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About greasmonkey

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  1. greasmonkey

    Improvised Rifle Scope

    No, you would have to calibrate it and that would be incredibly difficult I assume, considering how powerful the ingame binoculars are
  2. Riding a bike through tall grass/loose mud/dirt is not energy/time efficient on a bike. Also, crashing when you run over a gopher hole is fairly unpleasant. Losing a car in a patch of mud and needing to tow it out is also incredibly inconvenient, yet probable, considering the weather. I don't care if you go through the lengths of mapping unnavigable patches of terrain, as this is a rather unreasonable demand, however making it so that the vehicle only goes as little as twice as fast the sprint speed would be enough to make people think twice before cutting through some completely random part of the map in their priceless car/bike.
  3. greasmonkey


    Sorry about the error in grammar. This is true in most parts of the world today, however most animals that would have been able to survive carrying diseases now would not survive in the wilderness. And saying that there is a benefit derived from purifying rainwater is inaccurate, unless you live near an active industrial area.
  4. greasmonkey


    "I think it's ethically questionable to implement smoking in a video game, plus it takes away development time from more important feature such as: Vehicles, underground bases, path finding, cannibalism and necrophilia." Smoking weed maybe, but popping some amphetamines might increase your ability to run. But smoking a tabaco would be cool as long as it wasn't tied to a character enhancement
  5. greasmonkey

    Mouse sensitivity and FOV settings menu change.

    On the fly adjustment of these settings should be made a lot easier. I find it very helpful to change these setting when when transitioning from traveling to looting to shooting.
  6. greasmonkey

    Locked doors

    You have my beans. Though using a crowbar should be faster. Also: lockpicks could be made from almost anything and are incredibly useful
  7. greasmonkey


    I was being sarcastic. You would need to be an idiot to drink from a pond, and doing so should make you sick no matter how much water purification chemcials you use in it. Drinking from streams however should always be safe if there are no dead zombies upstream. As BigMike mentions boiling/evaporating water is a great way to purify it. It would be nice if you could passively evaporate water à la http://www.instructables.com/id/Water-Purification/ (this also works with a tarp. It doesn't need to be transparent it just needs to slope downwards.)
  8. greasmonkey

    Grappling Hooks and Climbing

    I don't like the idea of a grappling hook, but I think ropes would be great to aide climbing buildings. http://www.wikihow.com/Climb-Buildings Here you could climb up with just a gun an a can of beans in your pockets. If you tried to go up with a backpack or anything too heavy when you should transition from the pipe to the roof/gutter you instead fall and die.
  9. greasmonkey


    Why would one get sick from drinking from ponds?
  10. greasmonkey


    Just add the ability to leave it on the ground and pick it up later. This would take way too long irl, unless you had some sort of funnel
  11. greasmonkey


    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/31/climber-survives-1000-foo_n_816175.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling_(accident)#Height_and_severity Didn't mean for that title to be posted. All jokes aside this is absurd. Falls from five feet shouldn't be fatal.
  12. greasmonkey

    Cooking ammo and timed explosives

    In Dayz I want to be able to put bullets on a stove and have them go off after a fixed period of time to create a distraction/diverstion, so I can make loud noises as a distraction to allow escape or flanking. Also, timed explosives or trip wires for gernades would be useful if implemented correctly. Similar to but with a smaller/cooler fire so it takes longer for them to go off Also