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Everything posted by Ben_uk

  1. 1, Is Ragdoll in the game any more? I know it was in but has it been removed? 2, Are aombie animations going to be improved? They all use the same animation cycle and that one cycle itself doesnt look "great". 3, Are Crawling Zombies stil in the game? Not see any of late. 4, Some of the textures still look really rough. Are these going to be improved? Some of the buildings and for example the airfield runway texture look really bad. 5, What is the final playercount target? Will it be raised from 60? Increased playercount? 6, One last small thing, some of the trees look too bright and really stick out. They also have massive "pop-in" when the shadow drops and also when the model changes. Can this be altered? Thanks.
  2. Ben_uk

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    I personally would like to see something perhaps a little more structured in DayZ. I'm probably in the minority, but i'd like to see side missions or some kind of objective-based gameplay.
  3. I completely agree, the melee system is truly horrendous. It feels broken. My "dream" is to have melee combat like it is in Left 4 Dead. That got melee really right in terms of ease of use and predictability etc.
  4. Ben_uk

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    Really is no need for the bitter response my friend. I do read the status reports but I don't memorize every single one. Also, I never suggested they needed to do the texturing next, I was just suggesting "is it on the cards?" Doesn't really matter when, but is it on the list of "things to do?" Thanks for the reply though.
  5. Ben_uk

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    I think double performance over the old renderer isn't too bad a result for the first version of the DX11 renderer. I would think with further optimisation of the map, there might be even more performance to gain. One thing about the map, some of the textures are painfully low-res. I haven't read anything at all about the state of the texture mapping. For instance, the runway texture used at the airports / air bases, it looks like something from a game about 20 years back. Some other textures look ok, but some could really use an update, like a lot of the floor textures in warehouses / hangars. Again, the reason I ask is because ive read nothing about updating the environment in terms of texture, the only thing ive caught is the conversations about the actual renderer itself. Thanks, Ben.
  6. Ben_uk

    DayZ City FPS

    I get lows of 16 in cities. Really bad...
  7. Ben_uk

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    I think if I wrote my true feelings on Dayz, I would probably be banned here. Lets say that my views aren't that different from the majority of those recent Steam reviews I have just been reading.
  8. Ben_uk

    Status Report - 09 Sept

    Is being able to run up hills still on the list?
  9. Ben_uk

    Most frustrating way you have died?

    I fell through one of those high metal narrow walkway things in a factory after I took my gun out.
  10. Ben_uk

    whats the plan for optimization?

    I'm pinning all my hopes on the new renderer.
  11. Ben_uk

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    I think a bit of both. Make it random.
  12. Ben_uk

    Dirty building interiors

    Completely agree with the OP. A lot of those suggestions would go a long way to adding atmosphere to the game. I love the crows suggestion, they swhould peck the dead bodies. Reminds me of Resident Evil 1, back when it was actually a decent game.
  13. Ben_uk

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    Any news on the new renderer? It was slated for Q1 or Q2 of 2015 but we have heard nothing...?
  14. Ben_uk

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I've never seen players lagging as much as I've seen tonight. Same server I'm always on, players warping back and forward.
  15. I would think at the very least they would need to do a DX11 version as well as maybe a DX12 version.
  16. Ben_uk

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    I personally think the whole game needs more apocalyptic imagery and less military focused things. This goes for everything, from guns to clothing, to houses, to vehicles and so on. I have no downer on the military stuff, much of it looks really cool, however I would like to see more "survival" or "apocalyptic" art assets. The game has a bit too much Arma in it for me.
  17. Not all engines require a vast amount of conversion from one DX version to another. One developer stated that it only took about 50 hours to convert their DX9 engine to a DX11 engine... :/
  18. Ben_uk

    What do you want to see in .54

    - Random sounds fix - Getting hit by zombies in buildings who are metres away. - Unable to pick up objects - Zombies still walking through doors / walls - Not able to run up hills - Quick item select buttons not working 1-2-3-4-5 etc - No message received disconnects Thanks.
  19. Ben_uk

    What to expect from Prison Island?

    Expect..... Death.
  20. Ben_uk

    Status Report - 06 Feb 15

    Forgive me if this isn't the place to ask, but is there any news on fixing the following; - Being able to run up hills - Zombies walking through doors - Not being able to pick up items - Quick item select buttons not working 1-2-3-4-5 etc - No message received disconnects etc Thanks.
  21. Ben_uk

    Want 40+ FPS in big citys? Click here!

    For some reason for me, Elektro is so much worse performance wise for me than other more dense cities. I haven't done a FPS test, but I imagine its something like 20fps at certain points. See my sig for my rig.
  22. Some kind of karma system is needed, or maybe a "mental health" status, killing a lot of people gives you some kind of negative effects or some such thing. Not sure, might not be popular with the hardcore player base.
  23. Ben_uk

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ

    I gave a handgun to a new spawn, yes, including bullets.
  24. Ben_uk

    New renderer questions.

    As well as the new renderer, the game needs a texture overhaul. Some of the textures look ok, some look like they belong on a game from 15 years ago.