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Everything posted by BTT`
My advice for finding crash sites.... start at this field. :D It has worked for me.
Best moment in Dayz ruined by a server restart
BTT` replied to BuzzBurridge's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I didn't think fixable choppers were available in game at the moment. -
Oh yes, the rareness of meeting someone outside the few major hotspots makes for very thrilling and tense moments. I have been playing for over a month and my heart still thumps every time I see someone not on TS with me. I play for these moments. My mind has me on edge all the time thinking there is someone over the next hill, behind the next bush...Someone farts to loud on TS and I jump. lol You should join our TS sometime. We have plenty of people who get lost in cherno, electro and Berezino. Yes they are fairly newer to the game but the time it takes to learn your way around the bigger towns on the map seems about right to me. Amen!! Or try gassing up at a little out of the way gas station. ( like the one North of Polana and east of Gorka) Bound to run into others wanting to do the same. Intense fights in the woods around this out of the way gas station happen more then I want when all I want is some gas! To me this is the kinda PvP that adds to the immersion. Seems realistic that people will be fighting over and killing for the right to have gas for the very rare vehicles that work after the zombie apocalypse. Not to mention the gaining of another ride if you win the fire fight!
Yes going from backpack to hand works fine for me every time. The only tip I would add is keep ALL your clips for both guns on hand and not in the backpack. Clips move with guns and having them move from your backpack to hand with the gun you are moving can cause issues if you don't have room for the clips. All clips on hand and moving from backpack to hand means the clips will never move and cause your loot to spill. 7 of us, 1 UAZ and a server that restarts at midnight. We found 5 crash sites early this morning. I have never heard an exact number but I swear I read somewhere that it was 6 total sites on the map. Wish I could remember where I read that.
[CONFIRMED] - Gillie and Camo suits FIXED in Patch
BTT` replied to a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think it is very effective. This comes from a guy who plays with a lot of people who wear it. And those same people like to fuck with me when we meet up and stay still...I trip over them all the time trying to find them. lol I prefer camo myself. -
Guide: How to add auto run function for G510/compliant keyboards
BTT` replied to deviantdigi's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I can auto run by switching between two computers with a KVM switch as I hold my forward button which I rebound to mouse button 5. I release and switch back. Can still free look...strafe...stop (holding back button..mouse button 4) and never lose the auto run till I hit mouse button 5 again. It is kinda handy for debug forest escapes and long trips on foot through the woods and I gottah grab another beer!! :) -
When I am alone I play much more careful then when I am with a half dozen of my buddies. Early Sat or Sun morning I do my thing, sneaking around...surveying EVERYTHING!! But on Fri or Sat night, well, 6 of us pile in the UAZ and head to the NW airfield. lol If we even make it there all in one piece it is amazing and if one of us is left to bring the jeep back to camp from NWAF it was a good night! :D So you not only play safe...you post safe too? :P
What's wrong with "testing" the loot system to make sure it is funchining as intended? At the moment fresh loot spawns every 15min if eveything is cleard and all players are 100m or more from said loot spwan durning that 15min. I clear a loot pile ( say a tree stand )...go 110 meters away, dump loot, wait 15min, go back and there is more loot ( oh and a better gun looky there). I guess it is working but....Let me test that a few more times just to be sure!! :D
Been there many times....on the PBX my buddies and I found and used for weeks. Till two of us ( not me!!!) left the island and wound up 27,000m from mainland. Needless to say, the boat ran out of gas and they died of starvation. Those mtns in the distance never get closer lol. We have not seen the PBX since on the server we had it. His bones must still be floating out on it some 20,000ish meters off shore. lol What a way to die!!
Should I buy Arma II? I mean I will basically be getting it just for DAY Z
BTT` replied to Lepryy's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Oh I know I am not doing anything wrong. I would rather play something made for players by players then some game that was tested for lack of a better term "in a lab" That is the problem with things today. They don't get enough real world beat the shit out of use before being produced for sale. Sorry I am kinda merging my thoughts of this thread and the other thread talking about being testers vs players. -
So I was just run down at night...
