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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. theevancat

    2 main guns

    We send Ivan.
  2. theevancat

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    If there were things like this, subdued and probably with like, ten slots or something ridiculous, people would wear civilian clothes. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/03/Roving_trader_outfit.png/revision/latest?cb=20110706170453
  3. theevancat

    dead bodies should not dissapper

    I hung out with a body in a building for easily twenty minutes today, and he was dead before I got there (he was warm, so probably not around for much longer than I was.) I thought that was plenty of time. I'm sure performance would suffer if there were bodies everywhere.
  4. theevancat

    How to stay alive in the middle of Berezino experiment

    I run around naked and shout inane shit when I want to do that, and people are usually so confused they don't kill me.
  5. theevancat

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Didn't realize the hunter bag had more slots. The SPOSN looks bigger.
  6. theevancat

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I'll have to post screens when I get back but a general overview for me is: AKM with plastic parts and a rail handguard and tactical light. I also have a pair of drum mags that I got in a trade with my clanmate (he needed 5.45 ammo, and had drums he wasn't using.) No scope yet. Makarov, if only because I have so many magazines... TTsKO gear, head to toe. Highcap vest. SPOSN bag (I want something bigger though, but I don't want to compromise my position with bright mountain bags.) Ballistic helmet (I kind of want a Gorka, maybe if he could flip the visor up.) Brown boots and gloves (a personal choice.)
  7. theevancat

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    MRW this post:
  8. theevancat

    Do defibrillators even work?

    And they trash the battery after one use.
  9. theevancat

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    For some reason I was thinking about that scene from Red Dawn where they drink the deer blood and stuff.
  10. theevancat

    A new mechanic to DayZ; Herds.

    I want animal herds, too. I want to run with the deer!
  11. theevancat

    Corpse wound identification.

    Maybe there could be a chance to find bullets, or fragments. However, I'm not sure if we'd have the capability to go full CSI and examine everything, like shot distance (close range versus sniper.) Maybe there's an obvious way to say. Do we know any forensics guys?
  12. theevancat

    cherno bell

    Do not send to ask for whom the bell tolls, for the bell tolls for thee.
  13. theevancat

    Audio slows down with blood loss

    It could probably be a combination. Some stuff is muffled, but it's all blended together and vague. Maybe ringing and a heartbeat, with heavy breath? I dunno. I haven't died before, I can't confirm on the accuracy of this.
  14. theevancat

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    I'd think that these guys would probably do similar stuff, just really replicating what they see on TV and shit, realistic or not. I'm an untrained teenager. I can lean up and down. Keeping my feet out like that in a stance would come to me, too, if only because I've seen it on TV and in movies. That's probably where'd they'd get 99% of their military "training" from.
  15. theevancat

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    I wear military gear because it's the best of what's around. Mostly I'm concerned about storage space. If some sweet civilian clothes gave me the opportunity to carry more stuff, I'd do it. I always liked the Fallout merchant outfit because of the gear. I want bandoliers, an LBV over my flak jacket (not a MOLLE vest, but oldschool '70s gear vests), belts, whatever. It'd be cool to roll looking like that and I'd take it, provided it has those storage capacities exceeding mil gear.
  16. theevancat

    Drinking/Eating Blood

    I'm not sure if deer can get AIDS. If any anything, that'd be more of a transfusion risk carrying bloodborne disease. Not so much drinking animal blood as it is getting a transfusion.
  17. theevancat

    headgear in first person

    Glasses tint, perhaps. But playing Verdun I'm fine with the gasmask overlay because it's not making everything look piss-yellow. That's my main problem.
  18. theevancat

    Hoods UP(Option)

    It'd be a pain in the ass. My insight comes from Arma 3 and the stuff I've done there, so it might be different. There's a "head" selection that basically skins stuff to the head (great for hats because obviously there are no joints on the head to get complicated with as they bend, which is why hats are the easiest thing to make in A3), but I don't think there's anything to rig where the neck meets the torso and have that twist around without making a screwy result.Of course, we do have the diver suit which has that hood, so maybe I'm just bad at modding. xD
  19. Easy fix, too, assuming Arma logic applies (most likely.) You move a proxy back on the model. Takes about fifteen seconds.
  20. theevancat

    headgear in first person

    I know a few mods that do this for Arma but I always end up turning them off. Sunglasses either add a tont in 1st person or both 1st and 3rd person. It's jarring going from 3rd person to 1st person and getting that tint, and kind of annoying having everything darkened all the time (or turned yellow or something, depending on the sunglasses' lenses.) I never liked it. At least we should be able to turn it off.
  21. theevancat

    Swords and castles spawns - seeking advice

    I need to find a sword so I can be the crazy Armenian swordsman, screaming vulgarities at people in a language I'm not even sure * we * know and swinging a sword around.
  22. I'm trying not to get top attached to vidya. I get word from the military academies in March, so I might not be playing * any * DayZ for four years this June. Other than that, I guess this naturally takes a backseat for me. I play a lot because my new school's classes are an absolute joke (thanks, Rhode Island public school!) with my three AP classes offering no actual homework. I dunno. Just gotta balance.
  23. theevancat

    Can opener--handy tool or cruel taunt?

    I lost my SKS bayonet and, without a can opener, have been opening cans with a fire axe. #logical
  24. Can I show up drunk? Unluckily it's 1PP so I can't bring my SAW (AK/drum mag <3) for show and tell. I guess I'll have to find my finest flannel vestiments.