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About VikingDanTV

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Manchester, UK
  • Interests
    Gaming, Streaming, Music lover and web and graphic design

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  • Bio
    Hey all, I'm a streamer from Manchester, UK.

    I mainly focus on playing DayZ, but do dabble on other games at times. I try to stream for at least 20 hours a week, starting around 8pm GMT 4/5 days a week.

    Please feel free to stop by and say hi, discuss how bad i am at games, and join in the laughs!

  1. VikingDanTV

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I was getting the run animation, hardcore. To the point when my character wouldn't stop strafing and got capped in the head. yay played for 20 minutes... movement animation bugs ruined the new patch for me already. wont play it til its fixed
  2. VikingDanTV

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Going live in a few minutes, watch the madness unfold! twitch.tv/vikingdan
  3. VikingDanTV

    Bandits ruin this game

    what we need to remember is this game is a post apocalyptic survival rp game. If it ever happened, i'm fairly certain ther ewould be the people that lose it and KOS, as there would be the people that want to build a community. The only trick is to not get attached to gear. Get killed or shot at enough, an d you'll turn into a bandit/KOS'er, just as you would in real life anarchy!
  4. VikingDanTV

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    just going live for some solo action. Interactive with chat and alweays entertaining (apparently) twitch.tv/vikingdan
  5. this sounds brilliant... i'm so in!
  6. VikingDanTV

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    i've come across a few hackers in my time one you can actually see a logation scripter/hacker flying around in my stream highlights entitles 'hey superman'. Another that happened last night when i got shot through a wall in a airfield camo building, he was in the doorway, and i was on the stairs, may have been server lag. But my friend who was playing with me got shot from the same position whilst he was at the top of the stairs. I'll make a clip soon its gutting, but i try to not get too wound up about it, its just more of a shame than anything.
  7. VikingDanTV

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Hi there, i'm Dan from the UK. Just thought i'd introduce myself to the community. I'm a massive fan of the game, and have racked up hundreds of hours in a fairly short time. I love the way that the game makes you really think about your actions, as you are likely to instantly lose all your hard earned health and gear with one wrong move. I recently decided to stream the game, as me and a few of my friends regularly play as a squad and get involved in a fair bit of tactical PVP. But i also enjoy roaming the coasts and RP'ing when i'm in on my own. You can check out my stream on the links below, would be lovely to see a couple of you drop in sometime. Peace all, VikingDan