BTT` replied to Rebecca Chambers's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I never have, I have never seen NVGs but I assume you can have them on and get in as a driver. no? -
Should I buy Arma II? I mean I will basically be getting it just for DAY Z
BTT` replied to Lepryy's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
270hrs playing DayZ.....0hrs playing ArmAII and 0 hrs playing Operation Arrowhead. Worth every penny! And I paid $29.99 for the combo which is on sale on steam for $23.99. I know I am supposed to be "testing" but I can't help but play the shit out if it because it is so enjoyable! -
So I was just run down at night...
BTT` replied to Rebecca Chambers's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Maybe the driver/s had night vision goggles on. -
I'm going to make a change, even if it's just for myself, starting with one word.
BTT` replied to Techercizer's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Maybe that is what will make the difference for this mod. I am by no means an expert on developing mods. This is my first Alpha and to be honest whouldn't know what is expected of me as far as what to test. But maybe there is something to say about people playing the shit out of it (I fall here) instead of testing it. Seems enough people report the bugs and whatnot. Sometimes a little over zealously but still. I can't think of anything offhand that I have found that has not been reported repeatedly. I actually come here when weird things happen and always find someone has beat me to it and I understand it is a bug and probably being worked on so I just go on playing best I can. -
I think the OP makes some good points. I have been killed a few times by players. Their intentions forever unknown and I really don't care. I play on the nothern half of the map mostly and if you made it up there then you should be armed and expecting a fight. The people killing fresh meat on the beaches. *shrugs* They have not killed me yet and if I can figure it out surely other people can.
Amazing idea to stop player killers. Thank me later!
BTT` replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Good idea, hope it is implimented. So I can go around with new life after new life ( no murders on my part) and harass people till they kill me. Soon I could have the whole server walking for their life from zeds. lol -
This game has by far been the best multiplayer experiance I have had in a long time. Just so you know not everyone thinks it is a singleplayer game. Exhibit A
How to roll back from to previous version
BTT` replied to Rowrin's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Any way we can get the files here? Please. -
Is there a place I can go to get files? I would like to roll back the update. They are not on my PC anywhere. I didn't save them....lesson learned.
I was in the military tents in Berezino...I got a phone call, I had to leave the game and my house in a kinda hurried manner. So I run out of the tents west looking to d/c in the woods, shooting any zeds that followed me first. As I am running across the helipad there I start coming under fire. I was hit on the 4th or 5th shot from a sniper rifle. I managed to kill the zed chasing me, bandage myself, go prone behind a tree and log off. Is that wrong? Gonna ban me for life because I got urgent phone call while playing and got shot at while trying to d/c in a safe bush line?
I have heard church bells near Electro and Cherno. The one time I paid attention and counted...it was 7 chimes...and it was 7pm on the server. hint hint. :) Most church bells in real life ring on the hour and as many times for the hour it is. Pretty neat that this seems the case in game too.
Map seems fairly accurate to me. Though in my mind every square meter on the map is a danger zone!! lol I always feel like someone is watching me and I can be shot dead at any moment. Makes an otherwise long boring run kinda fun. As someone else suggested I would add green to the east coast south of Berezino all the way around the bend. Those of us who like to hit Berezino can be found running up that coast as fast as possible. But usually unarmed so it is fairly safe.
The song for me is in this thread... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12068
I think you mean "had there" :D I fell from the sky spawing in once not long ago. Logged off under a pine tree that has branches all the way to the ground. Not sure if that had something to do with it. I managed to live because I was not unconscious for long . had every other issue and the goods to fix it all.
Bicycle worked for a minute... now it wont move?
BTT` replied to craftymethod's topic in New Player Discussion
If you rode it for a bit it should be fine. You might have broke it but getting off and back on seems to fix it. Not sure if that is a bug or working as intended. I have had it happen with and without a tool box on my person.