues with .55

    For clarification, I'm not trying to sit and whine. I'm GLAD PvP is much more difficult as I did not buy this game to PvP. Frankly, I was sick of fully geared folks running around killing people, and the zombies are refreshingly more of a threat. What bothers me is with the current nature of the zombies to glitch through walls and doors; hit you through stairways from a floor below. Or those that hit you 5 times before you even SEE them! Why make them more powerful when there are longstanding glitches like these? As for food, it's now the #1 thing to look for. If your graphics show apple trees that are full of apples, make it realistic to pick them! I've never encountered an apple tree that was full of apples but impossible to pick from. I'm still playing, and surviving longer each time, it seems. Alas, I'm tired of dying of starvation while staring at a loaded fruit tree.
  12. sea

    My issues with .55

    Funny, considering we are much more than 5%. Get off your high horse and take an English course; it would do you good. As for bugs, the devs KNEW the loot system was absolutely crap, but forced it on everyone anyhow. Maybe if they had fixed it before forcing it things would be different? Frankly, I'm tired of seeing people put others down for expressing their opinions! If YOU don't like it, don't go to the forums! I'll play what I choose to! You have absolutely no right to put down people for expressing their personal opinion.
  13. sea

    75 round drum mag removed from game

    I actually found a 75 rd drum mag yesterday. They are still around, just much more rare.
  14. Why is it that anyone expressing their disappointment with the current stable build gets their posts removed or topics locked? Are you so concerned that you just lost a good 50% of your player base that you have to hide the truth? Persistence is BROKEN. It should *NEVER* have been forced due to its unstable nature. Maybe if tents worked, it might be viable? Zeds: While I like the new difficulty level, why overpower them while they still glitch through buildings and locked doors? Not to mention desync in the middle of zombie fights; they jump from position to position unrealistically. I'm not whining about the OP zombies; they need to be more of a challenge. Alas, when they can one shot you or ruin your gear with one hit, why would you implement them when game mechanics are so screwed up? Loot: What loot? I have found some stuff; know the nice places to get ammo, PM63, etc. I have not even seen a box of matches and food is *very* hard to find. While trying to pick apples from a tree that shows dozens of them, I died of starvation. Cannot go fishing or hunting because I cannot make a fire; no damn matches! Either implement other ways to start a fire(rubbing sticks together, magnifying glass, 10% water in a bottle, etc) or make the matches more available! Yes, the zombies are difficult, and that's part of the game. I can take them down with bare fists and not sustain too many blows. That's fine. What sucks is I cannot cook food that I hunt. If I can even get equipped to hunt/fish before dying from starvation under an apple tree that has apples all over it. Yes, alpha this, alpha that. Stop being unfair in forums and deleting/locking topics like you do. People don't like to be controlled and rendered unable to express their frustrations to a company that has made a LOT of money from them and shows sluggish progress as a result. Don't force persistence that does *not* work. Have apples readily available on trees; they don't fill you up much anyhow, but at least a ratio where you don't die of starvation while trying to pick some would be nice. I have almost 500 hours on DayZ. Was that time completely wasted due to the devs intentionally making the game unplayable for most by implementing absolutely broken changes? At least make this playable! And yes, I know there are those who say they love it like this; that's great for you! You are maybe 25% of the player base of DayZ. Shouldn't the 75% MAJORITY have their say as well?