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About desolace1

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  1. desolace1

    why it makes new character when joining server

    Restarting game doesn't fix it for me. My 1st character was on 3PP as every server i'm trying to join is 3PP. I don't know why my 1st character in main menu has "customize character" option but my 2nd character has "rename" instead. All server infos show only my new character as alive. Can i delete my characters somehow? Cus something looks bugged af.
  2. Yesterday i made my first character and played on some random public server (OFFICIAL tab). I didn't die i logged off. Today i wanted to play, joined another random public server and.. i spawned as fresh. It created a new character, now i have 2 characters in main menu. No matter what server i try to join i start with the new character. Even if i click my character from yesterday and click play it shows EMPTY server list even tho it shows 100 servers found. WTF is this? It's so annoying, i can't play ;_;
  3. desolace1

    unplayable ofc

    It's not hard, it's stupid and unrealistic. In real life you die after 5min in rain? Or your fireplace lasts only 3min? So you can't move and search for loot because there is a super deadly rain? lol. When i look at all these extremely negative steam reviews after 4 years then i have a bit different opinion about the direction this game is going. But some fanboys will always say its perfect no matter how shit would be the game.
  4. desolace1

    unplayable ofc

    What the hell is wrong with this game? Im back after 1-2 years (playing since EA start) and I can't even survive with any character (made like 30 or more, playing whole day). Im dying of fking rain and starvation because 5min in rain and im hypothermia wtf? Really? Loot is total shit, can't find food anywhere, especially when it rains so i can't even move around. If i make a fireplace i have to camp there forever because it ends in 2min ofc. Why the hell a fresh spawn player has to be hungry at the start? The weather is horrible too, there is no sun in the game anymore or what? Huge wind and rain all the time.. Sorry but for me this game was better in 2013 than now, i could at least play it somehow. Maybe if you find all the stuff and gear up but seriously, as fresh spawn you start in fking forest and you are already hungry + damp cus of rain. You have no weapon if you find a village you have to clear zombie and search for items but 90% buildings are empty or have useles crap. This is ridiculous.
  5. desolace1

    Minimizing spawning time

    Lol i removed -nopause from launch option and problem solved..
  6. desolace1

    Minimizing spawning time

    I had -nopause assigned all time. I didn't change anything and some time ago i noticed that it happened.
  7. desolace1

    Minimizing spawning time

    Hi i have a problem when i switch server and i have to wait for example 60 seconds. A few months ago if i minimized dayz, countdown worked properly and i could join server. Now if i minimize dayz when i have 60 seconds to spawn, i still have 60 seconds when i come back. What happened, please any tips how to fix that cuz it's annoying to look at black screen for 60 seconds or more, each time you switch server.
  8. desolace1

    how to alter voice in dayz

    I have Morph but how to check if it works ingame cuz i can't hear my own voice?
  9. desolace1

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I have Gorka Pants, TTsKO Jacket, Balistic Helmet, and UK Assault Vest, no boots, no face mask, no gloves. And all time i have Hyperthermia, wtf.. Loot in 0.49 is funny too, some places are totally empty but other places can be full of loot, 15 maps, 20 tools, 10 clothes, and some food e.g. 3x Rice, fruits. I found about 10 fireaxes and 5 splitting axes in one place.
  10. desolace1

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I have to play without boots, gloves, hat and jacket, because i have all time hyperthermia, please fix it.. It's not Egipt, even in real life if it is hot you can stand it, In Chernarus is Autumn no 40C or winter and snow, for now you can't gear up your character the way you want, and many clothes are useless. And you have to run barefoot wtf :facepalm:
  11. Please fix that bugged zombies.. I'm not sure but it seems to me that after 0.49 is even worse. Yesterday i played with my friend, we were in Sobor, two cities, we didin't use guns, only mele weapons. Why zombies are aggroing from 7856932879046 kilometers, from half map, wtf. We were hidden behind buildings, and we kill one zombie with axe, and after 10 sec, the next 5 zombies came from nowhere.. WTF. Maybe it could be not that big problem, if these zombies would not be so bugged.. Always when i was fighting with them, same tactic, moving around them and hit them on the back. But now? Even if i'm behind them, they can hit me! We had a lot of rags,bandages yesterday and we died both with my friend. Cuz many zombies coming from nowhere, you can't dodge thier attack cuz they're bugged, every time we were bleeding and we used all rags,bandages, the rest was ruined, we had all ruined, cuz all their fking attacks were tricked. And now, the best part. We lost all bandages, rags and we had to find something in New or Old Sobor. Hah! no problem, two big cities, for sure we'll find any bandages or shirts/bandanas for rags. And what happened? We checked ALL houses, all buildings, whole two cities and we didin't find even one fking shirt, only pants, boots etc. and we died. Ok that was maybe bad loot, we were unlucky, but the moral of the story is one: Do something with rags,bandages. More of them should spawn, and it should be possible, to make rags from pants, etc. Because why not? You can tie them and stop the bleeding, even in real life, meterial is suitable. Next thing, of course zombies. Do something with that stupid aggroing from half map and fix thier invisible attacks, or when they are turned away and they do attack, even if you are behind or 5 meters away, they hit you. Really annoying. I don't grumble, first minutes it was funny, and really that was survival, finally zombies became a stronger opponent you should to be afraid, we spent about 15min in that city, full server but the biggest problem, was zombie :P and how to survive thier attack BUT it's no longer funny, if they hit you every time when it is not possible, cuz they hit air and they are reversed, it's not funny if they destroy your last rags, clothes and all items inside because they have a super magic power and even if they don't hit you, they hit you. :facepalm: Second situation on stabble 0.48, (tactic move around to avoid and hit zombie still worked so i didin't lost many blood) when i was in small city, i was attacked by 2 zombies so i ran away to a nearby forest and i kill them. After 5 seconds another zombie attacked me, i have no idea where he came from, after 10 seconds another 3 zombies and a moment of silence and peace. I wanted to log out but.. next 2 zombies, again came from nowhere, and again, again, again, i spent 10 minutes under a tree and finally i could log out.. I fought only with fireaxe. WTF with that aggroying. I know it's alpha but instead of adding new weapons or anything other, fix the main, general bugs.\
  12. desolace1


    Please add bicycles before cars. It's not as much work as when making other vehicles, and it would be amazing cuz now it's run simulator. Imagine that you run a long way in dayz, and finally you have spotted a bike standing by the fence or one of the houses in dayz And you can get on him and ride, travel further or with your friend sitting in the back ;D Please don't forget to add this.
  13. desolace1

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    All day i try to join any experimental server, all are empty, 0 players. From time to time, one server works and you can join but after 1-2 min, all players are disconnected. WTF.. fix that..
  14. desolace1

    Fps drop and jump

    Hi i bought dayz yestarday but i have a problem with fps. Normally i have 20-90 fps it's huge difference and i'm experiencing fps jumps. It depends on when i move camera, for example i can stay and look around, and i see: 90, 50, 30, 60, 90, 20, 40 fps. I tried to put all on low but there is no much difference between low or high. All time i have huge fps jumps and drops to ~20fps and i feel little lags. All other games works properly, i checked temperatures and made few diagnose tests, and there are no problems with my pc. My friends have older pc than mine and they have no problems with fps. Any tips? I'll be very grateful. -Win 7 64bit -8 GB RAM -Intel Core i5-3450S, 2.80GHz -AMD Radeon HD 7870