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Jonson (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jonson (DayZ)

  1. What I would like to be: Survivor in the woods. What I would really do: Shit myself and starve in my basemet.
  2. Jonson (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Wolfs usually don't attack humans. Let them come when you are bleeding and have a broken leg ;)
  3. Find a bike and ride around on NW Airfield ringing the bell (I did that once and a guy in a bus joined in. Was real fun ;) ).
  4. Jonson (DayZ)

    For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips!

    You know, something that I don't like about other players in DayZ (including me) is that they are all acting like former elite soldiers, because they know stuff in rl or they are experienced arma players. I miss one fact that I loved in the early DayZ gameplay videos: that people don't know what they are doing! That is truely zombie-apocalypse-like. So from now on i will call every clip a magazine, every round a bullet and every mp5 a machine gun thingy.
  5. Total agreement with OP.
  6. Jonson (DayZ)

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    So you bandits do have feelings after all ;) jk I once saw a guy on the roof of one of the office buildings/schools and shot him while he was climbing down the ladder. My debug-monitor told me that it was no bandit. I felt so bad for killing someone for no reason that I don't shoot people anymore as long as they don't engage me. Yelling at people while hiding in the trees is much more fun, too ;)
  7. I'm glad about having no sidechannel. Reading "Whos shooting in Cherno? Friendly?" all day long kind of spoiles the immersion. Direct chat works just fine for me and the encounters during which I used it where the best I had so far (hiding in the bushes while someone passes by and yelling at him is really fun, you should try it). The range is pretty high, too. I think people just need to get used to it and it will work better. Other idea: introduce megaphones ;) oh, and you CAN write in direct chat.
  8. Maybe you can specify what DayZ has lost in your opinion? I think its going the right way with the Zs getting stronger and the loot getting more balanced and stuff.
  9. Jonson (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I'm kind of confused about the whole getting shot/eaten on the beach thing. I never got shot right after beeing spawned (and I spawned a lot of times). Furthermore Zombies can be avoided or lost. Certainly not beeing some badass or the best DayZ player, I usually survive long enough to find a weapon and some supplies. Only thing I can think of that gets you killed at the start is running into Cherno or Electro right away. I don't think you are doing this all the time, but maybe you should think about changing your tactics anyways. Just get used to crawling ;)
  10. Jonson (DayZ)

    This is how YOU playing this mod.

    True. There needs to be a kind of communication-network to make the locations of bandit-infestation known. Something like the Dayz-Radio, only 24/7 ;)
  11. Jonson (DayZ)

    This is how YOU playing this mod.

    If you are annoyed by bandits camping outside towns, do something about it. Camp the campers, go on bandit hunt! Disconnecting doesn't save them when your gun is strong and your aiming is straight. By the way i do hiking and surviving all the time and don't get bored at all :)
  12. Jonson (DayZ)

    Weapons not spawning

    Usually, those errors pop up once in a while for everyone. I have this about every few hours, without any problems finding weapons. I did however have hard times finding some firearms since the last update, maybe you should check military loot buildings like firestations to make sure that its not just bad luck.
  13. Jonson (DayZ)

    Solution to Lack of Weapons

    I would appreciate this. Make it a one hit kill with headshots and an ultimate zombie-enrager when you hit the body. Range 5-15 m or something would be enough.
  14. Jonson (DayZ)

    Wait for host

    I believe they are doing some backup stuff with the hive or something today. Rocket mentioned it in the 1.7.2 - thread. Maybe that's causing the trouble.
  15. Jonson (DayZ)

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    Like maybe many other people, I first saw DayZ while browsing youtube. What I liked from the first video on, was that people obviously had a pretty hard time getting anywhere close to buildings and had to think of plans to distract/kill all the Zs that where running around in the area. When I started playing myself, I found it much too easy to avoid the Zs by crouching/crawling. They just were no threat, I never had a reason to even use my primary weapon unless I was in a firefight with other players. No need to team up, no need to be cautious (except for the other-players-thing). That it bacame freaking hard to get in and out of towns alive is what i love about the new update. Whant to raid this little shop over there? Team up, distract, or shoot your way through. This is the Apocalypse! But still the Zombiethreat has to be "realistic" in some way and the Gameplay must not become frustrating. So the effectiveness of kiting, Zs running through walls and hearing better than every human beeing are imho still issues that have to be dealt with.