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Bob Stookey

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About Bob Stookey

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    Terminus, Stuck inside a train cart.
  1. Bob Stookey

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    As much as I adore DayZ and have since the mod days, I've struggled to cope with the standalone. Shitty controls, bad optimzation, glitcher's and hacker's, etc. Yes, the game is in alpha, yes the game is far from complete. But I don't understand how the game just keeps getting worse and worse with every single fucking update. Oh and the rate of the updates.. are absolutely appalling. How long has it been since the last update? Not to mention, was that update even worth it? HELL NO! 0.42/43 was the worst shitty update EVER. DayZ is severely lacking content, The progression of the game is becoming very slow. I've just got that feeling that, Dean has given up already and that now he's earned his bazillion amounts of money, he's done. Especially with H1Z1 coming out by a big triple A company who can push updates out out their ass 24/7 and look to have a terrific dev team who are interacting alot more with the community than Dean does. We all know, Dean doesn't care about us or other 'killer' games coming out, he only cares about himself and that's how it's always been. But we'll see when H1Z1 comes out and you lose half of your players (including me), we'll see. Put your butt into 6th gear and show us why DayZ is the best survival game out there. DayZ for me, is the best survival game out there atm, but I doubt it will remain that way once Sony release their game. You can say "oh it's another WarZ" but I beg to differ. SOE are a massive multi $$$ company. they have the dollar and they also have way more experience, just look at Planetside 2.
  2. Bob Stookey

    bird hack is out! wtf!?

  3. Bob Stookey

    Want to See Molotovs in This Months Update

    1. Well, alcohol tinctures are in the game already. Could be used quite easily. 2. Doesn't matter about spot on realism does it? I think OP made a pretty cool suggestion. Letting an area burn for a few seconds or minutes would work really well, just like the mod. Obviously the fire spread would need to be a reasonable, but I think this could really be well done, if done correctly.
  4. Bob Stookey

    Want to See Molotovs in This Months Update

    Love this idea, it makes perfect sense. Kinda reminds me of The Last Of Us. Come the next update, we should really test out the physics system, see if there's any bugs, and basically get used to the system. Then move on to molotovs and whatnot. I really like this idea, though.
  5. Bob Stookey

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    I bought standalone quite late, a few weeks ago actually. I can tell you now. I'm having the best gaming experience I've had in a long, long time. DayZ just oozes intensity. I usually play on my own and whenever I see a squad of players or even just a single man, my heart starts going ape shit. No game has ever made me feel this way (except from back in the call of duty GB days when the score was 3-3 and you had to clutch.) But even still, I think DayZ is far more intense than that. Yeah sure, the game has bugs, there's hackers, etc. But I'm pretty sure most of the bugs and glitches will be eliminated in the upcoming patches. There's also the excitement of waiting for a new update to come out. Hell, I'm actually pretty excited for the next update coming out actually, sounds promising as to what I've read! So far I give the game an 8.3 out of 10. It will probably be 10 soon, no doubt about that :P
  6. Bob Stookey

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    Vehicles will be rare and will be hard to repair/fix up. Especially with how the loot is going to work in the future. I'm game with the odd vehicle or two, but when it starts getting crazy, that's when it starts getting crappy and boring. I hope vehicles will be super hard to find and even more harder to repair.
  7. Bob Stookey

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    An RV would fit in perfectly imo. It would be pretty sweet if you could actually walk around inside the RV (don't know if that's possible with DayZ) or maybe climb up some ladders to the top of the roof. Sitting on top of an RV with a pair of binoculars, scouting out a highway, Dale style from TWD!
  8. Bob Stookey

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Quality screenshot man. I've actually gone ahead and set this as my desktop background :)