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Everything posted by sled74

  1. I don't mind the stronger/faster zeds, but does every one need to be the hulk. I was running full sprint out of a town and was passed by one and he was jumping over the shrubs on the side of the road. The other day I was outside of the tent area at the NW airfield being chased by 4 and did a turn back at the trees, they kept going so I ran back to loot only to have them spawn at the gates in front of me - I died. Was also killed while on the roof of the police station by a zed that was waving its arms down on the street. Maybe the zombies should have different speeds/strengths/amounts of hits to kill/intelligence/eye sight/hearing. Hopefully the glitches will be taken care of soon, give the melee weapons a random chance of killing on first/second hit. Add more zeds but reduce the respawn time, 30 min to an hour would make it more realistic. In real life if you clear an area new ones would not magically appear but the chance of wanderers/ones attracted by noise from other areas is possible. After the wall problem is fixed possibly have random spawn points inside buildings for them as well, would get the heart going when you open doors, and could be a pleasant surprise for the KOS campers.