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Everything posted by Zarniwoop

  1. Zarniwoop

    Dead player's bodies can get back up as zeds

    Has been suggested many times before. I seem to remember rocket posted on a similar suggestion thread that there are engine limitations as to the plausibility of it. Something to do with characters being way more complicated than zombies as models/code (idk) therefore there could only be a limited amount/if any at all. Could someone confirm?
  2. Zarniwoop

    Seriously DayZ?

    No need to get whiney. They only spawn 3 feet from you if you are 3 feet from any town. Use brain. Simplez. ;) Also the "A" word.
  3. Zarniwoop

    Thoughts after trying new patch. Mostly good.

    Well, putting the axe in the ready position is only one keystroke, so I don't know what the fuss is about. It compensates for pulling back when swinging a heavy object.
  4. Zarniwoop

    Seriously DayZ?

    Indeed. DC'ing 5 meters from the airfield is never going to be a good idea is it. Forests are empty, except from phantom rabbits. Head there.
  5. Zarniwoop


    Oh yes please! When the better respawn mechanic is implemented, zombies cranked way up, less loot, zombies harder to kill, water infections/contaminations (and less water overall i.e empty wells etc), deseases and zombification infections I'll be in heaven. Anyone with me?
  6. I think that's what its ment to be like in an apocalipse. Impossible. Loving the patch. Not at all perfect but a good step in the right direction.
  7. Zarniwoop

    Seriously DayZ?

    Just head off to somewhere safe. Easy peasy.
  8. Zarniwoop

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Nope its anything but a zombie shooter. Its a hardcore survival exprience. A step in the right direction with respawning zeds and harder to kill, although respawn mechanic is placeholder, and the bleeding is a bit too fast. i.e scratches do not make you bleed out. Otherwise good changes.
  9. Zarniwoop

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Getting "session lost" every 5 minutes on Exp, with server lag issues (no interactions done), and "wait for host" indefinitely on login. And there only seems to be 1-2 servers.
  10. Zarniwoop

    Target Practice

    Clicked expecting a firearm shooting/worshipping thread. 0/10 would not click again :( :P
  11. Very nice post. Cannot agree more with the harder zombies point. On the matter of NVG's etc. I would have to agree with you that they should not be in the game at all if the global lool spawning mechanism was not in place. Now they can spawn an exact amount of said items across all spawn points, across all servers. This could mean there are 10 sets of NVG's across 150 servers. This has awesome potential. Moving on down the line I'd expect we'll see a focus on survival, as in the sense of not finding much of anything anywhere, with respawning loot reducing the amount of server hopping.
  12. Zarniwoop

    First Impressions and Hopes

    On the subject of the controls: I found really early on in playing ArmA2 (which has similar controls) that changing them is a bad idea. There are simply too many buttons, and they cannot be assigned to the typical FPS control setup. Example: Say you change the shift key to make you sprint while holding it. What then will you use for the slow tactical walk? I'd say one of the easiest things is adjusting to the different controls, so I'd suggest you get used to them. Sure enough after a few weeks you'll get used to them. ;) On the hunger/thirst bars: The Devs are not keen on on-screen HUD appart from the hotbar. So we'll probably see the inventory notifications worked on more, although I dare say we'll never see "arcadey" things like: 56,4% hunger. And yes zombies are easy atm, but I wouldn't get used to it. ;) Zombie fixing is a top priority and an ongoing procedure which will take a while. Rome wasn't built in a day. Welcome to the forums, if you need anything please do not hesitate to pop me a PM.
  13. Zarniwoop

    Bolt action operation....

    Good idea. Like how it is in Red Orchestra if I'm not mistaken.
  14. Zarniwoop


    Your posts are not very constructive are they. Anyway, seeing as there is a flare gun in ArmA2 Mod ACE, I see no reason for there not to be in DayZ. Also I think I saw some model of it leaked earlier this year? Not sure.
  15. Ah it's been a while indeed... *looks off with nostalgia into the distance* It's been good.
  16. Zarniwoop

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    These suggestions do not agree with what DayZ aspires to be. All the things listed as "important" will never come into the game. Gear stats and that kind of achievements are also never going to happen. As is the red name thing. Basically the rest is what will be coming in the patches come summer.
  17. Zarniwoop

    Really, devs?

    Oh you troll Cap'n... If this is serious you are being rather silly.
  18. Zarniwoop

    You were so friendly, u scared me

    I play friendly all the time, helping as many people as possible, but if someone logs on me I'll kill him for sure.
  19. Zarniwoop

    Are OHKO from fists realistic?

    It makes up for the lack of some kind of knock out move/disarm move, not only when attacked from behind. Its OK, not perfect though.
  20. Zarniwoop

    Got Struck In Textures? Dont panic! Have some fun!

    They are posting videos of their "fun" now... :emptycan:
  21. Zarniwoop

    Dragging Comrades

    A full yes, just have it work properly this time BI :rolleyes: It's an awesomely useful mechanic to have, plus looks ultra cool.
  22. Zarniwoop

    Zombies drinking and eating?

    Its a bug, sounds filtering in from other clients in your general area or the from the whole server. ;)
  23. Zarniwoop

    It's like the zombies never end!

    I don't think the zombie count is upped, they just respawn now. ;)
  24. Zarniwoop

    Always in the daylight?

    Yup people like the easy way and all servers with more than 5 people have 24/7 day. It's silly if you ask me. GIEV NIGHT PL0X ROKAT When the game was released everyoneone was moaning about night time being too hard. Now we have no night time. GG people.
  25. Zarniwoop


    I'm getting the same after getting axed in the arm. I can't see any noticable difference when firing a gun though.