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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. theevancat

    Would you want working streetlights at night in cities?

    Or maybe they have some of those nifty solar powered ones. But it's Chernarus. They drive donkeys to work. So probably not.
  2. theevancat

    Saving animals using medic supplies?

    My dog takes the same pain medication as my mother (for my mom's back problems she takes percaset and my dog has a double ear infection and she was prescribed what literally is percaset under a different name), so at some point I'd like to share my pills with my dog. But of course we'd have to wrap it up in ham so the damn critter will even look at it.
  3. theevancat

    100-round magazine for MP5K

    I'd imagine it's just the ammo. Not sure how much it holds but it must be on par with a normal rucksack loaded with stuff.
  4. theevancat

    100-round magazine for MP5K

    We have the technology. At least for LMGs. Seriously, it's like a cartoon.
  5. theevancat

    Never mind all that, what's the new boomsticks like

    I don't think the shotties have been buffed, per se. I think the issue was that before they only shot a pellet out of, like, sixteen. That made for the comically low damage. Now they're right deadly.
  6. theevancat

    More ideas for the devs (gym & toilet feature)

    Pfft. Does anyone even lift? Betas can't even get totes swoll. What are the bros coming to these days?
  7. theevancat

    Fedora's and Fedora Tipping

    Can we have the lore state that Chernogorsk was hosting Chernarus's Comicon? Because I want to cosplay.
  8. theevancat


    I'll bring the pepper spray! It goes great with BBQ!
  9. theevancat

    NWAF accidental discharge

    It's like Craigslist missed connections. I wonder if the dude'll see it.
  10. theevancat

    Camo Suit!

    I just want to put some camo netting on my helmet. That or a mitznefet. They're hot as balls, so there's that.
  11. theevancat

    Ammo cook off.

    Or just mine bodies. When someone comes along to loot it, it'll explode. Maybe requiring some EOD on the part of the survivors. Maybe a new option to inspect the body.
  12. theevancat

    CamelBak, Wearable Water Bottle

    Are you kidding? I'd wear all of those. Ditch my highcap vest all for that beer can holster.
  13. theevancat

    being burned

    Damage to the clothes could be something like just ruining everything. As for skin, I don't remember if there are wound textures yet like in A3. But you could just make some wound textures that appear to be burns and use the same model selections.
  14. theevancat

    Has DayZ ever gotten you in real world trouble?

    That's when you shout over direct: "Oh! Guys, I have some scheduled sexy times! I can't keep doing this, I've got to go." At which point the opposing party drops their guns, nods at you, and walks off.
  15. theevancat

    any point in having a sidearm?

    I was bummed when I found a pristine silencer in a tent city and it didn't do anything. So I guess I'll just wait for them to work.
  16. theevancat

    PLEASE make the pig safe is unicorn of dayz

    I've only seen one animal ever, and that was a pig. I chased it as a freshspawn and beat it down with my bare hands.
  17. theevancat

    Trading Post

    Looking for: Pristine or worn AK stock (regular, not folding.) Preferably black already, but it's not a big deal if it's still wooden. And/or worn or pristine summer Gorka jacket. Have: Lots of stuff. Tons of ammo, some food, medical supplies, and much of it in good condition. I am in the southern portion of the map. PM me if you're interested.
  18. theevancat

    The lone wolf

    I usually play DayZ with a buddy (we had a five man army at one point), but he doesn't play a lot anymore. So I joined a clan to play with people. It's added security.
  19. theevancat

    Were Gorka camo jackets ever implemented?

    I need to find some Gorka jackets? Any tips? Tent cities and firestations are the suggestions here?
  20. theevancat

    Message to UN Clan

    Damm bandits, ruining the UN's stellar reputation.
  21. theevancat

    Finding somewhere called home

    I like to roll around the north parts of the map, so maybe I'll find something there.
  22. theevancat

    Trading Post

    Scratch my last. DayZ decided to have me trip over thin air and die.
  23. theevancat

    Where do I find the AKM?

    I've been finding the LRS everywhere. Hell, I left an LRS and a bipod in a bag with some goodies and a note at NEAF because I had too many!
  24. theevancat

    Trading Post

    I think the AKM is more common than the Engraved M1911. Or at least that's what the wiki loot table tells us. Although I have found at least two of them lately while tirelessly searching for an AK.
  25. theevancat

    Trading Post

    I have in my possession a pristine M1911 Engraved, and I'm willing to trade it for a pristine AKM. Regular public server. PM me for details and we'll talk. I'll throw in some extra stuff if you can make an equal offer. I have a magazine and some bullets for said M1911.