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Everything posted by Ben_uk

  1. Ben_uk

    Status Report - Week of 19 Jan 15

    Any word on the new renderer?
  2. Ben_uk

    Fracture out of nowhere ?

    It could still be a sniper. I managed to shoot someone from several hundred metres away and the his mate said he never heard the shot. I also was shot from a tower by a sniper and the shot was barely audible. Hit me in the legs, I shuffled around for a bit, then I heard another very faint fizz (another shot), and then it said "you are dead".
  3. Ben_uk

    CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra Advice

    I think like with most pre-built PCs, its always the GFX card which suffers. You will need something better than that.
  4. Ben_uk

    Green Mountain

    Went to Green Mountain yesterday to see what the fuss was about. Not much there, just a tower you can go 1/4 of the way up and a camo building (which had no loot).
  5. Ben_uk

    DayZ 2015 roadmap

    For me, issues which are important are things like fixing the quick select buttons, they just simply refuse to work most of the time. Other than that, server and client performance needs working on. What about things like multicore support and x64 builds?
  6. Reduce the run speed?! I think running should be much faster. It takes me forever to get anywhere. I say at least double it.
  7. Ben_uk

    The amount of players.

    Server performance tends to go up and down between versions. A few updates ago the server performance seemed really good, items would snap into inventory instantly, throwing items worked well and smoothly and there was very little lag. Now, its the opposite, a lot of lag, throwing items is incredibly jerky and broken, and inventory drag and drop is slow and often just plain doesnt work. Also another server related thing which has been broken forever is the "quick action" buttons. I can press "2" or whatever key to bring out my axe and it rarely works, or if it does work its massively delayed, or does a bring out and put away animation several times, because I have hit the key 3-4 times in frustration, usually whilst stood still getting my ass handed to me by a zombie.
  8. Ben_uk

    Helicopter crash sites?

    I kinda wish the helicopter would spawn on its side or more in pieces than it is currently. I mean who "crashes" and manages to land on all 4 wheels dead level?
  9. Ben_uk

    Pffft i remember why im a Bandit.

    I had a similar experience. Met a guy, seemed cool. We survived a few sniper attacks together, gathered loot, looted bodies together. We didn't spend 4 hours, maybe an hour just hanging out, then he said he needed to rest and take water so he took refuge in a industrial area (I followed), then he shot me. It doesn't make me trust players any less, I still play the same. I get killed a lot, because i'm a naturally trusting person. The only time ill urge caution or avoid a player is when he is holding a gun.
  10. Ben_uk

    0.51 Magazine Rarity

    Finding it very hard to find AK mags and ammo.
  11. Ben_uk

    Lets talk persistence.

    There was so much loot spawned at one of the bases that my PC slowed to a crawl, then it crashed as I entered the main camo building.
  12. Came across this today in one of the stable servers... Not sure if its the spawning bug or if someone had been duping etc? Anyone need a rifle? More pics from the same location...
  13. I haven't seen a AKM or a AK101 since I have been playing .50, I must have searched the barracks and bases 10 times or so, and found a ton of ammo, and a ton of SKS's, but no auto rifles.
  14. Ben_uk

    Got Loot? (NWAF content)

    I keep seeing this now. Saw it in two servers today. At first I thought it was some kind of setup, like I was being lined up for a kill by a bunch of bandits shedding gear or something. I found 4 SKS's, 2 Magnums, crossbow, a ton of ammo and a ton of other items all in one building.
  15. I have a slight problem now when I go into DayZ. The screen resolution is all messed up. I recently built a new PC, and copied over the steamapps folder to my new PC. Since then I have had this issue with the resolution, it won't show any higher than 1280 X 960, despite my monitor being a 1920 X 1200 monitor.
  16. Ben_uk

    Screen resolution problem

    Thanks for the helpful responses. I'm sure that I never had to do any of this when I first installed the game back in March or whenever it was.
  17. I logged into a server with only 3 people on it, and I managed to get shot by one of them at the NWAF.
  18. Ben_uk

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    There are times when I don't feel like talking, so I just avoid people on those occasions. Ive found though its pretty tough to play without a mic, probably the most essential game ive ever played for actually needing a mic in order to play it. I tend to have my headphone mic around my neck, then just raise the mic part to my mouth when I want to speak. I have pretty good speakers so I feel it a waste to use the headphones themselves, they also hurt my ears after a while.
  19. Ben_uk

    Increase Chernarus size with the new engine.

    I hope that the new engine allows us to have higher res, less compressed textures. Some textures look ok, whereas others look like they are kinda from 1998.
  20. Ben_uk

    The new running animation, Why?

    I have no idea why they changed it, the old one looked great. For me its definitely worse, but maybe there is a reason why it was changed?
  21. I've been held up now on maybe 5 or 6 occasions and every single time after obeying fully it's resulted in death. I think the moral of the story is to basically ignore them and make a run for it.
  22. That run animation is no improvement in my opinion. Why was it changed? The old one looked fine...?
  23. I was running with another relatively new spawn bloke into the open country, we both had virtually no gear apart from a damaged coat and spade etc. So we had just left Elektro and was heading out into the sticks, then we both get amushed by 3 or 4 guys, who just gun us down as we were running away from them and from town. We had no gear, and were running away from them so I really don't understand why they bothered.
  24. Ben_uk

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    Is anyone else getting constant disconnects now? I play for maybe 20 minutes, then the dreaded "received no message" text appears. Getting lots of pausing and bitching now too. Game will pause for maybe 1/2 second then just carry on.
  25. Ben_uk

    Anybody remember when Dean Hall said...

    I need 200 players I think.