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Everything posted by Zarniwoop

  1. Zarniwoop

    It's the Pirate Life for Us

    This is DayZ? :3
  2. Zarniwoop

    Map Changes in 0.53.126348

    :o Pretty nifty! I've got some exploring to do it seems! The only thing is the barracks building and the other brick one in the last picture in the first post look a bit out of place. Otherwise awesome!
  3. Zarniwoop

    Admin Bans with ban reason?

    Hello there, I was wondering if there is any way to make admin bans on a private hive server, so that when users get kicked/banned (and when they try to rejoin) it displays a custom message. Is that done through Rcon or something? I've searched about for answers to this but the keywords "admin ban" and "reason" always lead to "admin ban for no reason". Any info welcome. Thanks
  4. My eyes bleed from dat green text! :3
  5. Zarniwoop

    Server Weather and ToD

    So we opened our server yesterday, So far everything is going fine, but we can't seem to be able to randomise the weather on server restarts. It's either one or the other. Is randomising time of day and weather on a Private Server possible even? Is the weather bound to the time of day? How do these work? Any information welcome. Thanks!
  6. Zarniwoop

    DayZRP: Suicide near crowd of people reaction

    Nice one! Gotta love DayZRP! Although methinks it's gone a long way downhill.. :/
  7. Zarniwoop


    Unless someone poisons it and we all die of bloody dysentery :P
  8. Zarniwoop


    Very good idea. Beans. :beans: :beans: I find these everywhere at my village and they store all kinds of things inside, after gathering the grapes for wine. So finding these in rural environments like Chernarus seems logical.
  9. Agree with mostly everything, especially the part about the blurry screen. It's really just a nuisance. Still I like the way it does away with the onscreen UI, but it does so quite crudely. Beans from me. :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  10. Hello there, Our community is setting up a private shard whitelisted server soon™. This may be a slightly silly Q but here goes: My question is whether it's possible to change from 1st Person Only to having both perspectives, without having to change the character database also. Meaning like in public servers where the two have separate characters for each. We'd like to change the perspective for events and such and then switch it back. Thanks for your time. Zarni
  11. Zarniwoop

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Yep, agreed. Building big structures from thin air is something I've always been turned off by in Epoch, H1Z1 etc etc. Foxholes and other dugout style things with fences are good additions. Not sky fortresses.
  12. Zarniwoop

    Open inventory while sprinting

    I would hope it's a feature not a bug! :3
  13. Zarniwoop

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Limping/injured animations and diseases? :P I'd love that
  14. Zarniwoop

    Tent s on shoulders

    I like this, but it would only work imho with a working weight system. Otherwise it's just adding another item to the carryable items, with no tradeoff.
  15. Zarniwoop

    DayZ BULLSH*T AT IT'S FINEST... [ 1:11 ] very early alpha :(

    It may have been the same guy coming back to get his revenge? :O
  16. Zarniwoop

    DayZ BULLSH*T AT IT'S FINEST... [ 1:11 ] very early alpha :(

    Karma at it's best :P
  17. I think that's the point he's trying to make. That you're not supposed to know. Hmm, interesting. I could get into this, although it does not quite work from a gameplay point of view. It may lead to people just pressing respawn more often than they do, not caring either way. I like it all the same.
  18. Zarniwoop

    Status Report - Week of 10 Nov 14

    Good Q, was looking forward to that myself! :beans:
  19. Zarniwoop

    Status Report - Week of 03 Nov 14

    Sent in our Community Application for the Private Shard Contest! :D It's great what you guys are doing with that!
  20. Zarniwoop

    getting the shakes...

    Having looked it up a bit since I last posted, it does not indeed seem as far fetched as I thought. Still I have my doubts it's just going to be like eating rotten fruit etc. in-game. We have to see.. :)
  21. Zarniwoop

    getting the shakes...

    I don't like the idea of "made up" consequences for cannibalism that have a direct impact on your character's health. I think skinning and quartering etc. should just be an especially disgusting process that may deter some people from doing it. I'd also think some visual changes to the character would work nicely, like maybe sunken eyes or black circles... Nothing major you understand, just something that may change the way other players interact with the "cannibals".
  22. Zarniwoop

    The Loot Redistribution Project

    Beans beans beans for you my friend! :beans: :beans: :beans: I shall do the same. Game is too easy at the moment.
  23. Sometimes the gear on other players doesn't update on your end of the game. Just drag an item into the clothing item in question and it will update your client with the contents of said clothing item.
  24. Zarniwoop

    Status Report - Week of 18 August 14

    Maybe I didn't make my point very clear. Sorry about that. Of course it's logical to find kitchen knives and clothes. Of course it isn't logical to find tons of food in the each and every house you enter. Cans of food should be scarce and far between especially in large populated areas where it is again logical to have been quickly looted clean by the sheer mass of people living/leaving there. Scarcity of anything logically vital in such a situation (food, clean water, medication and naturally the MilGear) is what will give the game that extra depth, and will make players take different choices in order to survive. That being said, you start off making pretty good sense here and then make it sound like an outrage because the game is incomplete. Obviously you nearly died of starvation because the game as of "whenever you started" hasn't got it's survival mechanics anywhere near done. I still maintain starvation should play a large role in survival however. Not something that is a myth/outrage when it happens once in a million. DayZ will hopefully provide an experience that lets you think for yourself and give you the options and freedom to carry out what you are thinking.
  25. Zarniwoop

    Status Report - Week of 18 August 14

    I'm not exactly sure what your point is. Making the game ultimately hardcore and difficult with a myriad ways of getting you killed, was what DayZ started out to become. I hope that they stand by their game and not give in to the easygoing mass that just wants vehicles "or at least a bicycle" nao. Further down the line stealth for getting past zombies will be added, current survival mechanics will work better, therefore warranting a harder gameplay for fear of making the whole thing a walk in the park. By the end of the year I expect, the game will have to become harder or face many of it's mechanics becoming obsolete. Who will go fishing/hunting if he can just find tons of food in the general store? Who will plant vegetables if he can just hoard tins in his tent? As you say survival is acting smart, but in the game as of now, no smartness is required since you can find mostly everything vital pretty easy. Smartness now in DayZ is just common sense. When it becomes hardcore and difficult that is when real smartness will be vital.