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About Axel335

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  1. Axel335

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    Same, it was the first thing I noticed and probably the biggest deal-breaker for me.
  2. Axel335

    Meaningful Customization: Complete Edition

    When/if this is implemented the game will be ten times better
  3. Axel335

    how do YOU use the...

    Fair enough. But it does not strike me as a very quick death either, unless it hits a major blood vessel. A bolt through your arm/leg would surely cripple but maybe not kill outright. Depends on what the engine is cabable of, of course, if there is no good way of simulating a crippling blow then sudden death would have to do. Just one man's thoughts...
  4. Axel335

    how do YOU use the...

    No doubt. I just feel that the crossbow/bow should not be some kind of one shot kill machine as in Rambo or FarCry 3.
  5. Axel335

    how do YOU use the...

    Arrows/bolts should definitely paralyze (or make one a tad bit uncomfortable) and cause blood loss. But I would hate to see them be instant killers like bullets.
  6. Axel335

    how do YOU use the...

    I kinda have the feeling that a crossbow bolt is less fatal than a bullet, far less. We do have firearms instead of bows for a reason.
  7. This. These compromises are indeed needed, I'd say it's simply too easy to aim and shoot otherwise.
  8. This sounds excellent, I truly hope you are right. The distance one can cover now by sprinting is massive and hunger/thirst/fatigue is second to neglible. I fully agree that it shouldn't be a quick thing to joing up, rather a struggle for survival.
  9. To strike a balance between a lot of equipment and slower speed/tire easier or lighter equipment with better speed/range. This way it could be easier to assign roles when playing with friends also.
  10. Axel335

    KOS always!

    I have found plenty of friendly people but, as mentioned before, they are usually without much gear. The friends I play with usually shout out "friendly" when we see new people. Unfortunately in some cases these people freak out/have bad intentions and engages us on the spot. As mentioned above, it truly helps to have some friends in hiding, weapons pointed at your new "acquitance"
  11. Axel335

    First impression(s)

    Yes, this syncs with my own thoughts. I really like the small touches like pain, discomfort and such and it would be nice if they had a (slightly) bigger impact. Would be nice if sprinting should be used more in dire situations and not just for trekking around, since a full-out sprint in offroad terrain with added gear and weapons might even cause injuries.
  12. Axel335

    First impression(s)

    I would gladly take what you describe over what we have now. For me it is not too much at all, but to each its own. There simply seems to be such a disconnection between the "slow" movements and the "fast" movements when it comes to fluidity IMHO.
  13. Axel335

    First impression(s)

    "This" meaning what? "Too" much realism can indeed kill a game, but for me too clunky/weird/robotic movement can do the same.
  14. Axel335

    First impression(s)

    I have no beef with the speed per se. As I said in my original post, the thing I find to kill my "immersion" is the agility and acceleration (or the lack of it). I fully agree that the momentum of the sprint is needed, I just think it could be made a tad bit more dynamic, hence why I mentioned RO2 and the BF2 mod Project reality.
  15. Axel335

    First impression(s)

    Alright, sounds promising. Thanks for the rapid replies!