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Posts posted by Zarniwoop

  1. Seems there are people who actually think it's going to be fun to run around for three hours to only find a badly damaged Ushanka, a rotten apple and a battery before they die of hunger or are overrun with zombies they can't fight off with their broken fists. That isn't hardcore and difficult, that is simply dumb and unenjoyable and will make the game a straight-up failure. Survival in such  a post-apocalyptic scenario isn't about running around in houses that are devoid of any usable items and even furniture. It's about acting smart. Act smart and you stand a chance of survival. Act like a noob and you'll die quickly. DayZ incorporates that now, if anything there are simply too many firearms and the melee system is a plain embarassment.


    I'm not exactly sure what your point is. Making the game ultimately hardcore and difficult with a myriad ways of getting you killed, was what DayZ started out to become. I hope that they stand by their game and not give in to the easygoing mass that just wants vehicles "or at least a bicycle" nao.


    Further down the line stealth for getting past zombies will be added, current survival mechanics will work better, therefore warranting a harder gameplay for fear of making the whole thing a walk in the park. By the end of the year I expect, the game will have to become harder or face many of it's mechanics becoming obsolete. Who will go fishing/hunting if he can just find tons of food in the general store? Who will plant vegetables if he can just hoard tins in his tent? As you say survival is acting smart, but in the game as of now, no smartness is required since you can find mostly everything vital pretty easy. Smartness now in DayZ is just common sense. When it becomes hardcore and difficult that is when real smartness will be vital. 

    • Like 9

  2. There's a word you may have overlooked. 


    Anyhow you can't deny that the SA has far more potential than the mod ever did. Things don't work well now, they and we know that.


    I agree that SA is easier than the mod was in it's prime, but the mod is dead with no vanilla servers within the top 20. The SA will get harder as long as it's features become more numerous. Of that I'm certain. Also people need to test things and not wish they could find a weapon to test some bug or whatnot. 

    • Like 2

  3. Hey there Michael! :D Good to see you around again buds, we've all been away from the game for a while it seems.


    As said above exp has seen loads of changes as of late, although with huge rubberbanding issues. I have yet to see if these have been fixed.  :rolleyes:


    It's come quite a ways tbh, although very far from done. And that's a good thing imo.

    • Like 1

  4. Any word on the ingame radios? I mean appart from the walkie talkies. The internet streaming ones that can be heard server wide. I remember them being mentioned in some devblog but can't be bothered to look it up.  :rolleyes:

    • Like 1

  5. Just a few suggestions I thought would be neat (I know its Alpha)


    • Not all zombies run super speed (may just be me this happens to). To expand, zombie hordes (group of zombies 5-10), could come after you but move slowly or just all zombies don't run like Usain bolt  ;)
    • Better looting (Could just be my luck). Many of the houses or buildings I come across are completely empty
    • Maps be more common. I never know where I'm going in the game
    • Better melee sounds and mechanics
    • Cupboards, drawers, dressers etc. can be accessed



    Lemme know what you guys think


    -Well the lore of DayZ says they are not undead but infected people. Therefore it stands to reason that they can run. I like them cos it will make it even more of a challenge when their numbers are pushed up and infections added. They are still very much a work in progress though.

    -Looting is OP at the moment. Too much loot. Albeit some houses are bugged and never spawn anything, but everwhere else the loot is just far too much. Especially military and food.

    -Maps are indeed quite hard to come by. It'd be nice if you could customize them, with custom markers etc seen only by people who get their hands on your map.

    -Melee is being worked on all the time and still needs work.

    -They ar going to introduce containers at some point, like fridges, boxes and cupboards which will spawn stuff you'd usually find in any such objects around the household. I don't know if it's possible to have every single drawer open and close though due to engine limitations.


    Edit: Welcome to the forums btw ;)

    • Like 3

  6. Thanks for your reply!


    First off, thanks for the DayZ commander, I'll be sure to take a look into it. Though with regards to the DayZ RP I've gotta say I'm really, really disappointed at that :c if you might know any friends who are actually into it and have some good places, I'd love to join in! 


    DayZ Commander is basically the best mod management tool for DayZ MOD. You can't do much without it. 


    I'll ask a friend who left DayZ RP with a bunch of people to create something new, although I don't know if they are active on DayZ anymore. I will ask him and get back to you via PM.

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  7. Just download DayZ Commander, you'll be able to see which the most popular mods are. Epoch is played by loads of people and provides a simple and easy experience IMO, but with loads of things to do. Try it and find out for yourself. I'd recommend the Vanilla mod too as well as a mod called MustyZ, although I know not if it is on commander. :3


    Well DayZ RP has gone to shit for a while now, so I recommend not even trying to get whitelisted. It's filled with 14 year old trolls who donated to get in, and old members are getting slowly kicked in favour of paying Frankie Fanboys or trolls. 

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  8. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I talked to people like this in real life, who author these types of posts.


    I often ponder about how I could explain the development pipeline of DayZ, or even just the logical assertion that just because they're working on something... doesn't mean that they're NOT working on other things.


    I wonder if they'd actually accept a reasonable argument, or if they'd just sort of... keep on thinking what they think.


    I wonder if much of it gets lost in the abstraction of a text-based forum.


    I also like that they don't actually answer to legitimately good posts like KarmaTerror's and only choose to see the "Hurr Durr ALPHER TARD" ones. 

  9. NE Airfield has less spawns than Balota. Plus it's not just Balota. Count Kamenka and Zeleno in there too. That makes 3 big cities and another massive mil place in the south, all within easy reach of eachother. A tad too much.


    Anyway I don't think the current botched spawn rates will last long. You shouldn't be able to find anything you need by visiting just one place. 


    I'm all for the East player spawns as long as there's lots of them, including some further inland, and it makes sence to head west for better stuff. 

  10. Honestly, if both can be done easily, great.


    But I'd rather have it be a craftable item, which allows for fixed shooting (i.e. that has to be consciously set up), and can be used independently (i.e. the player creates his/her own shooting platform).


    It can be consciously be set up in the manner you said, using sticks etc etc, or deploying the bipod and then using the neat ACE system for it. That'd be great IMO.

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