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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. theevancat

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    Looks like a parking lot, but civilian airports are always a go. Although part of me wants to keep it so the killing stays in Berezino and I can traipse through the inland portions of the map without a care in the world. Except for the times I meet Brazilian raiders in Stary Sobor. That was pretty scary.
  2. theevancat

    Where do I find the AKM?

    I have all the attachments but no AK. People are going to think I'm weird when they kill me.
  3. theevancat

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    http://i.imgur.com/oCFvxtv.jpg Danish Navy frogmen, anyone?
  4. theevancat

    Sun poisoning

    Can I choose my character race to be Irish and turn neon red after five minutes in mild sun?
  5. theevancat

    Different shoes should be good for different things

    You'd think combat boots would be the best since wellies are super uncomfortable (or at least my experience with them has been.)
  6. theevancat

    Trading Post

    OP should be updated with a Yelp of sorts so I know who'll kill me if I try to trade with them.
  7. Camo variety could be achieved through different Eastern bloc camouflages. I know Armenia has a kickass digital scheme. Georgia uses MARPAT and Multicam. Everyone else pretty much uses a whole variety of stuff. With the Soviet Union, there arelots of old utilities kicking around.
  8. theevancat

    Craftable Tents

    I just want to steal tents from Balota. Hide them in the forest and slap some camo netting on.
  9. theevancat

    High Capacity Vests?

    GAAAAAH I want so badly! You tease!
  10. theevancat

    Chernarus before the apocalypse

    Well, Chernarus was in a giant civil war beforehand. So there's that.
  11. theevancat

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    I'm sorry, but I'm with the northside crew. It's empty. It's fun.
  12. theevancat

    0.45 to stable, my stuff is glowing

    No, Loot, they're after out bodily fluids.
  13. theevancat

    beans? why not rices?

    It's in the culture, man. Although rice is very filling. I have at least two in my inventory right now.
  14. theevancat

    What do you use?

    I just sit at my computer and press it down while I text friends on my phone in my other hand.
  15. theevancat

    what gives you most satisfaction?

    It's lame but helping people. I just talk like a sailor and say some messed up things to people: (e.g., I told a bandit during a firefight that I would "cut out his entrails and wear them as a scarf") but I'm a nice guy underneath.
  16. theevancat

    NEAF Killing

    I've shot someone at NWAF before realizing that I didn't want to and I helped him up. Made him leave his weapons, gave him an IV and some morphine for his legs, and told him to come back in five minutes for his stuff while I ran off. I guess I wasn't alone feeling like that.
  17. theevancat

    Make a status message

    I will soon meet our lord and savior Tom Cruise. I have earned my place in the Danger Zone.
  18. theevancat

    Glitched soda can

    We, too, had an infinite Pepsi. We believed it was a gift from Tom Cruise himself so we built a shrine to it. We had our youngest virgin carry only the infinite Pepsi in his inventory - a maiden to the gift sent down from the Danger Zone by our lord and savior Tom Cruise.
  19. Ah, a thread for clothes. It's good that we're consolidating because it's a more reasonable place to look for ideas than a thousand different places. And so on the subject of rolling sleeves, I wrote a thread that explains that this could probably be easily done by the devs: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196475-rolling-your-sleeves-and-why-i-think-it-can-be-done-easily/?hl=%2Bcan+%2Bbe+%2Bdone+%2Beasily
  20. theevancat

    Russian dictionary?

    I have both the existing books already (cheat sheet for alphabet and stuff and language book for general stuff) but a true dictionary with just tons of vocabulary would be nice to complement.
  21. theevancat

    New bolt action rifle coming.

    SVD is semiauto, not bolt action.
  22. theevancat

    What do you die from?

    I've only fallen off buildings and got shot close range.
  23. Hooray! Time for my fireaxe ragers again.
  24. theevancat

    Roleplay outfits

    Jesus, guys. Spray paint the bananas black. Don't be noobs regarding banana holsters.
  25. POCKET SAND! I want.