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Jiggly Ritz

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Everything posted by Jiggly Ritz

  1. Jiggly Ritz

    Magazines are too hard to find

    I have been playing Dayz standalone for about a week now and I have come to the conclusion that weapon magazines in general, are too difficult to find. This game takes place in Russia for gods sake, every child in Russia gets a freaking gun for his 3rd birthday, so why cant I find any magazines for almost all types of guns? Pistols are the worst. At least with rifles you have a chance of finding a magazine, but with pistols (especially the m1911) the magazines are nowhere to be found, even in military bases where you would expect them. I have only ever found magazines for the 9mm pistol, and no others. Tell me what you guys think about making magazines a bit more common.
  2. So, I already posted this story as a comment on another topic, but I thought someone else might like to read it because it is pretty funny. I never KOS period. Just yesterday I was walking close to a military base, and I spotted a guy laying on the ground with a gun (all I had was a baseball bat). I approached him with the intention of saying hello, but he turned around and took two shots at me with what I could now discern was a shotgun. He missed both shots somehow, and got up off of the ground and pulled out an axe. This was when I discovered the ultimate tactic for defeating a player with melee. I began running around him in circles and hitting him with my bat loling profusely at the simplicity of my tactic, and how well it was working. He did not even manage to get a hit on me XD. He then started to run away, and to my own surprise I gained the confidence to chase his ass down lol. He then started reloading his shotgun, and by the time he was done I was about 10 feet away from him. He pointed his gun at me, and again I enacted my strategy of running around him in circles. He missed both his shots again, which gave me another opening to hit him with my bat. After a few more hits, he passed out, and I began violently smashing his head in with my bat to ensure his demise. I then looted him, and hit him about 5 time in the head with his own axe for good measure. The moral of this story: Don't KOS kids, it will only get you an axe to the face :D
  3. Jiggly Ritz

    New Update, and Stuck Again

    So first off, before you all scream alpha in my face I just want to let you know that I understand that this game is under development, and these types of problems are to be expected. Please don't take this as a rant, because it isn't. With that out of the way, here is my dilemma. I had stopped playing Dayz for a while in order to wait for the new patch. When it finally came out I decided "hey cool, new patch, guess I'll play it". However, when I entered the game I was greeted with a familiar problem that, at this point, was getting VERY frustrating. When I logged into my favorited server, I was greeted with my character stuck under a building AGAIN. Then I had a thought: "well, it is a new update, perhaps they have added the ability to respawn your character". So, I opened the game menu, and low and behold: the option to respawn was STILL grayed out. Any Ideas as to why they still have not fixed this? It was to my understanding that they have gotten numerous reports of this problem, so why have they still not addressed it? It seems like a simple enough addition. IDK, anyway guys sorry for the long post, I just wanted to see if others are still having this issue, and if anyone has any solutions.
  4. Jiggly Ritz

    I want to see loot on beaches

    This idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while now, and usually when that happens it means that it is a good idea. It just plain makes sense to have some items laying around on the beaches. Think about it, things wash up on the beach all the time whether it be clothing, waterbottles, driftwood and all kinds of other crap. What do you guys think?
  5. Well I have been playing dayz for about a week, and in that time I have met many people, and traded many supplies with them. However, one day i was playing on a fresh spawn and after getting a fire axe, I began looting some buildings in the spawn town. When I went into one of the buildings I noticed a guy in one of the rooms crouched down eating some beans. Something clicked in my head, and out of no where I snuck up behind him and began hitting him with my axe repeatedly. He did not go down after the first hit so I continued hitting him (looking back now, I realize it was probably server lag that kept him standing). I created this demonstrative drawing to give you all an idea of how much blood was pouring out of this guys body: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3U75Ekc8pJ_WVVTNmpSZ2VNeW8/edit?usp=sharing Anyway, needless to say he died, but when I went to loot his stuff I realized that I had ruined EVERYTHING in his backpack. Feel free to share your stories, or condemn me to shame. :(
  6. Jiggly Ritz

    For the GIRLS...

    If my memory serves me correctly, the only reason that the Japanese even survived that battle was because a tsunami swept through the battlefield and killed off the Mongols lol. P.S. yes that costume would be an awesome unisex apocalyptic cult outfit. But you would be a very big/colorful target lol.
  7. Jiggly Ritz

    The football field requires a football

    So then what should we call it? Hand ball?
  8. Jiggly Ritz

    For the GIRLS...

    what movies is this? It looks amazing.
  9. Jiggly Ritz

    For the GIRLS...

