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Jonson (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jonson (DayZ)

  1. Jonson (DayZ)

    A different look at zombies - jimbenton.com

    Maybe it's evolution kicking our sorry butts.
  2. Jonson (DayZ)

    Best loot find ever?

    A can of Mountain Dew in Zub Castle. ;)
  3. Jonson (DayZ)

    Quick question, lighthouse on hill?

    Screw your friend, head north if you want to live!
  4. Jonson (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    Well, actually magazine = Magazin clip = Ladestreifen
  5. Jonson (DayZ)

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Either a gun fetishist or gay ;) No offense, just kidding.
  6. Jonson (DayZ)

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    Plus the unlimited ammo thing.
  7. Jonson (DayZ)

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    +1 for OP actually. Not because I'm afraid of snipers, but because this high grade military stuff doesn't fit into the szenario imho.
  8. Jonson (DayZ)

    I can survive

    So I was playing DayZ. I saw a guy and shot him. Then I saw two more that I didn't shoot.
  9. Jonson (DayZ)

    A Sad Story

    This is DayZ. This is your story.
  10. Jonson (DayZ)

    Destroying Friendships

    Go ahead and kill those f***ers! Haha, just kidding, I actually read through the whole thread. You did the right thing. I wish you all the best for your rl.
  11. Jonson (DayZ)

    I think I understand bandits

    I don't really get it either, but I'm beginning to understand banditry, too. Thats because I'm really well equipped for the first time. I don't really gain anything useful from anywhere, so the only fun things to do now are looking for a vehicle, engage well armed players in the north, and kill as much Zs as possible. Right now I'm doing pretty much all three things simultaniously.
  12. Jonson (DayZ)

    Your stupidest death

    Crawled under a chicken cage and accidentally hit x.
  13. Jonson (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    The loot can be found, but it hides very well from greedy eyes...
  14. Jonson (DayZ)

    Man on the hill

    Order some wood for my campfire.
  15. Jonson (DayZ)

    Reintroduce forum time clock

    I'm either blind or the clock for the forum time has been removed (was in the upper section of the old forum). It really helped me to determine when posts where made. Could we please get it back? Edit: I just saw the timezone-option. So I'm not blind but just stupid. But some kind of clock would be nice nevertheless to know when "tommorrow" is like in "the patch will be released tomorrow" ;)
  16. Jonson (DayZ)

    Reintroduce forum time clock

    Yeah, I figured that out right after I made this thread... ;)
  17. Jonson (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Stuck at loading with again. Worked fine wih, ArmaX user. edit: I got into a server after quite a while at loading screen. - Zombies spawn very late or not at all - dead cow not lootable - debug monitor doesn't show "visual" any more - graphic bugs caused by barbed wire (have last been there at version prior to 1.7)
  18. Jonson (DayZ)

    Body Armor

    That and not more. Just imagine beeing hit by a bullet. No matter if you are wearing armor or not, you would much rather be lying on the floor crying in pain than turning around and shooting back.
  19. Jonson (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    I play with 94700 and now I will try the new one I just became aware of ;) BTW: I didn't lose any of my stuff though I have Arma X
  20. Jonson (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    - ArmaX user - no problems loggin in on SE 3 - no major bugs so far - looted animals still despawn instantly - night looks amazing now looking forward to official release
  21. Jonson (DayZ)

    Strange server hopper

    Maybe he dumped his stuff somewhere to have room for potential loot and not to lose it all when getting killed. I don't know why he wouldnt take a backpack and at least a pistol with him, though.
  22. Same for me. Everybody with letters in his/her ID: delete the beta folder in your arma/expansions and install beta patch 93965. Worked for me and there are plenty of servers running this patch.
  23. Jonson (DayZ)

    Small Town Sensibilities

    I agree. There should be much more Zs in the bigger towns to compensate for the better chances of finding loot and it shouldn't be as easy to lose them as it is now. But we will see what future updates will bring...
  24. Haters gonna hate. But that man speaks the truth.