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About Tyrianrage

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  1. Tyrianrage

    Status Reports?

    ^ this guy gets it
  2. Tyrianrage

    DayZ is kidding me, HELP

    It should be either dx9, c++ distribution package, or Microsoft .NET framework. If the exe isn't responding when you try to launch I would try and find a download for c++ and .NET framework first, and only try and install dx9 after that, if the first 2 don't work. These are typically the route cause of most exe related issues. Best of luck.
  3. Tyrianrage

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    Haha ahh the cannibals coming out of the woodwork. I feel it I taste it...
  4. Tyrianrage

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    Well considering the fact that humans don't exactly fall onto my lap whenever I'm hungry, i also have had to resort to apple trees, and to go from orange hungry/thirsty to bright green hydrated/green energized it took me about 30 minutes. So my 'timeframe' actually isn't 'shit', it in fact is completely rational and honest, it just isn't exactly what you do... strange how that is eh? I do something you don't do exactly my way, so things are a bit different for me. What a strange and foreign concept. And when diseases get fully implemented I may have to change my playstyle, as i have more than a few times through development, because that, after all, is the nature of the beast. But we wont burn that human steak.. err.. bridge until its time to cross it. I am, so far, enjoying this patch, I too hope the game gets drastically harder. It may take some of the monotony of dayz and turn it into a fully engaging game, instead of doing it for fun, maybe ill do it because its all I know to do to survive. Before this patch once I was fully energized and hydrated i would stop picking any items up from the ground, instead the only way i would get food/ammo/bandages was to steal from other players, and eat them if all else fails. Because that's how i have fun in this game. Once again out comes that strange concept of people not doing things the way you'd prefer, because they like different things out of this openword sandbox survival game.
  5. Tyrianrage

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    Like I said, tasty. Seriously though I'll never play your boring way, you wanna sit at an apple tree for 30 minutes and pick apples? Be my guest, I'll just be lazy and eat your tasty hard work. I always try to interact in this game, I like stealing all peoples bandages, rags, food and anmo and make them have to survive after that, but every once and awhile I get a guy who won't stop whining after I capture him, or tries to run and when I break his legs he won't shut up. They ruin the expirience ;) for me anyways.
  6. Tyrianrage

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    I bet your extra tasty
  7. Tyrianrage

    Scariest Experience in DayZ

    Last week I was patching up my fractured arm high in the forest between kamyshovo and elektro. I started to hear the song 'tiptoe through the tulips' (listen to that song it's creepy as fuck). I'm in the middle of trying to make a splint, so I'm looking all over the place to try and find the source. It's getting louder, it's getting closer... Imagine my surprise when I see a guy slowly walking down the hill towards me, tiptoeing through the forest towards me you may say. That was by far the creepiest thing I've ever expirenced. I was expecting him to be walking up the hill towards me, not from behind me. Ps. I ended up shooting him in the legs due to lack of trust.
  8. Probably, when I notice a server getting laggy, I normally log out and find a new one lol. I got sick of changing pants on the regular... Or regearing all together
  9. Yeah true I can't deny that. I was thinking he meant Alienware had poor preformance originally, hence my reply lol. I'm more of a build your own desktop guy myself.
  10. It's linked to server desync, I stopped getting this problem when I started joining servers with only 50-60 ping. Not 100% guaranteed, but it worked for me
  11. Tyrianrage

    To the guy I just murdered..

    Why wouldn't you just ignore it instead of bumping the thread? LolOp everyone at the nwaf is an enemy, Hell anyone with a gun in their hand is my enemy
  12. Oh jeez why don't you all stop complaining about this thread and just ignore it. It hasn't been locked or yarded, so I'm assuming it follows the rules. Good job on killing that guy, I would have too OP. 'Cringeworthy' lol, I look on the new content bar and I can literally see thread after thread that is somewhat useless. Just ignore it and let the moderators moderate
  13. Tyrianrage

    The Terrible Twosome

    10/10 would read again