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Bambi Population Control

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About Bambi Population Control

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Staring at a mass grave filled with newspawns.
  • Interests
    Killing newspawns.

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    I really like killing newspawns.

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  1. Bambi Population Control

    How to locate where people are shooting?

    Getting a 5.1 or 7.1 headset helps, just get some solid cover and if you can't run doing the Detroit sidestep (Zig-zag) until you do. What makes it difficult to hear where the shots come from is the cracking sound bullets make when hitting near the camera's position.
  2. Bambi Population Control

    More civillian clothing.. Less military

    Well, with some of this I agree, but then, it will allow way too much freedom of expression to wear clothes, and people are just going to dress ridiculous clothes just for the "lolz". And if I see someone wearing a cap improperly A.K.A "swagging" he's as good as dead. I use camo pants and combat boots in my everyday life. Not only it makes you look tougher, but when properly worn, those camo pants are the most comfortable piece of clothing I have ever worn and allow really flexible movement. +shaved head, and you are ready to go whenever you want to, wherever you to, except a night club.
  3. Bambi Population Control

    What happened to brown spraypaint?

    1st priority in the apocalypse..paint gun. Oh wait, this shitty painting sucks better take it off. Food? Who needs food?
  4. Bambi Population Control

    If H1Z1 will have squads and clans at early access why ...

    Because the community completely ignores what most of the people do in this game, while still believing that this is some hardcore, realistic, survival game when it's one of the easiest games I've ever played once I learnt the basics. Pls the level of difficulty of this game is right on par with "walk-in-the-park" GTA V. Yes it is. Actually I remember finding RUST more difficult than this. No alpha bullshit. They're both Early Access.
  5. Bambi Population Control

    Dear Bambi Slayer 9000

    I hope you choke on a can of beans and DIE.
  6. Bambi Population Control

    Dayz Overpoch Panthera Video

    DayZ Mod Gallery.
  7. Bambi Population Control

    Dayz Overpoch Panthera Video

    I think you're posting in the wrong section. Constructive as fuck. Ahh don't worry about your voice, when I was 14 it was like that, then 2 years later I scared the living the living shit out of people with the voice of a bear. Unnaturally deep. Start smoking. (Boy, I'm about to get SO MUCH HATE)
  8. Bambi Population Control


    I agree that making it like that will make the game look more alive (like in the mod, no sidechat though), and there will be more communication. Now the bad news. You trusting people will SO get ambushed 85% of the time. AND if it's the same way direct communication is, and it's NOT LIKE IN THE MOD; Then we won't be able to see the name of who's speaking. This is realistic. But it is also a PERFECT chance for some view hungry asshole Youtuber troll to destroy people's experience, with no way to detect who is to blame, or for some asshole to just play music on the thing, while unable to be detected. Now the possibly good news again: The above option can be discarded IF Bohemia allows admins to have a live little control panel to see who's using the radio chat, with the ability to mute the spamming asshole. Active admins will be needed though.
  9. Bambi Population Control

    Mega Vest is Back!

    What do you mean back? The only vest that is gone by now is the black tactical vest. This is a completely different one.
  10. Bambi Population Control

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Fast travel is added.
  11. Bambi Population Control

    What Broke You?

    All these things you're saying, all of you here, means that Standalone is completely ruined. A game with such good posibilities, doomed forever to be an hostile place, another meaningless deathmatch. Who's fault it is? Ours. Don't we like to fuck up things?
  12. Bambi Population Control

    Yesterday I played the Mod after 200 hours of Standalone.

    Why the fuck did you move my thread?
  13. Bambi Population Control

    How to mod DayZ Standalone?

    Hell yeah I love when most of my YouTube views come from Tutorials on how to port DayZ SA to Arma 3, and people asking me how to do it.
  14. Bambi Population Control

    "We don't want your sniper rifle!"

    Of course they don't no one wants your fucking sniper rifle.