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Everything posted by Karmicdebt

  1. Karmicdebt

    Trouble with racist names

    Im sure I have and if they keep it to themselves I wont know thus no kick. Can you show me exactly where this freedom of speech is guaranteed on a gaming server owned by a private individual? Thats like someone being in your house spouting racist crap and you not being able to tell them to GTFO because of it.
  2. Karmicdebt

    Trouble with racist names

    who cares? I do. I dont associate with racists IRL and am damn sure not going to game with them.
  3. Karmicdebt

    M4 Silencer

    It most certainly is true and "if" my aunt had a penis she would be my uncle....
  4. Karmicdebt

    Would you let them live?

    search function is your buddy.....
  5. Karmicdebt

    M4 Silencer

    lol and all silencers in the game should be useless untill they put sub-sonic ammo into the game ,doubt they've even thought about it. Regular ammo used with a silencer is just as loud as without it after several shots. Might aswell use a taped on plastic gallon milk jug.
  6. Karmicdebt

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    naw ignorance plea is a no go. Everybody has read the warning before you play and I know it was blatantly displayed several times before purchase
  7. Karmicdebt


    The bags you are talking about are called weezie bags or they were years ago. The bag gets hooked to a bungy cord and has a pull pin to release it before you PLF. It stacks on your backpack. The military chutes are larger,(cant wear a backpack with it) the pack goes strapped to your gear and rests on your legs(thus one of the reasons you walk like a pengiun) Rifles go into a case wich it almost takes two men and a mule to get it out of.
  8. Karmicdebt


    Got your point, a helicopter that is auto rotating is falling slower that a gear laden troopy. Youre right they dont keep them on board helicopters or any air vehicle for that matter. Wouldnt trust a chute that had been sitting in a bench seat for a year without a rigger lookin at it first.
  9. Karmicdebt


    Well a full decked out soldier ready for a jump walks around (if and when he walks) like an overloaded penguin, but yes a full compliment of gear can be carried into a jump.... BTW: any former 82nd out there?
  10. Karmicdebt


    well dont know about australian paratroopers but I have 32 jumps out of hueys and chinooks and another 30 out of fixed wing.granted they were hollywood jumps. Combat limits on altitude is 600ft. Peace time altitude is 800ft. its possible to jump from 500ft This along with 52 hours flight time, Personally I think the maintenance on air vehicles would be prohibitively monumental. what is it, 20 hours of maintenance for each hour flown.
  11. Karmicdebt

    Anyone else name their guns?

    Will wait till beta before I start naming weapons.......
  12. Karmicdebt

    Lumberjacks: confirmed?

    Wonder what the Z attraction rate will be in lumberjack mode.Seems to me it would be like setting thumpers for worms :)
  13. Actually it can be propaganda and be a fact as well, adult. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/propaganda?s=t RIF = Reading is Fundamental
  14. Karmicdebt

    What you wear....

    masks throughout history have been used to mostly to induce fear along with maybe some protective aspect. payday mask = kos imo