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About Elgen

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Elgen

    Where the F#%@ am I?

    No option for wetting your finger and feeling the wind?
  2. Elgen

    Dayz Standalone Youtubers

    Check out frankie
  3. Elgen

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    Hello. i have had the same problem. Just a few days ago i had a magazine just like yours. Killed a guy who seemed to spray endlessly with an m4 towards me. To my luck he was 100m+ away from me, and i got away pretty easy. I decided to go against the odds and turned around behind a tree and got my mosin up. Fired at him at like 200 meters and got him twice in the chest. Ran to the body to discover a fully kitted m4 with a hideous amount of bullets. Im talking in the millions class, no joke. Took the mag straight away into my backpack and while i was hiding the body i got shot from what sounded like an AK. The sound never stopped as the bullets poured in while i was behind the tree. Tried to get a shot on the guy, but the bullets were too close on hitting. As i was unable to do anything he came closer and at last killed me. Im sure he spent 300 rounds+ without stop. My guess is that its a glitched mag on the AK too. However. I restarted right outside on the field northwest of Vybor. I had the normal starting gear and a glitched mag for an m4 in my pants. (The very same as the one i had in my backpack before i respawned). Found a bush and tried to drop it. It wouldnt go. I then proceeded to another server and spawned the same. Changed to a private server and spawned on the beach. Played there for some time and went on an official server again. Now its all fine. Strange thing is, ive never seen a glitched AK mag before, and not that many bullets in a m4 mag. Sure, ive seen thousands, but this was millions, if not hundreds of millions. Wish i could provide a picture for you, but i was under alot of stress and it simply didnt cross my mind at the time. thanks.
  4. Elgen

    poems from apocalypse

    Hello. id like to make a contribution aswell. once i shot a newcomer directly at the legs he said the was a strict loner and then he lost his eggs. I then proceeded farther north through forests and a field i raided cities and took whats worth and met this man named Neil Neil was new, and really really angry as i had shot him in the nuts i told him he was mangy and that his girlfriend was a slut Neil got mad and told me "dang" As i laughed upon my ace i raised my gun and it said "bang" Directly to his face. Sporter isnt useable against enemies or foes. Handcuffs is abuseable On everyone i know. The last i checked a couple of weeks Neil didnt play. he probably got a fist to his cheek and decided not to stay. Thank you.
  5. Elgen

    Primary disappearing when drinking

    yeah, ive had that happen to me too, but ive always found them. Besides, i was 30 min+ at the same spot before it disappeared, shouldnt it be at the same spot even if it was desync? Is there other possibilities than desync?
  6. Elgen

    Primary disappearing when drinking

    What you are saying may be true, Frosty, but i thought it was ment to be possible? Its logical that one weapon is going to the ground when climbing a ladder, but its as much logical to carry one in your arms while another is at your back too. i really dont see it as a exploit. still, exploit or not, any explanation on why the weapon disappears?
  7. Hello. recently ive lost a couple of weapons, but was not sure how i managed to lose them. I'll explain. i usually run around with two primaries. A Mosin and a short-range weapon. Mosin on the back and the other in my arms. However, yesterday i was sniping a heli-crash spot just south of NWAF, and had to drink to get fully hydrated. I did not drop my AKM before pressing the "drink all" and thats when it happened. When i was done drinking, i had lost my AKM, and only had a mosin left. I also checked a 50meter radius of where i was, and it cant be delay of the server as i had camped a good 30-40 minutes before this happened. I also searched the spot i was sitting 5-10 times over a 30 min total. Can anyone explain this? Havent heard of it before. also, have not made a bug-report as ive been unable to recreate the bug so far. thanks in advance.
  8. Elgen

    Helicopter crash site question

    Hello. ive found four crashes. One just a hundred metres south of NWAF. One between NWAF and vybor, one at the northern end of NWAF and one between cherno and balota. :-)
  9. this is also very true, but its more rare to see a good admin than a bad one. Anyones who's played in any gaming community knows this. btw, love your name on this forum. Favourite Z movie for sure!
  10. Well, that depends on where in the story you are. Before the restart we broke one leg, one arm, high cap vest, jacket, pants and everything inside of it. After the restart everything was worn or better - mostly pristine! :-)
  11. As much as what you're saying is true, when i play i always choose a server with people between 20 and 30 people. Believe it or not, but yesterday it was rather few on the official servers. Maybe due to the rash restarting of private servers the last couple of days? And to serverhopping upon restart? I dont really get how people think its fun to hop around from server to server. Half the fun is getting the unexpected loot and the other half is the player encounters!
  12. Hello. So, yesterday me and a buddy were at Vybor and decided to raid the military base. With all the KOS happening lately we went really careful in, checking every inch of the base before starting looting the area. When we're all set and ready to move out we hear a whizz and a huge BLAM, indicating a player is really nearby. Luckily neither me nor my friend gets hit, but we run like the devil is on our ass towards the wall. Standing there for like 10 minutes without seeing anything we start moving around the base, outside of the wall so we got some cover if shit is going down. for another five minutes or so we scout around the area. Noone to be seen. We decide to back a little bit off, and then a yellow chain of doom appears. Two seconds later my buddy gets shot in the chest and legs, we yet again rush to the wall for some cover and then i see the enemy. He's inside one of those green watchtowers! Having a AK myself and a buddy with a M4 we just spray the whole goddamn tower seeing bloddspurts all over the place. my mate just reaches the tower to confirm death, then the "no message" comes. Sure, no prob, my mates is gonna get his equipment back, and the serveradmin will spawn in the tower. I login as soon as i can to the server and raise my AK to the entrance of the little watchtower at once. To secs later i can see the admin right besides one of the barracks. My friend logs in too, and now were behind the wall, with the admin right on the other side. then the funny part. Out of fucking nowhere, a guy comes sprinting towards the admin, emptying a whole fucking clip into his face. We have bo idea where this dude even came from, so me and my mate stay on each our side of an entrance, waiting for him to loot and then, "bambambam". Dude goes cold in just a second, and has a AK, drum mag and about 200 spare rounds. Winrar! :-D now, long fucking story, but im a little interested in how the spawning works with the admin restarting a server. So far, i believe if a admin restarts the first time, the server time goes back around 120-160 seconds, making the admin and all other players come to life again if they were killed in that period. But when the server restarted, the admin died within 60 seconds of the server getting back up again. What happens to the admin now? Hope this was a nice little read and i thank you for your time.
  13. Hello. this is actually a very good point Gibonez. I wonder if the devshave any plans for this. It would make the pistols and all the other short and small-sized weapons come more often in handy. Now its all about firepower. What person uses a sidearm when he got a AK on his back? :-)
  14. Elgen

    anyone having problems with the AKM?(accuracy)

    Hello. ive tried the akm for some days now and i find it to my liking not to use the scope at all. I believe the scope wobbles alot more than the iron sights on the weapon. that being said ive killed around 10 people with it now and it usually takes only two-three rounds to get them down. Me and a pal both opens salivas of two rounds when we go for the kill shot, and have not really missed anything so far. i would say the akm hits 50 % of the shots fired toward your target. When shooting at 100m or more the spread obviously goes up. Mind that all my kills were 40-120m. Preferable distance with the AKM to my liking is 60-70m. It really gets your target down and rather kills them instead of getting them unconscious. I have never needed to double tap any of my targets when using the AKM. hope this helped.
  15. Elgen

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Hello. I can also confrim the AKM with all attachments and the 30rnd mag. The only thing i have yet to find is the 75rnd drum mag. thanks.