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Hello it is quite a long time i don't play DAYZ anymore ( 5 years) and i've decided to come back with the same sistem: AMD fx8350, 16 gb ram and nvidia 970GTX game runs smooth, OS win11 in ssd and came in regular HDD actually i'm trying to figure it out cooling issues because i was throttling sometimes, and i do have the case open with a powerful vent that is pushing air inside the case. game is running smooth so and i don't have lag until i'm going to change a new heat sink. But what i'm still experiencing is pretty annoying, and that is the thing said on the topic: Sometime when i'm hitting a zombie on melee or i do shoot to a player, i do go to windows like I've did an ALT-TAB . I've checked any command on windows and the mouse. But nothing strange to my eyes. It is 2 times that i'm taking the aim to a player, shooting him and the game goes in background and i see all the app in the middle of windows ready to choose the one to be executed among them (exactly like you are doing an alt-tab). luckly i've killed these guys and realized i've won the fight it once i've restored the game back. pretty annoying, expeccialy in CQB. But i can't be lucky a third time. I don't push alt-tab or shift-tab. Hold breath is on CTRL and i've disabled any disturbing command like pushing 5 times shift. Any idea?
After a while i was not posting anymore in the forum, i'm here just to link 2 videos about DAYZ status. One made by a famous youtuber status made on 9 december, and the other on 15 december. I watched at them as i did not seen the promised December Beta update. First one is pretty accurate. What's your point of view? Well... i'm feeling he's a bit right about the comparision of 80 developers for dayz against 7 peoples on Rust....and for adding just a few stuff (and bugged) compared to large content over time to the other game. The first video is not made by an hater, but a player that had give a chance to the game quite a century, and reached over 22.000 likes against those quite 2400 are the proof. I think those over 22.000 people (including him) are not totally stupids, it's an insult to the human intelligence of those poeple had invest money for a project long over 4 years. And pointing the finger to others fault, won't change the result: people blame the name of the team, not the team. I'm not completely agree about the point of looting instantly, but i must say both are right. What do you think? Glad some devs would answer to this aswell....It's an harm to the company and the project they are building for 4 years. A proper answer should be done to drive the hit.
love you guys thx you
Can't a server admin?
In previous Patches if you were stuck in the undergound of an house with an high floor, you were able to exit through jump, crawl o disconnect. Now i'm stuck in a small green house with the high floor. I'm underground and i can run or crouch, Can't crawl or jump {edited} If anyone have experienced a way to get out would be appreciate, because rather than press F11 I wait next patch instead, maibe they will fix things more "accurately"
[GrZU] Gruppo Zuffa EU Private server 50 slots - "Hosted by Fragnet"
GunnyITA posted a topic in Servers
" [GrZU] Gruppo Zuffa " EU Private Hive Server. It's a 3rd Person 50 slots server . Hosted in GERMANY FRANKFURT, By Fragnet Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/667287210111396/?fref=ts it's a private group, you must ask for join. Server Name: [EU] Grzu Server | All Survivors are Welcome | Admin | Events IP: PORT: 2602 Server restarts every 4 hours starting from 5 AM Loot Persistence 24/7 Day Teamspeak: ts3-3.voicehosting.it:10223 INTRO AND RULES Gruppo Zuffa group would like to invite all players of Dayz to join this newborn italian server hosted in Germany. We welcome all playstyles and we invite you to join our page on facebook linked above! Admins are active and checks the log quite often. For any request about how you died and you doubt about someone don't hesitate to contact us. We want a fair game for anyone and apologyse for any inconvenience but as you know "it's Alpha". There's a SAFE ZONE in the server and it's DOLINA (We don't know at the moment if we'll change it in the future)! Whoever shoots to someone or kill it means a temporary bann. All playstile are welcome but we encourage also people to have some contact eachother and some kind of marketplace to trade your stuff. I hope for as many players as possible will join it ;) ! See you in game! -
Looking for tech advice on a PC...