    From an exert about the battle of Japanese samurai during the Mongolian invasion: "...a warrior would step out, announce his name and lineage, and prepare for one-on-one combat with a foe. Unfortunately for the Japanese, the Mongols were not familiar with the code. When a lone samurai stepped forward to challenge them, the Mongols would simply attack him en masse, much like ants swarming a beetle."
  10. Jiggly Ritz

    Feeling bad after first kos

    Who is Guppy? Youtuber or something?
  11. Jiggly Ritz

    swallow your pride

    Looked at the tags and lol'd so hard :D You have my beans!
  12. Jiggly Ritz

    Feeling bad after first kos

    used the spraypaint tool :D #SKILL
  13. Jiggly Ritz

    Easy Way To Chamber Weapons

    I was recently fumbling around with the ammo/reloading system in dayz standalone, and in my frustration a stroke of brilliance (debatable :D) hit me. This pretty much has to do with the chambering of weapons, and how derpy it tends to be. Basically my way of improving the chambering system works like this: 1) Put ammo (in bullet form) into either pants or shirt pocket. The reason being that in real life it is very quick and easy to pull a round from your pants as opposed to fumbling around in your backpack. If you were to have the rounds in your backpack, and none in your pants or shirt pocket you would have to drag and drop the ammo like normal. 2) Then, when holding the weapon you wish to chamber a round into, simply press the reload key ("R" obviously) Note: If you have a magazine with rounds in it then the weapon would automatically use the magazine instead of chambering. So, let me know what you think about this. Also, if you have any suggestions feel free to chip in.
  14. Jiggly Ritz

    faking death

    I know that people generally die with their eyes open, but when someone is faking their death they tend to keep them shut. Generally out of fear, but also because the attacker could see their eyes moving and know that they aren't dead (obviously not possible to replicate in dayz, but you get the point).
  15. Jiggly Ritz

    Soda Can Supressor

    So I had the idea recently to add craftable soda can suppressors to the game. The suppressor would be made with a rag and a soda can, and could then be attached to your weapon. However, due to the suppressors questionable quality, it would be limited to about a magazine's worth of shots (roughly 7 to 10 shots) before it would break, and you would have to craft a new one. It would also not be as quiet as the high grade suppressors in the game, making a real suppressor more desirable. This would be great for quick loot runs where you want to pick off zombies quietly. Tell me what you guys think.
  16. Jiggly Ritz

    Soda Can Supressor

    I am now calling for a potato gun. We need this in game lol. We could craft it from a butane canister and a pipe lololol. Look out bandits here I come!
  17. Jiggly Ritz

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    It's not that the are a is infested with zombies, it's that they can now see you from MUCH farther away.
  18. Jiggly Ritz

    Suicide Button?

    Just an ideal: Right clicking your weapon should have the option to "kill self"
  19. Jiggly Ritz

    faking death

    Your screen should also go black when you fake your death because IRL you would have your eyes closed. This would also make it more fair for both the attacker and the victim. Besides, you can hear the things around you anyway, so you would just have to determine the right time to get back up and hope that you were right.
  20. Jiggly Ritz

    Easy Way To Chamber Weapons

    somewhat, but if they want the reloading to work that way it should work the same way for the magazines because in real life just like chambering a round you would have to physically remove the magazine from your backpack/pants or whatever, and put it into the gun.
  21. Jiggly Ritz

    Bleeding player blood trail

    Have you ever seen picture of a crime scene? There is blood all over the freaking place because when a bullet exits the body it sends lots of pretty blood, flesh, and guts with it. And if you are running while bleeding it makes your heart beat faster causing the blood to flow more rapidly thus equaling blood spurting from the exit wound. However, if you were shot with a .22 pistol to the torso you probably wouldn't leave a blood trail depending on the circumstances.
  22. Jiggly Ritz

    Bleeding player blood trail

    Well, when they add 64 bit servers I'm sure this will be very plausible.
  23. Jiggly Ritz

    Mele has to be fixed

    I just feel like their priorities aren't in the right place. They should focus on making the game stable before they start adding new features IMO.
  24. Jiggly Ritz

    Mele has to be fixed

    They should start worrying about making the zombies a challenge after they fix the movement animations, glitches, lag, and horrid hit detection. Once they have addressed all of these things, then they can go on making the zombies as difficult as they want and I wouldn't mind, but at the moment they are simply unfair. I literally now have to go into 3rd person in order to even get a hit on them at all, and when I do it does nothing at all. And when there are multiple zombies attacking you at once you are completely screwed. It also doesn't help that they can now see you from miles away. It's not that I don't like the change in theory, It's just that it is too early to implement such a change.
  25. Jiggly Ritz

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I feel like the zombies should be scaled back for now until their animations are properly smoothed out. At the moment they are like tanks, and it is almost impossible to get a headshot on them when both aiming at their head does not actually hit them in the head, and they glitch around making them impossible to hit. They also now seem to be able to sense you for miles even when you have good cover. It is annoying to say the least.