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About MasterZedX

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  1. Found the M4 on a dead guy, apparently someone thought the sights were more valuable than the gun.
  2. Sorry i had a reaction to my own personal accord. Sorry i'm not like you. Sorry i'm not like the other people you enjoy watching. Sorry that how i react is not entertaining to you. Sorry i made you feel the way you feel. Sorry i'm me.
  3. If you watched the video, you saw the M4, and the vest i picked up were both hacked.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98J96xdzwBI
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZYVInBaYLU
  6. MasterZedX

    DayZ gods is that you?

  7. MasterZedX

    HIGH FIVE ME BRO ft Logan OV

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGS4FNbrZl4 Met Logan heading to Svet, and since my friends and i have tried to put a halt to our KoS on non threat players way....this is how we decide whether they live or die. p.s: THIS WASN'T PLANNED BTW IT WAS A COINCIDENCE AND MY FRIENDS WOULD'VE ACTUALLY SHOT HIM IF I DIDN'T TELL THEM TO CHILL, THE LADY LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND WOULD'VE KILLED THEM.
  8. MasterZedX

    He missed every shot....

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHVXlXFu3IA If anyone wants to go in about my aiming watch this video after http://www.twitch.tv/masterzedx/c/4500645 it explains it all
  9. Literally the saltiest bunch of players. My friends and i joined their server and was told that they were going around killing fresh spawns. We found a spot and watched them in Berezino as they continued to do so, we sent a member to go gear-less to get their attention and lure them over to where we were positioned, and after getting them there, they got wiped. Ofc they were hacking but what the admin proceeded to do was kick i and all of my friends out and accuse US as the hackers. You guys go around throwing a charade, claiming how mature you are and competitive and this and that, when you go ahead doing lame things like this (http://i.imgur.com/knzxn85.jpg), i'd honestly advise staying away from the ZaP server. At is the exact opposite of what they claim to be.