GunnyITA replied to voiceoverbob's topic in Technology/Programming
Don't build a PC to run DAYZ or you won't go out! My only suggestion i could give you is to make 2 separate HD. One Solid and one SSD, on the SSD you just put your O/S and the other everything else. you will startup your pc within 20 seconds. go for 16 gb rams, and don't spend over 300 dollars or euros for a video cards by the games we have nowadays. Don't buy an I5....if you really want an I5 then takes instead an AMDFX8350 that is cheaper but still working for being a 2012 CPU....Otherwise go for i7 but don't spend that much. I'm playing since 2013 with that AMD processor, 8 gb of ram and an nvidia GTX970....and i'm fine with it for whatever i want, exept dayz but we don't have to consider a PC for playing DAYZ, we are going to be mad Remember: Gaming nowadays does not offer that much to spend over 1000 dollar for a PC! -
Since the 0.60 release and changings from realoading weapons with the R button, i've noticed even more often players geared up with military stuff or automatic/semiautomatic weapons. This happens both in public and pvt server, and it's not only justified only by waking up on 6.00 AM morning because it's the mummy on the morning is preparing the coffee and tidy their rooms. This happens because with this update people are forced to swap to high tier weapons, so they keep suicide and respawn till they are in condition to reach a military base and get better stuff? How many times did you meet a barely fresh spawn with an automatic weapon on his hands? Often! Sniper rifles with the R system are better, because you can detect where the bullet is falling before reloading and then correct your zeroing Pump Shotguns might be fine with R , But they are still buggy sometimes and you won't kill a target giant like an elephant in 1 m. I forgot how many times i've shot point black a target and didn't kill him. Even when he was standing and looting without know i was there. REAPETER:.....This gun with the R and magazine capacity now have an HUUUUGE NERF . By what i know the Rossi Rifle holds 10 rounds in real life, ingame is 7 and before the update was 11. And as DAYZ is a difficult game to aim because people keep zigzag out. The R button influence the reloading speed of this weapons and now using it with this update is no more fast as before....you are afraid to make the good shot, then your reloading speed decrease. Shoot with it now it's as fast as any other Bolt Action Rifle ...You can't even make suppression fire! What's the difference between 5 rounds and 7? nothing......I think Reapeter should not need the R Button, or bring it to 10 rounds What about to add 2 attachment for it? By what a know in this gun can be attacched a Rail and a scope aswell...I suggest to do not make it too much powerful to add both things to high the TIER of it....add a RAIL and a PISTOL SCOPE! yea the same on the Longhorn, just for a small zoom with a weapon with Pistol Rounds! If you miss the RAIL, you can't attach the scope. What do you think about it? TRUMPHET: I know that no one picks it but....but same for the Reapeter: "Give Caesar what is Caesar's" ....remove R on it or bring this gun to 10 rounds, not 7. RESPAWN: You die? 30 seconds. You do suicide within the 5 minutes?.....Spawn change to 90 seconds. You suicide again within the 5 minutes? ....Spawn goes to 120 seconds. Many many times we've seen people keep suiciding and reaching their mates to continue the firefight and loot back again. It's stupid. You Die? Game is over! Play smartly next time! Whole gameplay would change because of this improvement. Those are luck to spawn nearby are just lucky...what can i say....but i'm sick to see costantly people keep suiciding to spawn nearby where they want, loot in a few minutes despite those taken half an hour/ an hour to do it. it's stupid. Just a few adjustemt and we are going to reduce the amout of automatic weapons in whole game. It's frustrating that anytime and anywhere you are going to meet players geared up with automatic stuff, and i don't want to wake up at 6.00 AM or having a team that clones his stuff (3 clans in my country does it, it's sad). Please do something to reduce this such ridicolous amount of geared special forces in the game. Is no more a surival sand box game....It's like playing a real ARMA with all players equipped!
Hello I wish to have your opinion if this episode has been a desync or cheating, because on over 1000 hours of game i've never experienced at this: I was playing in a server of my own country, good ping and smooth, the game toolbar works smothly and weapons get handled quite immidiently. I were on Dubki on "NIGHT SERVER", on one of the highest buildings looking at Balota, the one that is most at west! I was on prone posiotion and i'm pretty sure none knew my position and I was looking at the ladder in that moment. I've got hit like 4 consecutive times without a miss. 4 clear shots hit my flesh without timing between each shot.....it wasn't like uhm....it wasn't like TUM - TUM - TUM, it was TUMTUMTUMTUM . And no gun sounds So i tought..."what the f? The closest and higher building is at 300 metres! How can you shoot a prone target without miss an hit and with a Scope that does not zoom?" There is only one building close to mine at the same altitude, but because of the prone position, you can't spot clearly a guy. So what i've done was contact the Clanserver owners and they checked all logs and they also detected the author of the kill and it wasn't a new name for me. It was better if i didn't knew it because i had a suspicius of cheating in a previous game session with that guy. The Server owners said that he killed me with a winchester and later the same guy has been killed by one of them when leaving a building. But they know that guy and it's a nice one. The multiple hits on the flesh are because of a desync error. Is that true? Because as that player belong to a clan wich is twinning to the server owners, i was afraid was some sort of cover. Does this kind of Desync exist? If it was one shot and kill....ok i was fine! But if get multiple hits in that way and admins says that it was a winchester that killed me i have a doubt.
Ok. i'll try at this. Any other stuff to increase the graphic for the GPU instead of the CPU?
i didn't cared about the temperature to be honest. But i don't see this great improvement of performance. i was fine before, where everything was precached and loader rather than step by step. And my PC is long way better than the pc used on the first 0.60 video while on testing done by Hicks. Game is now stuttering everytime that have to loading few stuff.
hell....42 views and neither a comment? :-/
Hello, Yesterday i've downloaded the 0.60 stable and i have to admit that the perfomance increase exist for me, but not that much. I've noticed that the main difference between this patch and the 0.59 are the loadings of objects and details on the CPU. I've noticed that the 0.59 had lot frame drops, but all buildings, objects and trees were entirely loaded but for the cost of an huge FPS drop. While on 0.60 is working different. While i'm looking to a point and scroll the mouse a few around i notice how the game is smooth, but when do i have to approach and load details over details the game start to stutter. And it's quite frustrating because your movement aren't smooth at all. I moved from Karmanovka to Turovo and then not a big city! ....a small town area with few buildings and trees, stutterings over stutterings because the details of all we do have around are loaded step by step, while in 0.59 were all in once and my charachter was moving smooth but with some fps drop. My details are around medium, something is high and something is low...off course shadows are low. On any game the shadows are the things that takes bandwith. The starting string before exectuing the game has been canceled, because i heard it was not working anymore and was reducing the performance. CPU: AMD FX 8350 4.00 ghz (equal as performance to an i7 2600k) . 8 gb ram ddr3 1600 mhz, Nvidia GTX 970 (changed this month, i came from an ATI 7870). Win 7 business edition 64. Anyone is having stuttering problem aswell? I'm not having fun of the game if the charachter stutters EDIT: I moved to Svetlo.....Game stutters and fps drops, until he loads everything then it's fine. The main centre of svetlo i've taken few seconds to load everything and having the game smooth. But all of the path i did to run to the centre of the town i had lagg and stuttering.
Similar thread i did yesterday: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/227545-set-lock-spawn-to-players-for-24h/
The thing about hiding the body is situational. If i do have a friend with me, he's going to dress out all my body and then i go back to re-loot again. Maibe the idea as said above by Leader.one is the most balanced. As one time, when you were to swap to each server, more minutes were added to each log in. In my opinion it should be do the same also when you do suicide every time in the timeline of 1 hour: First death: 30 secs Second Death: 1 min Third Death: 2 mins Fourth Death: 4 Mins Fifth Death: 6 mins Up to a maximum of Five and 6 as maximum minutes....each death raise the time of spawning by double it. ....30, 1 min, 2 min, 4 mins etc...